Hamline Family Newsletter
September 21-25, 2020
A Note From Principal Reilly
Below there are many resources for you to click on to find answers, and you can always go to our webpage, https://www.spps.org/hamline to fill out a form(highlighted in yellow at the top of page), telling us what you need. We look through this form everyday and will reach out quickly. Please send us pictures of your children engaged in their work. We would love to post them in upcoming newsletters.
We appreciate your patience and grace as we all do our best to make the most out of this unique time. As always, thank you for sharing and trusting your children with us. It is a privilege we do not take for granted.
Principal Reilly
Principal Reilly
Assistant Principal Ewald
Inquiry Corner - Tom
Distance Learning Resources
About Hamline Elementary
Website: hamline.spps.org
Location: 1599 Englewood Ave, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-293-8715
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hamlineelementaryschool
Twitter: @HamlineElem
Ms Lynnette
Stefanie Morgan - Fourth Grade Teacher
This will be my first year teaching at Hamline Elementary and is my second year working in St. Paul Public Schools. In my classroom, I strive to create a learning experience that is both culturally relevant and embedded in the truth that everyone has a voice and your voice will be heard because everyone matters!
Cassandra Stiff - Science Teacher
I am the new science teacher this year. I am excited to inquire, explore, and discover new things in our world around us.This is my 2nd year teaching in St. Paul, but I have been in education for going on 13 years now. I have taught in a total of 7 states and have made Minnesota my permanent home with my family, my husband and 2 kids.
Inquiry Corner
Reminder to fill out the annual iUpdate student form at Campus Parent. It is important we have updated contact information so you will receive update from the school. If you need any help with your login or password, email karen.azen@spps.org or leave a message at 651-744-4287.
Hamline Family Compact
All school documents can be translated or interpreters made available upon request
Todos los documentos pueden ser traducidos o interpretados oralmente si usted lo solicita
Tej ntaub ntawv tom tsev kawm ntawv uas xa los rau nej, peb yuav pab txhais thiab nrhiav neeg txhais lus rau nej yog nej hais qhia peb
Dhammaan dukumiintiyada iskuulka waa la turjumi karaa ama waxaa la heli karaa turjumaan haddii la codsado
Karen (Due to formatting this translation is pasted in as an image)