Healthy Choices Bulletin
Nov/Dec 2024
Oregon Department of Education Releases Opioid Lessons and Updated Toolkit
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA), the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and staff from the Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission (ADPC) have partnered to create required Synthetic Opioid Prevention annual lessons and update the Fentanyl Toolkit for Schools to support educators, administrators, school nurses, students and families in response to the rising youth and adult opioid overdoses and deaths in Oregon.
These resources help ensure Oregon students have accurate information and develop skills to avoid harmful substances, minimize use and reduce harm.
Portland Public Schools will be incorporating these lessons into the current health curriculum in grades 6, 7 and 8 and in high school health in the following sequence;
- 6th grade: As part of the Substance Use and Abuse Prevention Unit, Unit 3, Lesson 12
- 7th grade: As part of the Mental and Emotional Health Unit, Unit 3, Lesson 5
- 8th grade: As part of the Substance Use and Abuse Prevention Unit, Unit 1, Lesson 9
- High School: Health 1 As part of the Substance Use and Abuse Prevention Unit, Unit 3, Lesson 9
Youth Video Contest
Calling PPS High School Creators and Teachers! - Win Up to $250 by Making a Short Fentanyl Awareness Video
Song for Charlie invites Oregon high school students (ages 14-18) to participate in a PSA Video Contest. Create a social media-ready 15-90 second video about the dangers of fentanyl and the importance of family conversations about drug awareness. You have a chance to win up to $250, plus additional awards through drawings. Teachers who refer students are also eligible for awards.
Ready to Make a Difference?
Create a 15-90 second PSA video about fentanyl awareness and the importance of family conversations. Show your creativity, raise awareness, and make an impact!
No Vape November is a great time share resources and information about the dangers of vaping and electronic cigarettes. Vaping is the number one substance related discipline violation in PPS, which is why we continue to focus on education and prevention. Please see the resources below - click on images for more information.
Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Young Adults
Multnomah County Vaping Resources Survey
In addition, PPS is partnering with Multnomah County to better understand the needs around youth vaping prevention and cessation.
All response data will be separated from respondents' email addresses and kept confidential. Information will only used by program staff to improve the County's youth tobacco prevention and cessation efforts. Please complete the survey by Friday 11/22/24. Click here to access the survey.
Need New Anti-Vape Posters for Your School??
Don't Lean on Nicotine is a media campaign to support vape prevention and cessation for youth 13-24 in Clackamas County, Multnomah County, and Washington County.
By texting go VAPELESS to 88709 youth can access the free, confidential, text-based resource - This is Quitting from the Truth Initiative. To request free materials for your school, please complete this form.
More Resources for Families - Talking About Vaping
This website has tools, tips and strategies for parents to be able to talk with their children at different ages about vaping, associated dangers, signs and symptoms.