LES Tiger Talk
Loveland Elementary Newsletter - January 17, 2025
Principal's Message
LES Parents,
Well, we made it through a full week of school! This winter weather has certainly been giving us a run for our money! Our tiger cubs have been hard at work this week taking their iReady winter benchmark assessments in both reading and math. They will be wrapping those up next week, and we will let you know when we will be posting the parent reports on tigerparent.me.
Just a reminder that we are collecting pop can tabs for our compassion project for January. We will be donating them to the Ronald McDonald House.
There will be no school on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Enjoy your weekend!
Jen Forren
LES Principal
Order Your Yearbook Today
Deadline to order is March 28th. Order online ybpay.com Yearbook ID Code: 8789625
Reminder for all of our families regarding Electronic Communication Devices
We thought that following the holidays, when it is possible that some of our students received cell phones/smart watches as presents, that we should remind everyone about the district policy regarding electronic communication devices for grades K-6.
Grades K-6: The use of cell phones (which would include smart watches used for communication purposes) by students in grades K-6 is strictly prohibited at all times. Cell phones must be turned off and stored in backpacks or lockers throughout the school day.
Further information can be found in the Student Handbooks. Thank you for your support!
Kindness Council Updates
January & February: Pull Tab Collection for The Ronald McDonald House
Blurb for Families/Tiger Talk/Announcements
For our January/February Compassion Project, which will be collecting Pop Can Pull Tabs for The Ronald McDonald House. They recycle the pull tabs and use the money to pay for utilities for their buildings. The Ronald McDonald House is a wonderful establishment that helps families who loved ones have an extended stay at Cincinnati Children's. Last year we were able to donate 205 pounds of pull tabs!! We will be collecting pull tabs from January 3rd to February 29th. Pull tabs can be turned in to your child's teacher or given to Mrs. Westerman in Room 100!!
Dates to Plan Ahead
- January 20 - MLK - NO SCHOOL
- February 5 - Chipotle Dine and Donate
- February 6 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7:30 pm
- February 14 - Valentine's Day Parties
- February 17 - President's Day - NO SCHOOL
- February 25 - 4th Grade COGAT Testing
- March 7 - Teacher In-Service - NO SCHOOL for students
- March 24-28 - Spring Break
- April 18 - NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
- May 14 &15 - Spring Music Concerts
- May 19 - Spring Art Show
- May 23 - Last Day for Students
School Fees for 2024-2025
School Fees for the 2024-2025 school year have now been posted to tigerparent.me. Please note that the total due may include fees from previous years that remain unpaid. Please call (513) 683-4333 if you have any questions or need help setting up a payment plan.
2024-25 and 2025-26 District Calendars
Loveland Elementary School
Assistant Principal: Jane Miller
Counselor: Sarah Albani
Secretary: Colleen DiSanto
Heath Aide: Tabby Stinnett
To report an absence call (513) 697-3888 before 9:30AM
Email: disantco@lovelandschools.org
Website: lovelandschools.org
Location: 600 Loveland Madeira Road, Loveland, OH, USA
Phone: 513-683-4333
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LESTigers1/
Twitter: @LEStigers1