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Parent Newsletter Happy Spring!
"Creating a Community of Learners"
From the desk of Mrs. Harrison
As we progress towards the merry-month-of-May, I want to take time out to thank all of our families for your diligence in having your child(ren) to school on time, and well-prepared for learning each day. This both supports and optimizes our instructional goals for each child, and aids us in helping your child be as successful as he/she can. As we plunge into Spring, please make sure, too, to keep reading, reading, and reading some more with your child. High standards and expectations are the foundation of our school. It is with pride that we hold these high standards, and ask each of our families to commit to maintaining the extraordinary record of achievement and contribution that has been the legacy of Brooks Elementary. We are an exceptional learning community comprised of parents, teachers, students and administrators. Together, we can achieve anything!
As always, if I can be of any assistance, my door is always open. You can reach me at amy.harrison@cowetaschools.net or call my office at 770-683-0013.
Mrs. Harrison
Twitter: @BrooksBroncos
Facebook: Brooks Broncos
Testing Information from Mrs. Andrew:
Milestones testing will begin for 3rd and 5th graders April 16, 2018 and on April 23, 2018 for 4th graders. Third and fourth graders will take the ELA and math assessments and fifth grade students will take ELA, math, science, and social studies assessments. Testing will begin each day first thing in the morning.
If you would like to get an idea of what it will look like for your student, go to http://www.gaexperienceonline.com. This website allows a tutorial of what the format will look like and allows students to practice using some of the online tools offered. An official secure practice session will take place for all Coweta County students on March 20.
Other Milestones resources for parents and students can be found at http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Georgia-Milestones-Assessment-System.aspx and are also linked below:
Kinders looking for clovers...
Did I find one???
Examining the soil - Kinder-style!
Morning work with Mrs. Jackson
5th graders
Building Bridges through an Interdisciplinary Unit
Science Olympiad Team!
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad
Academic Bowl Team
Math with Mrs. Bonner
Numeration with place value models
Valentine's Day Math Fun!
Dr. Bone with Honors Chorus
From the Counselor's Desk
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
“PBIS is an evidence-based, data-driven decision making framework for establishing the social culture and behavioral supports needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students and staff.” Our schoolwide behavioral expections at Brooks are the 3 B’s: Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Your Best. Students may receive Bronco Bucks when they display the behavioral expectations. Our students are exposed to the 3B’s by watching BNN daily, classroom guidance lessons, and classroom lessons with their teacher.
News from the Media Center - Spring 2018
I would like to thank all those who visited our last book fair in February and helped in making it a huge success! Your patronage help us raise over $5000 in cash profit and book fair credit. I would like to personally thank my parent volunteers for that week: Kasey Bulford, Shelia Lionberger, Lorie Yoder, Lauren Wilson, Natalie Friedman and Jamie Bowne. They make book fair week so much easier and I do not know what I would do without their help!
Our BOGO book fair will be in May the week before school is out. This is one of the students’ favorite book fairs. Its a great opportunity to purchase books for summer reading, and everything is half price!!!
If you haven’t purchased a yearbook for this school yet, they will be on sale through April 23th. Just go to www.josten.com and order online or you can download an order form from our Brooks website http://www.cowetaschools.org/brooks/
Yearbooks should arrive in May and will be distrubuted soon after. There will be extra copies that can be purchased but supplies will be limited.
Thank you for your continued support of Brooks Media Program!
Sherry Copeland
Media Specialist
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” Richard Steele
March - May Events
*March 19th: Spring Fling Varsity Meal forms are due today!
*March 22nd: TRACK MEET
*March 22nd: Madras Orientation for fifth grade students - 7:00 in the gym
*March 23rd: Spring Fling 80's Dance ( 6-8:00)
*March 28th: Popcorn and Pickles
*April 27th: COLOR RUN @ Brooks
*May 1st: Newk's SPIRIT NIGHT
*May 5th: 5th grade Musical "Willy Wonka"
*May 7th: Career Fair
*May 11th: FIELD DAY
*May 14th: ESOL "Spring Fling" picnic
*May 18th: "Slip-n-Slide"
*May 23rd: 2nd annual Senior Walk from Newnan and Northgate High Schools
*May 24th: Kindergarten - fourth grade awards' programs:
K: 8:15
1st: 9:30
2nd: 10:45
3rd: 12:00
4th: 1:15
*May 25th: 5th grade breakfast & Awards - Last Day of school:-)