Henry Hawk News
Week of March 15, 2021
A Message From The Principal
Dear Henry Families,
It was great to see our 6-8 hybrid students return to school this past week. We had no major issues and it was successful in large part because we had an opportunity to implement our reopening routines and protocols with our returning K-5 students. Thus, it was easier to integrate the middle school students in a relatively smooth manner. It was wonderful to see more students in the building and a bit weird to see some students again that are taller than some of us. While we are still far months away from seeing all our students back in the school at the same time, it is starting to feel like things are slowly but surely returning to some form of normal. We cannot thank everyone enough for their collaboration to ensure our school wide protocols are followed to keep everyone healthy and safe.
Don’t forget that the opt-in window will be available to students in all grades (grades Pre-K through 12) and will remain open for 1 more week. The families who have not yet returned to classrooms will be able to return Monday , April 19 — the first day of the 4th-quarter if you opt-in. Additionally, families who are already enrolled in classroom-based learning will not need to fill out the intent form to remain in-person.
The progress reports are being processed and they will be mailed through CPS Central Office. Please be sure that your address is updated by calling the office as we have received mail returned to the school. The promotion policy for benchmark grades (3rd, 6th, and 8th grade) is being finalized by the district so we should have an update soon. Also, summer opportunities for learning may be available and we will keep you updated as soon as we get more information.
Lastly, as weeks go by please, please don’t let your guard down and get too comfortable. Please make sure to wear your mask properly at all times, maintain social distance and clean/wash your hands frequently. We want our school to remain covid free and we can’t do it without everyone doing their part.
Remember to complete the screener for your child when they come to school every day.
Have a wonderful week!
Juan Gutierrez, Principal
Mary Ann Reynolds, Assistant Principal
Lora Abraham, Assistant Principal
What's New?
Friendly Reminders For Our Hybrid Students (same information as last week)
A Note From CPS Leadership (4th Quarter Opt-In Window for PreK -12) (NEW!)
Keeping Health and Safety Protocols Consistent Across Schools (NEW!)
March Madness College Week (NEW!)
CPS Health Screener Information (same information as last week)
Counselor's Corner (NEW!)
Friendly Reminders For Our Hybrid Students
Here are a few SUPER IMPORTANT reminders that need to be followed:
1. Complete the health screener BEFORE you arrive at school. This MUST be done EVERY morning before you can enter the building.
2. If you have a device at home that is from Henry you MUST bring it with you. Don't forget your charger, too!!!
3. Line up outside on the black top behind the Main Building. You'll see your homeroom number on the ground and dots to stand on to help keep you properly distanced. Don't arrive too early because you can't enter the Main Building until 8:15am.
4. INDOOR ARRIVAL: If it is raining you will enter through the auditorium and wait for the bell. Grades K-2 will wait in the cafeteria and grades PreK will wait in their classrooms.
5. Students are dismissed at 3:15pm. Please be prompt when picking your students up.
That's it for now :) We can't wait to see you on Monday. Get a good night's rest this weekend and be ready for a great rest of the school year!
Aquí hay algunos recordatorios SÚPER IMPORTANTES que deben seguirse:
1. Complete el examen de salud ANTES de llegar a la escuela. Esto DEBE hacerse TODAS las mañanas antes de que pueda ingresar al edificio.
2. Si tiene un dispositivo en casa que es de Henry, DEBE traerlo con usted. ¡No olvides tu cargador también!
3. Alinee afuera en la parte superior negra detrás del edificio principal. Verá su número de salón en el suelo y puntos sobre los que pararse para ayudarlo a mantenerse adecuadamente distanciado. No llegue demasiado temprano porque no puede ingresar al edificio principal hasta las 8:15 am.
4. LLEGADA A INTERIOR: Si está lloviendo entrará por el auditorio y esperará el timbre. Los grados K-2 esperarán en la cafetería y los grados PreK esperarán en sus salones de clases.
5. Los estudiantes salen a las 3:15 pm. Por favor sea puntual al recoger a sus estudiantes.
Eso es todo por ahora :) No podemos esperar a verte el lunes. ¡Descanse bien este fin de semana y prepárese para un gran resto del año escolar!
We encourage you to review the Reopening Videos. We will link the videos below.
A Note From CPS Leadership (4th Quarter Opt-In Window for PreK -12)
Dear CPS Colleagues, Families, and Supporters,
Our schools grew even more energized this week as students in grades 6-8 returned to their classrooms for the first time in a year. This means that as of now, all elementary school students who want to learn in person, along with our students in cluster programs, are back in school where they belong.
Even as we celebrate our students’ return, CPS remains focused on providing our high school students and students in academic centers with the option to return to school as well. Our high school reopening task force is meeting twice a week to create a reopening framework, and we are actively gathering feedback from our high school families, including through a town hall meeting held earlier this week. We thank all of the families who participated in this important conversation and hope to share an update on our high school reopening framework soon. To ensure more families have an opportunity to hear about the district’s reopening plans and to address some of the unanswered questions from our previous session, we are scheduling a second high school town hall for next Wednesday, March 17, from 5 - 6 p.m. Please register HERE by Tuesday, March 16.
Another virtual town hall — this one for elementary school families — is scheduled for Tuesday, March 16, from 5 - 6:30 p.m. This is a chance for families to ask questions, hear updates on how the reopening process is going, and share input on what they believe is working well and where improvements can be made. Register HERE to participate in this town hall.
Finally, a reminder that the opt-in window for Quarter 4 is now open for all students in grades Pre-K through 12. All CPS families who have not yet returned to school in person should have received an opt-in form this week. This form must be completed by Friday, March 19, and is the final opportunity families have this school year to choose in-person learning for their students. If you have not received an email, please call your school and update your contact information. We will send a reminder notification next week to parent email addresses in Aspen.
We thank you for your continued support and patience.
Janice K. Jackson, EdD Chief Executive Officer
LaTanya D. McDade Chief Education Officer
Chicago Public Schools
Keeping Health and Safety Protocols Consistent Across Schools
This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new guidance for people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. While we are encouraged by the progress we are making as a nation, we are not relaxing protocols in our buildings. All CPS facilities will maintain the same health and safety protocols including required face-coverings, daily temperature checks and health screenings, social distancing, and good hand hygiene. You can review the new CDC guidance here.
March Madness College Awareness Week
We are going to be doing a March Madness college awareness program with the whole school. Schools will be chosen based on the schools in the March Madness Tournament.
This is what the classrooms will be doing every day:
Monday: Homerooms pick a team and create a banner including school name and colors.
Tuesday: Add to banner the city and state of school.
· Talk to students about where you went to college.
Wednesday: Add to banner the school mascot.
Thursday: Add how many students are at the school.
Friday: Add when the school was founded. Have students wear school colors or college shirts.
Monday: Homerooms pick a team and create a banner including school mascot, colors, and date school founded.
Tuesday: Add to banner the city and state of school, population of city and school enrollment
· Talk to students about how the size of school and where a school is located impacted your college choice
Wednesday: Add to banner some of the programs that the university is known for, find out the requirements to get into the college like minimum GPA, classes needed in high school, extracurricular activities
· Talk about what you did to get into college.
Thursday: Add housing options to your banner. For example, dorms, apartments on and off campus, a Greek system.
· Talk about what type of housing arrangements you had.
Friday: Add a list of ways to pay for college to your banner. Have students wear school colors or college shirts.
· Talk about scholarships, loans, grants, work-study, and jobs.
· Talk about what you did to pay for college.
· Watch a school tour on youvisit.com
CPS Health Screener Information
Below are ways that you can access the Health Screener.
- Option 1: Click the button "CPS Health Screener". This will take you to the direct link.
- Option 2: Log into Parent Portal to receive your child's personalized Health Screener Link via text message (See directions in the diagram below.)
Chicago Public Schools is requiring all students, employees, and visitors to complete a daily COVID-19 health screener prior to arriving at any CPS school or facility.
Must be completed daily when students return.
Henry Hawk Weekly Update
Counselor's Corner
Hello Everyone,
March is Women’s History Month. There are lots of ways to celebrate this month with your children, both boys and girls. A great way to celebrate is by reading books about impactful women that will help inspire you and your child. These books will also teach your child to be brave and persistent, no matter the situation. Some of the women in these books are known and others are unknown, so it’s a wonderful opportunity to learn about some new women who have made history.
As a reminder, I want to make sure this information is meeting your needs, so please complete this survey as soon as you can:
If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. The best way to reach me is by email: mgarfinkel@cps.edu
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Garfinkel
Patrick Henry School
Mr. Gutierrez, Ms. Reynolds, and Mrs. Abraham
Website: patrickhenryes.cps.edu
Location: 4250 N St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773-534-5060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PatrickHenryHawks/
Twitter: @PatrickHenrySc1