Carol Stream Chronicles
September 15, 2024
📰 News You Can Use
🌱 🧠 It’s okay not to know. It’s not okay not to try. 🧠 🌱
🐾🏃🏻♀️ The PTA Fun Run is Almost Here! 🏃🏻♂️🐾
This is the last week to get your donations in for our Fun Run this Friday Sept, 20th 4:00-5:30pm! Come on out for some fun in the sun!
Follow this link to register:
🐾 NOTE: Students must be accompanied by an adult to all PTA events.
🛝 School Playground 🛝
Just a begins each morning at 8:45am. Doors open at 8:25am for students needing breakfast and at 8:35am for all students. ***Please be aware there is no adult supervision outside before 8:25am each morning. This includes at the playground.
After school, students should not be going to the playground unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. After checking in at home, children are welcome to come back to the playground if they have parent/guardian permission.
Congratulations, Officer Castro!
On Friday, all students and staff gathered outside to honor Officer Castro and wish him well as he retires from CCSD93. Our Carol Stream PTA helped all of our students and staff create a mural of their thumbprints to remind Officer Castro of the imprint he has made on our school community. Thank you to the Carol Stream Police Department, our Carol Stream PTA and to our staff and students for making this happen! Congratulations Officer Castro! You will be missed!
🪪 IDs Required 🪪
As a reminder, if you plan on volunteering or entering the school building during school hours, you will be asked for a state ID or drivers license. In addition, if you are picking your student up early, we are required to ask for ID (even if we know you) for verification purposes. Please be patient and bear in mind that we do this for the safety and security of all of our students. Please do not be offended when we ask for your ID as it is part of our security policy.
📝 Sign Up for Student-Led Conferences Starting 9/20! 📝
Student-Led Conferences are scheduled for the afternoons and evenings of October 9 and 10. They are a great opportunity for parents, students and their teachers to meet to discuss successes, areas for improvement and goalsetting for the year! Parents can sign up for these conferences through PTC Wizard starting at noon on September 20.
This year, signing up is easier than ever before: you don’t need to create a PTC Wizard account or add your children yourself. Instead, CCSD93 will send you your PTC Wizard login credentials by email, and your children will be automatically linked to your account. Make sure to follow the directions you receive at noon on September 20 to log in and sign up!
📝 ¡Regístrese para conferencias dirigidas por estudiantes a partir del 20 de septiembre! 📝
Las conferencias dirigidas por estudiantes están programadas para las tardes y noches del 9 y 10 de octubre. ¡Son una gran oportunidad para que los padres, los estudiantes y sus maestros se reúnan para discutir éxitos, áreas de mejora y establecimiento de metas para el año! Los padres pueden inscribirse en estas conferencias a través de PTC Wizard a partir del mediodía del 20 de septiembre.
Este año, registrarse es más fácil que nunca: no necesita crear una cuenta de PTC Wizard ni agregar a sus hijos usted mismo. En cambio, CCSD93 le enviará sus credenciales de inicio de sesión del Asistente de PTC por correo electrónico y sus hijos se vincularán automáticamente a su cuenta. ¡Asegúrate de seguir las instrucciones que recibirás al mediodía del 20 de septiembre para iniciar sesión y registrarte!
🚌 Obey Traffic Laws Near Schools & Buses 🚌
Student safety is our school’s highest concern. We've seen an increase in unsafe driving practices near our school and school buses in recent school years. For the safety of all of our students, all parents and other motorists driving near our school and school buses MUST:
Remain attentive and NOT use cell phones or personal devices while driving
Reduce speed to 20 mph when driving near a school between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Follow traffic patterns
Obey crossing guards
STOP when the stop sign arm of a school bus has been extended; to clarify, this means:
When traveling on two lane roadway with cars traveling in both directions, ALL CARS MUST STOP
When traveling on a one-way roadway, regardless of the number of lanes, ALL CARS MUST STOP
When traveling on four or more lane roadway with cars traveling in both directions, cars traveling in the same direction as the bus must stop
When in doubt, STOP
For more information on driving near school buses, view this document from the Illinois State Police website
Please take a moment to consider your driving practices near our school and buses and adjust your habits if necessary. Drivers who are observed by police participating in any of these unsafe practices will be pulled over and ticketed. We are all very busy, which can impact our driving habits, but the safety of our students must be our priority.
🚌 Obedezca las leyes de tránsito cerca de escuelas y autobuses 🚌
La seguridad de los estudiantes es la mayor desventaja de nuestra escuela preocupación. Hemos visto un aumento en prácticas de conducción inseguras cerca de nuestra escuela y de los autobuses escolares este año escolar. Para la seguridad de todos nuestros estudiantes, todos los padres y otros conductores que conducen cerca de nuestra escuela y de los autobuses escolares DEBEN:
Manténgase atento y NO use teléfonos celulares o dispositivos personales mientras conduce
Reduzca la velocidad a 20 mph cuando conduzca cerca de una escuela entre las 7:00 a.m. y las 4:00 p.m.
Siga los patrones de tráfico
Obedecer a los guardias de cruce
DETÉNGASE cuando el brazo de la señal de alto de un autobús escolar esté extendido; para aclarar, esto significa:
Cuando circule por una carretera de dos carriles con automóviles que circulan en ambas direcciones, TODOS LOS COCHES DEBEN PARAR
Al circular por una carretera de un solo sentido, independientemente del número de carriles, TODOS LOS COCHES DEBEN PARAR
Al viajar en una carretera de cuatro o más carriles con automóviles viajando en ambas direcciones, los automóviles que viajan en la misma dirección que el autobús deben detenerse.
En caso de duda, DETÉNGASE
Para obtener más información sobre cómo conducir cerca de autobuses escolares, ver este documento del sitio web de la Policía Estatal de Illinois
Tómese un momento para considerar sus prácticas de conducción cerca de nuestra escuela y autobuses y ajuste sus hábitos si es necesario. Los conductores que sean observados por la policía participando en cualquiera de estas prácticas inseguras serán detenidos y multados. ENTodos estamos muy ocupados y esto puede afectar nuestros hábitos de conducción, pero la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes debe ser nuestra prioridad.
🪴 Families Help Our Cheetahs Grow 🪴
Our goal is to help your child grow to be their best self in school each day. You can help your child’s growth at home too. This section of the Carol Stream Chronicles will give you suggestions, ideas, and tips on how you can support their growth outside of school.
We Are Responsible
One of the most important things you can do at home is to set up solid routines for your family. Students that follow routines are more likely to complete homework, get enough sleep, and develop healthy habits. Make a routine for getting ready for the day, afterschool, and bedtime. PBS Kids has some great resources to help your family with this. This will help your child grow into responsible adults!
📸 Follow us on Instagram! 📸
The Carol Stream Cheetahs are now on Instagram! 🐾 Follow us for all things Carol Stream School!
🐾 Use the QR Code or open Instagram and search for @cscheetahs and hit that follow button! See you there!
☎️ Communication ☎️
📌 As the school year kicks off, we know that also means cold and flu season is coming. Please remember to call the school office (630) 588-5400 to report a student's absence.
📌 If you need to change the way a student is going home, please call the office. Classroom teachers do not typically get to their email messages until after school. Calling the office will allow us to make sure students and teachers get notified of the change right away.
Help Wanted
🚨 We Need You! 🚨
Please Consider joining our Watch DOGS Program at CS for the 2024-2025 School Year!
We are excited to continue our Watch DOGS program for the 2024-2025 school year! This is a nationwide program that many schools utilize to help provide positive male role models for students while also providing an extra set of eyes and ears, teaming with us to keep all children safe and feeling important.
We are seeking male role models (dads, uncles, grandpas, big brothers, etc.) to sign up and commit to a day of the week/time to come into our building to interact with our students. If you have questions, please reach out to Mrs. Romano at (630) 588-5400.
CCSD 93 Events
Carol Stream School Improvement Plan
Our School Improvement Plan Focus for 2023-2024
Our School Improvement Plan for 2023-2024 has two goals:
In Math, at least 84% of students will meet or exceed projected growth by Spring 2024, according to the ECRISS Spring Growth Report. ***GOAL MET - 87% of students***
In ELA, at least 84% of students will meet or exceed projected growth by Spring 2024, according to the ECRISS Spring Growth Report. ***GOAL MET - 93% of students***
At least 75% of students will agree or strongly agree their social and emotional needs are being addressed. ***GOAL MET - 82% according to parents***
We plan to reach these goals by continuing to focus our efforts on the 3 Ps:
~ Perseverance ~ Problem-solving ~ Productive Struggle
🗓️ Upcoming Events & Dates to Remember
👀 Looking Ahead...
Friday, September 20th
- PTA Fun Run (4:00-5:30)
Monday, September 23rd
- PTA Dine Out at Sporty's (5:00-8:00)
Tuesday, October 1st
- Picture Day
Carol Stream PTA News
💙💛 CS PTA Board 💙💛
Nina Galto - President
Lauren Walsh - Vice President
Angie Hvorcik - Treasurer
Nicole Preisig - Secretary
🗓️ Upcoming Events & PTA Meeting Dates
*All PTA meetings and events are held at Carol Stream School unless otherwise noted*
🗓️ Mark your calendars! 🗓️
9/9 - PTA Meeting (6:30pm)
9/20 - Fun Run (4:00-5:30)
9/23 - Dine Out at Sporty's (5:00-8:00)
**Keep an eye out for communication from PTA about the upcoming Fun Run and Yard Signs!**
There are many ways to get involved...take a look below 👀
Glenbard Parent Series Information
GPS presents distinguished speakers for families, students and school staff, to inspire, connect and inform with research-based strategies that promote positive youth development. All are welcome!
Go to for the schedule and program links.