New Albany High School
Bi-Weekly Newsletter - November 5, 2019
Graduation Gown Donation Drive
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Choose notification preferences for the following:
Emergency & Attendance requires a phone and email to be selected
Other - This includes school closing and delay notifications and most other communications.
Balance - Negative lunch balance notifications
Survey - General surveys from the schools (not in use at this time)
ASVAB on November 6
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is the only career planning resource that allows
students to explore multiple paths to success - college, certificates, apprenticeships, licensure
programs, or the military - all in one place! It is a timed multi-aptitude test which assesses
a student's ability to learn new skills and is a predictor of success in training and education
programs regardless of post-secondary intention. The ASVAB provides valuable feedback for all
students whether they are considering military service or not!
This test is optional for all juniors and seniors and a permission slip signed by parent/guardian must be submitted to sit for the test. Click on the link to learn more.
2020 New Albany Eagle Yearbook - Order Now!
It is never too early to order the memories that will be with you for a lifetime. Although the year is new, make sure you have all of the memories that are part of the 2019-2020 school year simply by purchasing a 2020 yearbook that is currently in production. Sales are open now until May 1, 2020. To have a name stamped on the book cover, order no later than 30 April, 2020. Prices are as follows:
$70.00 until November 18
$75.00 until December 1
$80.00 after December 1 – until sales end May 1, 2020.
How to order The Eagle:
Go to www.yearbookforever.com and follow the simple instructions.
Please direct all questions concerning the yearbook to Mr. Thom Cross @ cross.1@napls.us
*** If you have not collected your yearbook from past years, please e-mail to arrange this.
School & College Counseling
- As of November 1st, counselors have processed 1,972 college applications for students. This is a November 1st record. This is an increase of 345 applications from last year at this point, even with having less senior students this year. Our staff wrote 441 letters of recommendation for students. Thanks to you all for your hard work and for helping our students.
- College representative visits are for students only.
- College visits are primarily for juniors and seniors as they begin to review their college options.
- You must be in good academic standing and obtain your teacher's permission to attend
- Pre-registration in Naviance is required to attend a college representative visit.
- Scheduled college representative visits are subject to change. Please check the calendar before a scheduled visit to confirm the session date and time.
- Click here to view current schedule.
New Albany High School PTO
SOAR Donations – The SOAR Leadership club organizes The Kindness Challenge and all school pep rallies. The NAHS PTO has offered to solicit supply donations needed to make these events successful. Please use this link to donate https://signup.com/go/MOERqsH. All items should be delivered by Friday, November 15 to the E-Office with a note that they are for the SOAR advisors – Ms. Langenderfer or Ms. Kittle.
Talent Show Auditions – Each year, the NAHS PTO produces an evening of singing, dancing, music and more featuring our high school students - That’s Entertainment! The show will be Friday, January 10 at 7pm in the McCoy Center for the Arts. Talents may include vocal, instrumental performance, dance routine, comedy sketch, etc. New this year, we will present an opening number from the musical Hadestown. Audition forms are now available in the E lobby. Auditions will be held on December 2, 3, and 9. Sign up at https://signup.com/go/ipwyjGQ. Please email Director Melissa Gould at gould.5@napls.us with any questions.
Upcoming PTO Events:
- November 13 from 6-7:30 pm – PTO Meeting – Jefferson Room (everyone welcome)
- December 2 from 3-4 pm – Talent Show Auditions for Vocal and Instrumentals – HS Choir Room
- December 3 from 3-4 pm – Talent Show Auditions for Dance, Sketch, etc. – HS Mini Theater
- December 9 from 5:30-7 pm – Talent Show Auditions for Opening Number – McCoy Dance Studio
- December 11 from 9-10 am – Coffee and Conversation with Mr. Kraemer – Freshii
If you are interested in serving on the 2020/2021 PTO board, email NAHSPTOPresident@gmail.com. Thanks for your continued support!
Upcoming Important Dates
- November 6 - ASVAB Testing
- November 13 - Two Hour Delayed Start - District Wide
- November 14 - Regular Wednesday Block Schedule
- November 15 - Regular Thursday Block Schedule
- November 27 - No School In-Lieu of Parent Teacher Conferences
- November 28-29 - No School
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany High School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/hs
Location: 7600 Fodor Road, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-413-8300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyHS/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: @napls_hs