Spartan Update
June 7th, 2024

Weekly Schedule
Monday 6/10 Schedule B
Tuesday 6/11 Adjusted Finals Schedule (Finals for periods 1 & 4)
Wednesday 6/12 Seniors Last Day -- Adjust Assembly Schedule
Thursday 6/13 Adjusted Finals Schedule (Finals for periods 2 & 5)
Friday 6/14 Adjusted Finals Schedule (Finals for periods 3 & 6)
Bell Schedule
Adjusted Assembly Schedule 6/12/24
Adjusted Finals Schedule 6/11, 6/13, 6/14
Congrats to our student athletes for signing to continue at the next level
Ethan McCarty - Lacrosse, University of Montana
Kiera Pudder - Cheer, Florida Atlantic University
Tanner Hart - Football, Whitworth University
Karl Liedtke - Golf, Coe College
Kane Wood - Basketball, Grays Harbor College
Eli Nordling - Basketball, Concordia University - Nebraska
Arya Alijani - Soccer, Pacific University
Seniors Complete Your Celebration Slides by 6/14 for Graduation
Celebration slides will be shown prior to the start of Graduation at the Tacoma Dome. Make sure your senior has completed their survey and slide.
Sumner Rotary presents $35K in scholarships
Offering scholarships to SBLSD students since 1977, the Rotary Club of Sumner continued the tradition at their June 4 club meeting, when they presented $35,000 in scholarships to 14 seniors from both Sumner and Bonney Lake high schools.
We very much thank Sumner Rotary for their ongoing and generous partnership in education, helping seniors graduate ready to pursue a promising future.
Congratulations to the following seniors in earning scholarships:
Academic: Arya Alijani, Walsh Crowley, Sydney Garonzik, Ilee Lewis, Sophia Martinez, Lucy Wulfekuhle
Daffodil Princess: Zoe Roberts
Vocational: Daniela Villagomez-Zaldiva, Jason Zepeda
Senior Memo
TO: The class of 2024 and their Parents/Guardians
FROM: Principal Jeff Baines, Assistant Principals Robin Furlan, Kell Garrison, Brett Thompson and Graduation Advisor Jennifer Peters.
DATE: May 2024
Senior Class Year-End Schedule and Graduation Information
This communication is to inform seniors and their parents of important events during the final days of the 2023-2024 school year. Please keep this memo as a reminder. If you have any questions, please call the school at 253-891-5500.
May 1 Senior Speech Applications are available in the Main Office (due May 22nd)
May 1 Prom tickets go on sale (see June 1st info) May 1st - May 17th - Early Bird Pricing $60 with ASB and $65 without. May 20th - May 31st - General Pricing $70 with ASB and $75 without. Final deadline to purchase tickets is 3:00 PM on Friday May 31st. Guest forms for non-Sumner High students will be available in the Main Office. All guest forms are due no later than May 31st at 2:30 pm.
May 20 Spartan Future Signing Day during lunch in the phase 1 courtyard. This student only event will be a celebration for all seniors and their commitment to their future.
May 20 Senior Meeting during advisory - PAC
May 22 Senior Speech Applications are due to Mrs. Peters in the main office by 2:30pm
May 20-31 Seniors sign up for graduation seating (must sign up with their seating partner) in the Main Office. This is optional. Students who do not sign up will be assigned a seat.
May 21 & 23 Late arrival for state testing. (Schedule will be class periods 1, 2, 3. Classes start at 10:05.) All Seniors who needed to complete this requirement took the test on April 23.
May 22 & 24 Late arrival for state testing. (Schedule will be class periods 4, 5, 6. Classes start at 10:05.) All Seniors who needed to complete this requirement took the test on April 24.
May 24 Scholarship Survey Deadline - please fill out the link to submit any scholarships you have received. https://forms.gle/HnndGE2jBbd2A3LTA
May 27 & 28 No School - Memorial Day and emergency make up day
May 30 Senior Breakfast tickets go on sale. Tickets are $10.00 (see June 17th info)
May 30 Senior Speech Tryouts (based on application). Invitations will be sent for tryouts
June 1 Tacoma Art Museum 8-11 pm. Starting May 1st, tickets will be on sale Monday - Friday, before & after school and during lunch. Guest forms for non-Sumner High students will be available in the Main Office. All guest forms are due no later than May 31st at 2:30 pm. Final deadline to purchase tickets is 3:00 PM on Friday May 31st; no tickets will be sold at the door. No exceptions and no refunds
June 4 Senior Community Scholarship Night - SHS Phase 1 Commons 7 pm. If students are receiving a scholarship, they will receive an invitation to this event
June 5, 6, 7 Senior Finals
June 7 All make-up credit verifications and online classes needed for Graduation must be submitted to the Sumner High School Counseling Office for graduates to participate in graduation ceremonies
June 10 Victory Grad Tour – more information to follow
June 10 Senior Yearbook distribution – begins after the Victory Tour and ends at 3:30 pm - Phase 1. (Subject to change.)
June 10 Graduation Ticket distribution begins in the courtyard after the Victory Tour. Eight (8) tickets will be given to each student meeting Graduation requirements. Students must sign for tickets. If students are unable to pick up their tickets on the 10th, they will be available in the Main Office, starting the morning of the 11th. Additional tickets will be sold at the bookkeepers office for $10 each, starting June 11th
June 10 Honor Cords Distribution - begins after the Victory Tour - Phase 1.
June 12 Senior Sunset at Sunset Stadium. Food trucks will be on site to purchase items. This is an optional senior class event. 7:00 - 10:00 pm
June 12 School-wide Senior Award Assembly
June 12 Seniors will check out at the end of each class on this date. Seniors will be given their check out form in the first period they attend at SHS. Please note: In person students will need to turn in their check out form to the main office by the end of the day. (Full time online, Ehli Hill and running start students do not need to complete the form) All fines must be cleared and textbooks/chromebooks turned in prior to receiving their diploma and transcripts.
June 15 Pierce Community College graduation 7 pm
June 17 Senior Breakfast in Phase 1 Commons. 8:00 am - 9:00 am. Tickets are $10.00 per person
June 17 Graduation Practice: Practice will take place in the SHS Gymnasium at 9:15 am. Attendance is MANDATORY. Students who do not attend this practice will not be able to participate in the Graduation Ceremony on Monday, June 17th. Seniors who have check out procedures to complete should do so following Graduation Practice. Practice details will be announced at the Senior Meeting on May 20th.
June 17 Graduation Ceremony at the Tacoma Dome at 4:00 pm. Students must dress appropriately for Graduation. Business Casual attire is suggested, which includes: slacks (khakis okay), dress shirt, dresses, skirts, nice shoes or sandals. The following items will not be allowed: sunglasses or flowers/leis. Parents, please review these items with your Senior
Graduation is a formal ceremony. Please acknowledge everyone’s accomplishments by acting in a respectful manner. Please be respectful so that the names of all Seniors may be heard by their families. Also, please stress appropriate behavior with your Senior.
Please note: Only Seniors will be allowed in the staging area. Perler’s Photography will be taking pictures during the ceremony. They will explain picture packages to students during Graduation Practice earlier in the morning. (Perler’s, 253-770-5670)
Doors will open at 3:00 pm. There are specific seating areas for handicapped guests. (Additional wheelchairs will not be provided.)
June 17 Green River Community College graduation 6 pm
June 24-27 Diplomas will be available in the Main Office. Office hours are 8:00 am- 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. (All fines must be cleared and textbooks/chromebooks turned in). Students must be present to sign for and pick up their Diploma or they can give handwritten permission for a parent pick up. Beginning July 8, Diplomas will be available at the District Office . To request a transcript, please visit : https://www.parchment.com/
Calendar Reminders
Last day of school early dismissal: June 18
The last day of school, Tuesday, June 18, is a half-day, early dismissal. Here are the dismissal times by school. Please note that breakfast will be available, but lunches will not be served.
Middle and High Schools: 10:25 am
Crestwood, Daffodil Valley, Liberty Ridge, Maple Lawn, Victor Falls: 11:40 am
Early Learning Center: 11:50 am
Bonney Lake, Donald Eismann, Emerald Hills, Tehaleh Heights: 12:15 pm
District buildings closed June 19
In observation of Juneteenth, all SBLSD buildings will be closed on Wednesday, June 19.
Free Lunches for Children this summer; benefits available
The District is offering free hot lunch for all children 18 years and younger throughout the summer at Daffodil Valley Elementary. The lunches must be enjoyed inside the school building.
June 24 - Aug. 15, Monday through Thursday*
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Daffodil Valley Elementary (1509 Valley Ave., in Sumner)
*No meal service July 4 due to the Independence Day Holiday.
Summer food benefits
SUN Bucks (Summer EBT) is a new federal program that will provide qualified students with $120 to purchase groceries while school is out this summer. For more information and how to apply, visit our website.
Strong school attendance matters
Did you know?
Starting in kindergarten, too many absences (excused and unexcused) can cause children to fall behind in school.
Missing 10 percent of the school year is considered chronically absent. That’s only two days a month or 18 days in a school year.
Being late to school may lead to poor attendance.
Setting a regular bedtime and morning routines can reduce tardiness and absences.
By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
Absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with school work, dealing with a bully or facing some other potentially serious difficulty.
How can you help your child to have strong attendance?
Schedule non-urgent appointments to occur after school.
Only let your student stay home if they are truly sick.
Develop a back-up plan for getting to school in case of the unexpected.
Talk to your student about the importance of attendance.
Talk to your student’s teachers if you notice sudden changes in behavior. These could be signs of an underlying issue.
Update your student’s information at school as your address and/or phone number(s) change.
If your student is going to be absent, please contact your school. If prior notice is not possible and you are notified that your child was absent through ParentSquare, please reply to the attendance notice, call or email your school, or send a written note upon the student’s return to school.
Compulsory Attendance Policies & State Law
In the State of Washington, RCW 28A.225 requires children who are between the ages of 8 and 17 years old to attend a public school, private school or a district approved home school program. The Washington State truancy law, otherwise known as The Becca Bill, requires schools to notify parents and guardians of the absences.
The school and parent must make a plan when there are unexcused absences recorded. It is our desire to work with families to ensure required attendance of our students.
For information about excused and unexcused absences and tardies and District attendance procedures, please refer to the Family Student Handbook and/or Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Policy and Procedure 3122 Excused and Unexcused Absences.
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. The following employees are designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Title IX/Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator Adrienne Chacon (253) 891-6033, ADA Coordinator Diana Thomas (253) 891-6033, Section 504 Coordinator Karen Finigan (253) 891-6040. Address: 1202 Wood Ave, Sumner, WA 98390.