NCS Family Newsletter
January, 2024
Upcoming Events
12/21/2023 Sparkle Day! Last day of in person school
12/22/2023 Asynchronous, learning from home day
1/2/2024 Return to school after Winter Break
1/4/2024 Outdoor Learning - Camrock County Park
1/9/2024 Governance Council Meeting 6-8pm, NCS Library
1/11/2024 Outdoor Learning: State Capitol
1/11/2024 Kindergarten Information Session 6-7pm
1/15/2024 No school, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/18/2024 Incoming K School Tour 7:45-8:45am
1/25/2024 Outdoor Learning
2/1/2024 Outdoor Learning
2/7/2024 Fundraiser: Pasqual's Night
2/13/2024 Battle of the Books - District Level Competition
Hour of Code
Thank you for the Helping Hands donations!
Teamwork in Action
Helpful Info for Families
2024 Verona Banner Contest
See your art on the street! This year's theme is What I Do For Fun in the Verona Area. Submissions are due Friday, January 12 in the New Century School office. Both digital art as well as paper drawings on 8.5x11" paper are welcome.
Original art must come with an artist's release. This, and more info about the banner contest in general, can be found on the district website: https://www.verona.k12.wi.us/community/vaef/banner
Dive-In Family Movie Night
Join us at the Verona Aquatic Center on January 12th at 6pm for a Dive-In Movie! Please register at the Aquatic Center's RecDesk.
Vaccine Clinics
Public Health Madison & Dane County is partnering with Madison Metropolitan School District and SSM Health this spring to offer two more school vaccine clinics to get students up to date on their school vaccines ahead of the 2024-25 school year. These clinics will take place on Saturday, February 10th and Saturday, May 11th 2024. Both clinics will be from 10am to 2pm at the Holtzman Learning Center in Madison. It is highly encouraged that appointments are scheduled through the website listed on the flier attached. Vaccine Clinic
Get your Bucky Book Here!
Bucky Books are on sale currently: $35/each
Please reach out to Jen to purchase your book today. we are happy to send home in a your child's backpack or Jen can drop it off within the Verona area.
Bucky Books can also be purchased online and shipped directly to the you here. (There is a slightly lower return rate to the school for online sales.)
Communication with Teachers
Check out our online NCS Google Public Calendar
Here is the link to a Google Public Calendar with this year’s updated NCS events:
This calendar will be updated continually throughout the year with school events, such as swim and gym days, library days, Picture Day, Back to School Night, field trips, parent/teacher conferences, days off of school, Governance Council meetings, and so much more! We hope that this will make things easier for you!
Looking for Another Way to Connect
Have you joined the New Century School Parent Community Facebook Groups?
Current and incoming families are welcome to join “New Century School Parent Community” on Facebook. This is a great place to post summer events and pop-up playdates. This is also a great resource for new parents/guardians to ask any questions they may have.
Additionally, please like and follow our New Century School Facebook page here.
Bridging Brighter Smiles
The Bridging Brighter Smiles program is a safe, affordable, accessible way to meet a dental hygienist... right here in Verona Area School District!
Learn more at https://bridgingbrightersmiles.org/
Need assistance with lunch costs?
If your student is ill, has an early morning appointment, or will be late arriving to
school for another reason, in addition to notifying their classroom teacher please make sure that you one of the following PRIOR
1) EMAIL NCS Attendance: ncs-attendance@verona.k12.wi.us
2) CALL the office at (608) 845-4500
Please do not email the school secretaries directly if possible.
Change of Clothes
If you can send a Ziploc bag with a pair of pants, socks and underwear it will come in handy over these next wet months.
And, always, we will happily take your donations of gently used sweatpants and bottoms that have stretchy waists. All colors, sizes, patterns are appreciated.
Winter Break
Our last in person school day before the New Year is Thursday, December 21. Then, we will be asynchronous and learning from home on Friday, December 22. Our school will be closed through January 1, including the school office. All staff and students will return on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
We wish you, your family, your friends and loved ones a relaxing Winter Break, and tons of new energy in the coming year.
Swim Unit
The swim unit is on its way! We will be swimming this year next door to NCS and VAIS - this will give us more time to swim!
We will send out the specific schedule before January 8th.
Charter School Lottery
One of our best outreach efforts is our current families. We encourage you to share with other VASD families about NCS. We want families to know their options.
The charter school lottery for the ‘24-’25 school year will be open from January 11 - February 14. In addition to our incoming K class, we usually have some openings in grades 1-5. If you know any VASD families with incoming K students, or students in grades 1-5 who are interested in attending NCS, please have them enter the VASD Charter School lottery. In order to be eligible for openings in grades 1-5, families still need to join the Charter School Lottery now.
Families can find more information about enrollment and the lottery from our registrar’s office.
Volunteer Corner
Lunchroom Volunteers
Please complete this short survey with your availability.
Library Helpers
Volunteers keep the library running smoothly and our 9,583 books organized.
They are so appreciated! Please consider signing up for a one-hour shift on our updated Sign Up Genius link.
Sunshine Committee
For more information and to assist in brining sunshine to our community please contact Shannon Ratchman.