Henry Happenings
Summer Update - July 31, 2023

September 8, 2024
Principal Message
We are looking forward to a smooth, normal week at Henry!
This week we have a very important event on the evening of Thursday, September 12. It is curriculum night for grades 1-5. This is an in person event for parents that gives you the opportunity to hear from your child's classroom teacher about the curriculum, events, and expectations for the school year. We really hope you make this a priority to attend as parent partnership truly aids in student success! Please see the times below. All presentations will occur in your child's classroom.
Grades 3, 4, and 5 - 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM
Grades 1 and 2 - 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM
Make sure to keep reading below for more information on: Family Bingo Night, Picture Day, Reader in Me, Papa John's Night, Class Parties, and More!
Dr. Jodi Oliver
Upcoming Dates
September 11 – Early Release Day (2:05 PM Dismissal at Henry)
September 11 – PTO Papa John’s Night 4 PM to 8 PM (Valley Park Only)
September 12 – Curriculum Night (Grades 3 to 5) 5:30 PM
September 12 – Curriculum Night (Grades 1 to 2) 6:30 PM
September 18 - PTO General Meeting 7 PM
September 19 - Picture Day
September 20 - Henry Family Bingo Night
September 24 - Reader in Me Submission Deadline (Digital Only Now)
September 27 - Reader in Me Prize Distribution
October 1 - PTO Tab Top Collection Day
Picture Day Thursday, September 19th
Picture Day is Thursday, September 19th at Henry!
Wagner Portrait Group will be photographing students for portrait packages & school records. Only online orders will be accepted. (Please do not bring checks, cash, or order forms to school as they will no longer be accepted.) Please contact Wagner Portrait Group at 314-567-5900 with any questions or click here for the Wagner Portrait Website.
Online Pre-Order Password: 8C3S5V7V
Specialists' Curriculum Night Document with Links
Curriculum Night is this Thursday night. Curriculum Night for grades 3 to 5 is from 5:30 – 6:15 PM and grades 1-2 runs from 6:30 – 7:15pm.
Click here for a preview of the Specialists' Curriculum Night Document with links.
Girls Who Code Club for 3rd and 4th Grade Girls
We are starting a Girls Who Code club for 3rd and 4th grade girls to learn beginning coding skills. We will meet on Tuesdays mornings in the Henry library at 8:00am starting October 1st.
Space limited to the first 15 girls who register. Interested in learning more? Click here to learn more about the club and request a registration code.
Reader in Me Program Going Digital for the 2024-2025 School Year
The Reader in Me program has gone digital for the 2024-2025 school year. No more paper forms, instead submit your students total minutes read for each period through a Google Form each month. You can access the first form through the upcoming 9/15 issue of Henry Happenings and Henry Grade Level Facebook pages.
Please see the flyer below for more information or contact Kellie Steko at kemstl1978@gmail.com with any questions.
Fall Dreambox Challenge at Henry Underway
Now through September 27th, we continue to work to increase the number of lessons students complete on Dreambox each week. One way we can do this is to play Dreambox at home or outside of school to help grow students’ math knowledge and problem solving skills.
Students should return completed forms to classroom teachers by Friday, October 4th. If 50% of the Henry students play Dreambox outside of school at least 10 times during the month of September, we will have a surprise celebration!
*Your child can login to Dreambox at home through Clever by using his or her login information or Clever badge. Once you log into Clever, your child can access Dreambox. Click this link that takes you to Parkway Clever.
Library News and Notes
Author Visit to Grades 4 and 5 on 9/13
Henry Elementary is welcoming author Jasmine Warga on Friday, September 13th. Jasmine will be visiting grades 4-5 and will talk about writing, her books, and her Mark Twain Nominated book A Rover's Story. Jasmine has written many middle grade novels and has won multiple awards for her work. She also has a new book coming out on September 10th called A Strange Thing Happened in Cherry Hill. We would like to thank The Novel Neighbor, a bookstore in Webster Groves, for helping bring Jasmine to Henry!
If your family would like to purchase an autographed copy of her books please click here. Paper order forms were sent home on Friday 8/30 as well. If you are sending a paper order from back, please have your child bring it to the library. Cash only please!
If you have any questions, or do not want your 4th/5th grader to attend the visit, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Goyal at agoyal@parkwayschools.net.
Collections Sought
Does your child have a collection that they would like to display in the library? We have a new display case (thank you PTO!) to display collections at school. Please click this link to sign up for a week for your child to display their collection. All details are on the google form.
Summer Reading Logs Due
If you have a summer reading log, please have your child turn it into the library by Friday, September 20th. Please make sure the log has your child's name, teacher, their summer reading details, and your signature. Contact Mrs. Goyal with questions!
Notes from Nurse Munch
Dental Safari Coming to Henry on October 30th
Dental Safari Company, a mobile dental corporation, that travels to schools to provide dental wellness checkups, and urgent care treatment, for children is coming to Henry on October 30th. A letter with more details was sent home with your child Friday, September 6th.
To take part in this service, a dental consent would need to be completed and signed. Please visit www.dentalsafariforms.com to complete the online form or return the consent form sent home to Nurse Munch.
Medication Health Forms
Please remember, if a student requires medication, all medications must be in the original packaging with the prescription label if appropriate and accompanied by a permission form signed by parents and the student's physician. The necessary forms can be found here: Health Forms.
Vision Screenings for Grades K, 3, 5
Vision screenings for grades K, 3, 5 and students receiving SSD services or with parent or teacher concerns will start next week and continue through October. You will be notified if there are any concerns found on screening. If you do not want your student's vision screening, please email Mrs. Munch at lmunch@parkwayschools.net.
Don't Forget to RSVP for Family Bingo Night on 9/20
What: Family Bingo Night at Henry!
When: Friday, September 20, 2024
6:30-8:00 PM (Doors open at 6:00 and bingo starts at 6:30)
Where: Location: Henry Gymnasium
Update Your Family Profile
It is important that we have the most updated contact information for each family. Parents can update their Family Profile online using Infinite Campus or in the Infinite Campus Parent app. Update your family profile here.
🐾 Henry PTO 🐾
Papa John’s Restaurant Night This Wednesday, 9/11
Papa John’s Restaurant Night – September 11, 2024 – 4-8pm - 21 Stonegate Ctr; Valley Park, MO 63088.
Papa John’s will donate 10% of net sales from the evening to Henry Elementary PTO. No code needed.
Stock the Lounge - Attention 5th Grade Parents
ATTENTION 5th GRADE PARENTS: Please help us start off the year with stock the lounge for the teachers/staff/administration. 5th grade is responsible for the month of September. Please see the Sign Up Genius to sign up to bring items. You can drop off at the school office by the morning of Friday, September 13th. Thank you for being so thoughtful and generous for those taking care of our students!
Volunteer for Fall & Spring Classroom Parties
Our classroom parties at Henry would not be possible without volunteer help! We still have lots of spots to fill, especially for ROOM PARENTS to plan and lead both the fall & spring parties! Please consider signing up to help - we need two room parents per class.
Co-Room Parent sign up -
Party volunteers are also needed for several classrooms to assist room parents at the parties.
FALL party volunteer sign up -
SPRING party volunteer sign up -
Fall Party - Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Spring Party – Thursday, March 13, 2025
- Kindergarten 12:10-1:10
- 1st Grade 11:15-12:15
- 2nd Grade 10:00-11:00
- 3rd Grade 1:45-2:45
- 4th Grade 1:10-2:10
- 5th Grade 10:50-11:50
Volunteering for classroom parties is such a fun way to get involved at Henry and we appreciate your help!
Questions? Email Kim Torrence at kimachappell@yahoo.com.
PTO Volunteers Sought for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Henry is an amazing school, but we need your support to offer additional great opportunities for our children. Please look at this list of activities to see if there is one or many items you can support. Some can be done from home and many are done on the weekend or the evening. If you have questions about volunteering please reach out to kariroehr@gmail.com (Volunteer Coordinator).
Welcome to Kindergarten Signs
In mid-September we will collect the signs again and/or you can return them through the car drop off or pick up line. This allows for our incoming Kindergarten class the following year to enjoy as well! We will communicate more soon!
Register for Jr Longhorns Girls Basketball Tryouts
Junior Longhorn Basketball teams are committed to providing excellent instruction in a fun and
competitive environment. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for our athletes to play with others who plan to attend Parkway West High School, and improve their individual fundamentals and teamwork.
Please visit the QR code in the flyer below or click here to register for tryouts. Email Brett Katz (Head Basketball Coach at Parkway West) or Neil Adams (Head of Jr. Longhorn Basketball program) with any questions. Parkway West HS staff will be involved in selecting the teams for 5th-8th grade.
Henry Elementary School
Email: joliver2@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/15
Location: 700 Henry Avenue, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6350
Facebook: facebook.com/henryelementaryschool
Instagram: @pkwyhenrybulldogs