The Buzz
Summer Term - 13th July 2023

Message from the Head of School
Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome to our final 'Buzz' of this academic year! Firstly, I would like to thank the office staff for ensuring communication between school and home remains highly effective throughout the year. I know that 'The Buzz' and Parenthub has really helped with this and I am very grateful to Mrs McLachlan, Mrs McCartney and Mrs Kinge (what a brilliant team!).
Last night saw the first Year 6 production of Aladdin to family and friends - this didn't disappoint! The children were amazing and we are incredibly proud of everything that they have achieved in putting this show together. I had so many wonderful comments from parents and I am sure it will be a lasting memory for all of us. Well done year 6!
On Saturday, we host our annual summer event which will see the Circus coming to HJS! We have a number of other stalls with plenty of food and drink. I look forward to seeing many of you there. Please remember that tomorrow is mufti day for the children. In exchange for coming in in their own clothes, please send them in with a bottle that can be used on the tombola. Thank you for you support.
Finally, our Autumn Term dates have now been populated and attached below is our Calendar of Events. Please look through these and make a note of the important dates.
A final reminder that term finishes at 1.30pm on Friday 21st July.
I hope you see lots of you on Saturday from 11am.
Mr Jon James
Friday 14th July
Friday will be our mufti-day at HJS. Children should "bring a bottle to school" in exchange for wearing mufti-clothes for the day. This will be collected on the school gates by members of FOHJS.
As before, no football kits, make up, hair colouring, belly tops or high healed shoes should be worn. It is still a school day and children should dress appropriately.
Stars of the Week
3E - Aarush K
3M - Matteo T
3S - Olivia H & Cian D
3G - Idris O & Alex H
4B - Imogen G
4W - Delilah L
4P - Pearl G
4S - Oliver B
5B - Eden-Grace J
5R - Jack N
5H - Abdul S
5N - Rowan M
6GK - Archie M
6L - Whole class
6G - Whole class
6C - Whole class
School Council Behaviour Awards
The school council behaviour award is given to one child in each year group by a member of the school council for their outstanding behaviour and positive attitude towards learning. The winners are:
Year 3 - Sienna K
Year 4 - Reece G
Year 5 - Henry R
Year 6 - 6GK
Summer Term Attendance Information
The class with the best attendance last week is 5N (100%)
The class with the least numbers of lates last week is 5R, 6C & 6GK
Message from the Office
Transition to Secondary School : supporting your Year 7 child
The move from primary school to secondary school can feel both exciting and overwhelming for your child. It can also be an anxious time for you as a parent or carer as your child takes the next step in their education.
This free webinar for parents and carers will explore ways that you can support your child during this period of change.
About this webinar
This webinar will be run by mental health and education experts from Anna Freud.
It will cover:
- potential difficulties or worries associated with the transition to secondary school
- how best to support your child
- a number of different coping strategies and techniques for dealing with change.
Lunchtime Supervisor at Hampton Infant School
Hampton Infant School is a vibrant, friendly and successful four form entry infant school. We are looking to appoint a committed and caring person to join our highly professional team as a Lunchtime Supervisor. You will work as part of a team to oversee the school’s lunchtime arrangements.
Reading Books
Lunch Boxes
Any lunch boxes left after Friday - will unfortunately be disposed of so please ensure your child has this at the end of the day . If your child is off sick and has left their lunchbox please let the office know who will ensure it is saved.
HJS Music Achievements
Congratulations to Akaal B for passing his grade 3 drums this term and Matthew T for passing his Grade 3 piano last week.
Well done to you both
Additional Music Tuition
Here are HJS, we are incredibly lucky to have a variety of private music tuition options available during the school day. Fees vary depending on the length of the lesson and whether it is a shared lesson or not. The one-to-one or two-to-one nature of tuition means that each child can progress at his/her own speed – with no age specific expectations and opportunities to take exams, if they choose to do so.
Please contact the teachers directly for further information.
September Club
Please see flier regarding Babminton After School Club
Summer Reading Challenge
The Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest children’s reading initiative for 4 –11-year-olds and is produced by The Reading Agency and delivered by libraries. This year’s Summer Reading Challenge is Ready, Set, Read! Developed in partnership with the Youth Sport Trust, this year's Summer Reading Challenge aims to keep children's minds and bodies active over the summer break, empowering young people to forge new connections with others and unleash the power of play, sport and physical activity through reading.
From 8 July 2023 children in the borough can sign up for the challenge at their local Richmond upon Thames library and receive a Ready, Set, Read! pack. To take part, a child needs to be a member of the library and have their own library card. For each of six library books they read they can collect a sticker for their colourful collector pack. Children can update their progress through the challenge at any library in the borough. Everyone who reads six library books is rewarded in the library with a medal and certificate. Ready, Set, Read! ends in the borough on Saturday 9 September 2023.
It is helpful to remember that to take part in a library in this borough a child will need their own library membership card. We would like to encourage families to consider updating their library membership and joining their children to the library in good time before the Ready, Set, Read! launches on 8 July, as this will help to reduce queuing time in the library for families.
Virtual Tour
Contact Details
Email: office.hjs@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Junior School, Percy Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 020 8979 2545
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HamptonJuniorSchool