MJ Health Office Newsletter
Mrs. Kramer, RN
Experts explain why more people feel ill in the winter.
Norovirus 2025: Outbreaks of stomach bug are surging across US. Know these early signs
Norovirus, the highly conagious stomach bug that causes vomiting and diarrhea, is spiking across the US. What to know about symptoms and preventionBC TODAY's health reporter, Caroline Kee reports. Click here to learn more
Hand sanitizer isn't enough to protect against norovirus. What should you do instead?
Experts explain how to keep yourself safe from the stomach bug. Sarah Jacoby of Today reports
Strep is on the rise in kids. Parents should be aware of these less common symptoms.
How to Soothe Eczema with 7 Home Remedies
Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) affects millions of Americans. Consulting with a dermatologist is a great first step to understanding the severity of your eczema. Here is a list from Schweriger Dermatology Group of 7 home remedies that can bring you relief.
CDC’s Updated Respiratory Virus Guidance: What to Do When You Are Sick
CDC released updated Respiratory Virus Guidance in response to the decreasing risk that COVID-19 poses to the population. This updated Guidance includes strategies to protect people at highest risk of getting seriously ill and provides actionable recommendations for people with common viral respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, flu, and RSV. Click here to learn more.
Is it COVID-19, the flu, RSV, or just a cold? Here's how to tell the difference
Can you be contagious if you test negative for COVID?
COVID testing guidelines and what we know about how long you're contagious have changed since the start of the pandemic.
Epidemiologists provide guidance on which tests to do, when to do them and how to interpret them. Click here to read: when you should test; if you could be contagious after a negative test; when you are no longer contagious; and how long you should isolate.
Early Developmental Screenings
Experts from Children’s Specialized Hospital are providing quick and free virtual developmental screenings for children ages 1 to 5 years old via video or phone.
Each screening will take approximately 30 minutes and will include an interactive questionnaire and conversation between parent(s), child and Children's Specialized Hospital staff. Families will also receive valuable resources about early childhood development. Click here to learn more
COVID Reporting
We are no longer required to report COVID-19 cases to the state of NJ ,the Student COVID Reporting form is now closed. We still encourage you to stay home and isolate yourself from others if you have COVID or any COVID symptoms. Click this link to use the CDC COVID Calculator if you need guidance about returning to school.
COVID Guidance for 2024-2025 School Year
Coronavirus Resources for Families
NJDOH COVID-19 Information for Communities and the General Public:
Get the Facts about Coronavirus:
Symptoms of COVID-19:
How to Protect Yourself:
What to Do if You Are Sick:
Sometimes we all need a little help. Here are some resources:
Austim Awareness Society www.autism-society.org
Diabetes Association http://www.diabetes.org 800-342-2383
Epilepsy Foundation http://www.epilepsy.com
Food Allergy Network https://www.foodallergy.org
Salvation Army http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/
Snack Safely (Guide to current ingredients in many common snack items. Beneficial to all who have a food allergy/intolerance/sensitivity. Updated regularly.) SnackSafely.com
NJ Family Care
New Jersey's publicly funded health insurance program - includes CHIP, Medicaid and Medicaid expansion populations. That means qualified NJ residents of any age may be eligible for free or low-cost healthcare coverage that covers doctor visits, prescriptions, vision, dental care, mental health and substance use services, and even hospitalization.
If you are a NJ resident and you need more information on this program, please read through the pages of this website and see how to become a member of NJ FamilyCare.
Individuals ineligible for NJ FamilyCare can find information on other insurance affordability programs at www.getcovered.nj.gov.
Medication Procedure and Policy
Asthma Action Treatment Plan
If your child has asthma, RAD, or even seasonal allergies, and uses an inhaler or nebulizer please have an Asthma Treatment Plan completed by their health care provider
Emergency Health Care Plan for LIfe Threatening Allergies
If your child requires Epinephrine ( Epi-Pen, Auvi-Q) to be kept in school,have your health care provider complete the Emergency Health Care Plan for LIfe Threatening Allergies.
COVID Reporting
Important Pre-School Information
The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services REQUIRES all children
attending preschool programs to provide documentation each year indicating your child has had the influenza vaccine. Your child MUST have an INFLUENZA VACCINE EACH YEAR that they attend preschool.
Please have your child’s physician complete this requirement and send documentation to Mrs. Kramer at Monmouth Junction School’s Health Office by the end of December. This requirement must be met in order to remain in the Preschool Program.
School Health Registration for Kindergarten and Transfer students
If you are registering for the 2025-2026 school year, your child must turn 5 on or before October 31, 2025. Registering early is important to our school as it may impact staffing. Tell your friends, neighbors, and other family members to register their Kindergarten children soon if they will be coming to MJ in September.
See this flyer for more information.
Your child needs to have a completed health registration to start the school year. All kindergarten, preschool, and transfer students need to have submitted the following:
- A completed physical exam form based on an exam done within a year of the start of school
- A completed immunization record based on the minimum immunization requirements for school attendance in New Jersey. Click here to view questions and answers on Immunization Regulations
- Documentation of a TB (tuberculosis screening test- PPD or IGRA) only if student was born in another country or entering a US school from another country for the first time
- A completed health history
To reach Nurse Kramer
Email: Annemarie.Kramer@sbschools.org
Location: 631 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction, NJ, USA
Phone: 732-329-6981