Hero Happenings!
Hellstern Middle School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
Special Edition - Sept. 15, 2021
From the principal....
Springdale Family,
During its September 14, 2021 regularly scheduled meeting, the Springdale School Board voted to allow the temporary face covering mandate for grades K-7 to expire. Beginning September 15, 2021, face coverings are optional for all students and staff.
We do understand that there are differing opinions based on wearing masks at school. We are asking each Hellstern Hero to respect the decisions of others and not comment on others’ decisions. We appreciate you helping us with this matter by having an additional conversation at home. At Hellstern, we want every student to feel safe and welcome at school. Thank you for always supporting our great school!
What are we doing to keep all students safe?
- Masks encouraged
- Water bottle filling stations
- Hand sanitizing stations
- Limited outside visitors
- Quality air filtration systems
- Cleaning throughout the day/sanitization of rooms at night
- Outside learning and brain break opportunities - lessons, breaks, social time, PE
- Social distancing when feasible
- Following quarantine guidelines
Notes from the Nurse.....
Hellstern Middle School
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Website: http://hellstern.sdale.org/
Location: 7771 Har-Ber Avenue, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: 479-750-8725
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hellstern-Middle-School