Deer Canyon Echoes
March 7, 2025
To Do ✅
- Complete your child's 2025-26 Continuing Student Registration (through March 31).
- Log those final Read-a-Thon minutes through March 9 (register here).
- Donate snacks for DCES staff during Pro Grow Day.
- Volunteer for the Deer Dash — email us.
- Check out the PSO open positions for 2025-26.
- Contact Ms. Bendix if you can help plan DCES Wellness Week on April 28 to May 2.
- Purchase your DCES Yearbook.
- Order DCES Spirit Wear.
Save the Date
- 3/7 - End of Trimester 2
- 3/10 - School Site Council Meeting #4 @ 7:35 am (agenda available next week)
- 3/11 - No School for Students (DCES Professional Growth Day)
- 3/13 - PUSD Board of Education meeting @ 6 pm
- 3/14 - DC Dining @ Chuck E Cheese
- 3/20 - Trimester 2 Progress Reports available in ParentVue @ 5 pm
- 3/21 - Movie Night and Choir Performance @ 5:30 pm
- 3/26 - PSO meeting @ 4 pm; incoming 6th grade Parent Night @ Mesa Verde Middle
- 4/4 - FUNky Friday, Coffee with the Principal and Talent Show @ 6 pm
- 4/8 - DC Dining @ Urban Thai (Carmel Mountain)
- 4/10 - PUSD Board of Education Meeting @ 6 pm
- 4/14 to 4/18 - Spring Break (no school)
- 4/25 - STEAM Night @ 5 pm
- 4/28 to May 2 - Wellness Week
- 4/30 - PSO meeting @ 4 pm
Principal's Messages 📚
Good evening, Deer Canyon Families:
Congratulations on the completion of Trimester 2! Can you believe that we are this far along in the school year?!
After a beautiful, unifying evening celebrating the diversity of our school community at Family Heritage Night last Friday, we kicked off our last week of Tri 2 with our annual Read-a-Thon! Students dove into reading and we celebrated milestones and bingo game winnings all along the way! *Don’t forget, students can log their reading minutes through SUNDAY!
I look forward to hearing the final number of minutes and dollars raised on Monday; we’ll be sure to shout it from the “mountaintops” of social media right away! The entire week was so special, connecting with students over books. I was continuously inspired by the genuine pride students have in their accomplishments. I, too, am so proud of our students! Thank you, families, for your support.
The week started with a Monday morning Safety Committee meeting, where we reviewed and discussed resources and other important information to share with our school community. We welcomed our Westview Ambassadors for a playdate on Wednesday, and wrapped up the week today with a FUNky Friday focused on Caring. With a lovely adjustment to the indoors, we have begun implementing visual slides to supplement verbal announcements. I hope this supports our guests and students during our time together!
Next week, we will have NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ON TUESDAY, as staff meet for professional development.
Attendance Trends at Deer Canyon
We're beginning to notice a return to baseline in our attendance data, after four weeks of significantly higher absenteeism (about triple our number of typical daily absences!). While many students were fighting off illnesses in January and February, others were traveling and we are still processing OCIS contracts.
Ensuring that your student gets ample sleep, consumes nutritious meals, and practices good personal hygiene (like handwashing) is important to keep not only your family healthy, but others, as well. DC staff will continue to utilize available resources to promote airflow, handwashing, and overall health. Thank you for the part you play in keeping our community safe and healthy!
As long as your child is healthy, please encourage and emphasize the importance of positive attendance while school is in session. Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as to connect to their peers and teachers. Research consistently shows that students who attend school regularly are more likely to succeed academically, develop strong social skills, and have better long-term educational outcomes. We appreciate your partnership, in support of your student(s)!
5th Grade Families
Mesa Verde Middle School is hosting an Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night on Wednesday, March 26 at 5:30pm in their gym.
OCIS-PE applications are due to your boundary school’s office by Friday, March 14 (see OCIS-PE information from MVMS here).
TK is a Full-Day Program for 2025-26!
We have some exciting news regarding our district’s TK program. Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, PUSD Transitional Kindergarten will be a full-day program.
The range of age-eligibility will also expand — children who turn 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025, will be age-eligible for TK. (Students who turn 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025 will be age-eligible for Kindergarten). Enrollment for TK for 2025-26 school year opens on April 1, 2025. Please feel free to share this news with your friends and neighbors who have children in this age range.
Parents of English Learners
Our next DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee) meeting is Wednesday, March 12, at 6 pm at the District Office. You are cordially invited to attend this meeting with your DELAC representative. At this meeting, we will be looking at the results of our engagement survey and will engage with one another to gather input from parents along with brainstorming ways to continue to support our English Learner families. Your time is precious and we would gladly appreciate you attending to support the hard work of your parents!
SDCCU Classroom Heroes Program
Spotlight a stellar teacher through the SDCCU Classroom Heroes program for the chance to win a $500 gift card and be featured on CBS News 8. Winning teachers will be entered to win the grand prize of a five-day, luxury San Diego staycation. Submit a nomination today!
For over 10 years, San Diego County Credit Union (SDCCU) and San Diego County Office of Education have recognized local “Classroom Heroes." This school year the recognitions went from quarterly to monthly, with one local San Diego County teacher being recognized as a Classroom Hero each month through May 2025. Winning teachers receive a $500 SDCCU Visa® gift card and are featured on CBS News 8.
SDCCU has just added a grand prize for the 2024-25 school year. One of this year's classroom heroes will receive a five-day luxury staycation at Kona Kai Resort in San Diego. There is still time to nominate a deserving teacher! Educators, students, and families can do so by visiting the SDCCU nomination page.
SD Helpful Honda Teacher Appreciation Awards Call For Nominations
Do you know of, work with, or have heard the story of a San Diego teacher whose efforts have greatly impacted their students, community, or school?
To celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, May 5 to 9, 2025, the San Diego Helpful Honda team will honor and surprise four deserving teachers, each, with $5,000 worth of school supplies and materials they need to better help their students succeed!
How to submit to a deserving teacher: Nomination Form: https://forms.gle/ppWkw1BhAYBinEC77. The deadline is Monday, March 31, 2025… so nominate a teacher today!
Have a wonderful weekend, Deer Canyon! I’ll see you in March!
Katie Bendix
Immediate Action Needed: Continuing Registration for 2025-2026
We have heard from 36% of DCES families!
Online Continuing Student Registration will be open until March 31, 2025. We MUST receive a completed digital packet for all returning students. This will allow for proper placement of your student for the 2025-2026 school year. This annual digital process allows a family to complete one single “family” packet instead of completing one packet per student. Packets can be completed using any computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection.
Continuing Registration Steps:
Login and complete the digital registration packet via the online registration portal found here.
Review and complete any required forms located at the conclusion of the process. A packet is not considered finalized until this step is completed.
Forgot your username or password? Need technical help? You can retrieve your username as well as reset your password by visiting https://password.powayusd.com and clicking the button that represents the help you require. Technical help is also available by sending an email to accounthelp@powayusd.com.
Need access to a computer or tech support beyond what is available online? Come by the Main Office and we will assist you!
Please email kbendix@powayusd.com as soon as possible if you do not plan to return to PUSD for the 2025-2026 school year.
Thank you for your attention to this important process!
Caught You Being Kind
Through our Caught Being Kind program, students are recognized by a staff member for exemplifying respect for themself, others, or the environment. I am excited to share with you the names of students who were Caught Being Kind this week!
This group of students tipped us over the “fill line” - WE HAVE SUCCESSFULLY FED OUR HERD!
For our earned schoolwide prize, Deer Canyon students will participate in a schoolwide bingo game, flush with prizes and fun.
Parents, we need your help! Please email kbendix@powayusd.com if you're interested in helping support prize distribution at this event.
TK Everett H., Ariana L. Kindergarten Ayden W. 1st Grade Emma G., Jonas Z., Yui I., Keziah P. 2nd Grade Sammy H., Brennan C., 3rd Grade Sena G., Monroe C., Ella P., Nathan C., Auriella D, Andrew V. 4th Grade Jordan R.,Devyn R.,Alyssa L., Aiden L., Allison Y., Quy N. 5th Grade Dongbo Z., Joaquin M., Jason L.
Counselor's Corner 🦉
Hello, Deer Canyon families,
This week, our 4th grade classrooms completed the Emotional Management Unit of our Second Step curriculum, with lessons on how to avoid jumping to conclusions, as well as resisting the urge for revenge – two common sources of conflict on any elementary school playground. I re-emphasized the importance of using our practiced calm down strategies proactively, before doing or saying something regrettable. We also spoke about the versatility of “Stop, Name your Feeling, Calm down”, and how those simple three steps can help them tame any wild emotion. Fifth graders will finish that same unit next week, before I introduce the District’s problem-solving curriculum.
Our DC Leaders met to clarify their schedules and expectations. I’m working with them to independently be responsible for their assigned duties and to be punctual. All the information for every team is posted next to my front door, so if they ever have questions, you can refer them there. Please note, because there is no school on Tuesday, March 11, our Beautification Team will be meeting on Monday to discuss some new activities as well as a recycling education video we will be creating.
A uniform update: I’m currently in a dispute with our T-shirt provider, who are attempting to charge us 300% more for the exact items we ordered for the fall team. The very same $11 t-shirt, they’re saying, now will cost $38. This is unacceptable in my opinion. I will keep you informed as my negotiations move forward. I do apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience.
Finally, our small counseling groups will be wrapping up this coming week, with a couple exceptions, due to scheduling conflicts. We will be starting with the spring sessions at the end of this month, continuing to focus on emotional regulation, growth mindset, and making friends. If you have any questions about these groups or their curriculum, please feel free to contact me any time.
If you haven’t yet, please check out the new DC Counseling & SEL website. You will find information about myself, our counseling vision, and a number of helpful resources for parents and students alike. It is accessible via the “Academics” tab of the Deer Canyon website, as well as right HERE.
Remember, PUSD’s Caring Connections Parent Education website has new and exciting courses being offered this Fall. Each term they have different parenting education courses. We recommend periodically checking the website for the new courses offered to parents, families, and our school community. Click HERE to view the CCC Parent Education Fall Courses.
Have a great week!
- Mr. Higgins
Updates from the PSO
Fuel the DC Staff on Pro Grow Day
This Tuesday, DCES staff will be hard at work during their Pro Grow Day. Please join the PSO in keeping our wonderful staff fueled with snacks!
We're asking for food donations to our Professional Growth Day Snack Bar. All items need to be dropped off at school on Monday, March 10, in advance of Tuesday's Pro Grow Day. Check out their list of wishes.
Questions? Please email Razan (vpprograms@deercanyonpso.org) or Eve (president@deercanyonpso.org) .
PSO Open Positions: 2025-26 School Year
We have exciting open positions for the 2025-2026 school year and we'd love YOU to be a part of the PSO!
From the President to the Yearbook Chair, we need volunteers who are passionate about making a difference. Here's your chance to help create the amazing programs that our students love – including Art Adventures, Monster Mash, Readathon, Family Fun Night, and so much more!
Current members are eager to share their experiences and guide new families coming into these roles. With the support of our wonderful volunteers, we can continue to offer these fantastic events that bring our school community together. But we can’t do it without YOU!
Consider joining the PSO and help keep the magic alive for our kids! Contact us today to learn more and get involved.
For more information or to apply for a position, please contact president@deercanyonpso.org.
- President
- VP of Fundraising
- VP of Programs
- Art Adventures Chair
- Book Fair Chair
- Communication Chair/Echoes
- Family Fun Night Chair
- Family Heritage Night Chair
- Holiday Shop Chair
- Marketing Chair
- Monster Mash Chair
- Performing Arts Chair
- Promotion Chair
- Readathon Chair
- Yearbook Chair
PSO Mid-Year Update
Your PSO has been working hard this year to enhance the DC student experience. There is much progress to celebrate and share at this time of year. Please take a look at the brief snapshot below that reflects the generosity of our community and the enhancements we've made as a result. None of this is possible without your support, and we are truly grateful.
We are getting closer to meeting our annual goal of $99,000, which is critical to achieve in order to fund three significant staff positions and their supplies (PE, STEAM, Performing Arts), as well as teachers’ classroom supplies, all student and family events, and so much more. (For more DCPSO budget information, see pie chart below and click here.)
As we kick off our annual Read-a-Thon next week and Deer Dash in May, we invite you, your families, friends and employers to support our DC students in order to help us fill the significant gap between the money PUSD and the State of CA provide and what we actually need in order to maintain and enhance our DC experience every year. All contributions, big or small, help a lot and together they make a big difference.
Call for Deer Dash Committee Members
Deer Dash is our school's fun run fundraiser, taking place this year on May 1 during Wellness Week. We are looking for a few more volunteers to help contribute to planning the event.
If you are interested in helping out with small event tasks, mostly on your own time, we would appreciate your help! Please contact Vickie Merlo at deerdash@deercanyonpso.org. Thank you!
Upcoming Events 📆
Read-a-Thon: The Final Stretch
The annual Deer Canyon Read-a-Thon is in the final stretch, and it’s not too late to register your student! You can retrospectively add minutes from this week, and still win big prizes by reading and fundraising this weekend.
This year's event runs through March 9, so be sure to track your reading through the weekend. Log all of your minutes by midnight, Monday, March 10, to ensure that your student receives their reading prizes on Wednesday, March 12.
Every minute counts! We have read 43,943 minutes, closing in on our 50,000 minute goal!
Our goal is to raise $20,000 to support opportunities for Deer Canyon students, such as art, physical education, and of course a well-stocked library! Every dollar counts, so even a $10 or $20 donation can add up to our big total. If we reach our goal, Deer Canyon students will enjoy a fabulous Under the Sea glow party for families -- and many more fun prizes along the way.
We’ve already raised $15,095 and earned a week of Rockin’ Recess for Deer Canyon students and Principal Bendix wearing a shark costume. Remember: you can bring cash or check (made out to Deer Canyon PSO) to the front office, and we can count it toward your student’s fundraising total.
Students can win individual prizes for both reading minutes and fundraising, and there are also prizes for classrooms with the highest participation and meeting fundraising goals. Check out your classroom’s participation, and consider donating to help them take the lead! If your student earned a pizza party invitation, more details will be emailed to you next week.
Share your student’s fundraising page five times for an opportunity to win an Under the Sea Squishmallow, and be sure to have your student stop by the front gate on Monday morning with their bingo cards for one last chance to enter to win amazing prizes, one of three sets of Oceanic Bananagrams!
Monday is the last day to bring your bingo card to the front gate – be sure to arrive early in order to get your raffle tickets in!
Keep reading, Deer Canyon!
Questions? Email Dani Cook, Read-a-Thon chair at danibcook@gmail.com.
Update on Movie Night / GLOW Party
We originally planned for Movie Night on Friday, March 21. However, if we reach our Read-a-Thon fundraising goal of $20,000 by March 16, DCES earns a GLOW PARTY! 💫
Here's the new plan:
- On Friday, March 21, our very own Deer Canyon Choir will perform on the blacktop at 5:30 pm.
- Following the wonderful performance, we plan to host Movie Night in the MPR if we don't reach our fundraising goal.
- If we do reach the goal, our GLOW PARTY will be held that night instead, with Movie Night postponed to Friday, March 28, @ 6 pm.
- At FUNky Friday today, DCES students voted overwhelmingly for "Moana 2."
Check back with Echoes in a few weeks to find out if we met our goal!
DC Dining at Chuck E. Cheese Mira Mesa on March 14
Please join us at Chuck E Cheese (9840 Hibert St., San Diego, CA 92131) on March 14 for an evening of food, play, fun and fundraising! 20% of all event sales will be donated to our PSO to help support our school.
Remember to fill out this simple Google form so that we know that you attended this month's fundraiser.
Student Activities
Deer Canyon Science Olympiad at San Diego Regionals
We had a fantastic display of team spirit at the Regional tournament — Go Deer Canyon Science Olympiad teams!!
Deer Canyon placed 3rd overall. We are very proud of our students' achievements. They demonstrated immense team spirit, talent and adaptability in the highly competitive tournament setup. Throughout the season, our students' commitment, dedication and their curiosity to learn have been extremely impressive. Way to go!
The Science Olympiad program helps kids get excited about science and fosters teamwork. Events range from study to hands-on activities; such as building devices, experiments, and lab work. Please fill out the interest form to receive updates for trials and be a part of our next season.
See you at Steam Night!
Community Announcements
Free 'Save Your Scraps' Workshop
Learn to reduce food waste and help divert organic waste from our local landfills at the free "Save Your Scraps" workshop presented by I Love a Clean San Diego.
Saturday, March 15, at 10 am
Old Poway Park
This workshop will cover:
- How to reduce food waste when grocery shopping and cooking
- The pros and cons of different styles of composting
- Why it’s so important to keep organic waste out of landfills
- How to properly dispose of food waste through the curbside organic recycling program
Attendees will have the opportunity to make and take home a vermicomposting bin during the workshop – all supplies will be provided to start easily composting at home! Please note that supplies are first come, first served and limited to one bin per household, with priority given to residents of the City of Poway.
DCES Yearbook: Order by April 30
Hold on tight to those Deer Canyon memories!
Have you ordered this year's yearbook? If not, it is not too late! Deadline to purchase the yearbook and customize the 2 free-custom pages is Wednesday, April 30.
Questions: Contact the yearbook co-chairs Donna Cordero and Razan Lin at yearbook@deercanyonpso.org
How to Purchase:
To purchase a yearbook:
1. DOWNLOAD the Treering App or go to https://auth.treering.com/
2. LOG IN or SIGN UP using School Code 1015490278194159
3. CLICK "Explore (or "Purchase") Yearbooks" and select your child's name at the top.
4. SELECT soft or hard cover in the drop down.
5. CUSTOMIZE your two free pages by April 30, 2025 (you can purchase now, and will have till April 30th to customize your free 2 pages).