Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, March 2024
The Winnetka Public Schools Welcomes Ms. Ivory Ajavon and Mr. Steven Wilt to its Administrative Team
The Board approved the hiring of two new administrators starting on July 1, 2024. Ms. Ivory Ajavon has been named Principal of Hubbard Woods and Mr. Steven Wilt will serve as the District’s Chief School Business Official. District administration will work with both Ms. Ajavon and Mr. Wilt over the next few months to ensure a smooth transition into their respective roles.
Regular Board Meeting
Emily Rose, President, shared a preview of the evening’s meeting, and provided insight into the 2024/2025 Staffing Plan. She thanked Principal Carmody for her service to the Hubbard Woods community (in light of her resignation), and Mr. Goldstein for his work as the District’s CFO (due to his impending retirement). Ms. Rose noted that there is a great deal of change underway this spring and into the fall, including welcoming new leaders, implementing a new literacy curriculum, building additions to District facilities and welcoming new families to the community. She expressed hope that the school community will see these inflection points as opportunities to make a positive impact in the lives of our students and keep striving to support one another.
Reports on the following Committees were shared by participating Board Members:
Crow Island Stewardship Meeting
Committee of the Whole
Winnetka Public Schools Foundation Meeting
TrueNorth Cooperative 804 Meeting
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, noted that over 500 Skokie and Washburne students participated the 2024 Dance Marathon, which raised over $68,000 for Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. She thanked the Winnetka educators and PTO leaders for ongoing support to plan engaging educational opportunities and events to build connections in our school community. Dr. Tess also mentioned the new “Winnetka Voices” podcast episode featuring an interview with Board Member Marena Rudy. Additionally, she thanked the Winnetka Public Schools Foundation for supporting a substantial amount of professional learning connected to the District’s Literacy Pilot. This is one of the many examples of how the WPSF has been a tremendous partner to the District.
Finally, Dr. Tess encouraged families to participate in the Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey. The survey is administered by the University of Chicago on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education to inform school improvement efforts.
Painting our Portrait:
Monthly, a selection of the five District schools share a video to showcase an initiative that helps support attributes outlined in our Portrait of a Graduate: Global Citizen, Lifelong Learner, Effective Communicator, Empathetic, Resilient, Creative Problem Solver and Collaborative.
Crow Island School showcased initiatives regarding the implementation of RULER as our framework for social and emotional learning. RULER is an approach that promotes emotional intelligence for individuals of all ages, with the ultimate aim of fostering a healthier, more equitable, innovative, and compassionate society. RULER acronym stands for the following:
Recognizing emotions in oneself and others
Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions
Labeling emotions with a nuanced vocabulary
Expressing emotions in accordance with cultural norms and social context
Regulating emotions with helpful strategies
At Crow Island, you will consistently find Classroom Charters, Mood Meter Tools, Meta Moment tools, and vocabulary lessons happening at all grade levels throughout the week. You can learn more about RULER at Crow Island here.
Jeff Knapp, Assistant Superintendent for Professional Learning and Human Resources, presented the Proposed Staffing Plan for the 2022/2023 School Year. Staffing priorities are reflective of four key areas: Student Enrollment, Special Education, Programmatic Adjustments, and Financial Considerations. The staffing models include reductions in areas where enrollment is in decline, additions where enrollment is growing, as well as recommended reallocations that will continue to support the District’s priorities including the shift of bringing positions back in house from Agency/TrueNorth outsourcing. The District will continue to closely monitor enrollment and student needs in order to effectively plan for the 2024/2025 school year.
Informational Items
Monthly Construction Update - Bulley & Andrews
Bulley & Andrews shared a monthly Executive Summary on construction.
February Institute Day Summary
The Board was presented with an overview of the February 16th half day Institute summary for staff professional learning. Overall there were 16 different offerings including both choice sessions and committee involvements for staff to select. At the end of the day all staff were able to fill out a feedback survey form and the results have been tabulated. The data has been analyzed with the Shared Leadership group and will help drive future professional learning in the District.
The literacy materials pilot concluded at the end of February. The Literacy Leadership Committee met on March 6th to engage in a thorough review of the data gathered during the pilot in order to inform a recommendation for K-8 Tier I literacy. The School Board will receive the recommendation at the April 23 meeting. Following approval, the materials will be implemented starting in the fall of 2024.
Department of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion Update
An update was provided on enrollments and projects as well as staffing for the upcoming school year.
The Board approved fees for the 2024-2025 School Year. This includes transportation, Stay & Play, as well as various activity fees for after school sports, clubs and athletics.
PTO Donation-Upper Playground at Hubbard Woods
The Board approved a generous donation from the PTO for a new playground area in the upper play area at Hubbard Woods. This work will coincide with the new playground being installed in the summer of 2024 after work is completed on the addition.
Copier Lease and Service Agreement
The Board approved a 5-year lease and service agreement for the replacement of a copier used in the publications department.
Details were provided on the Board Organizational Meeting, to occur in April 2024.
Board/Superintendent Working Agreements and Protocols
An overview was shared of the December Work Session that focused on the Board and Superintendents’ roles, expectations and working agreements.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
SY2024/2025 Staffing Plan
Student Activity Fees FY 2025
PTO Donation Approval
Copier Lease and Service Agreement
Hubbard Woods Principal Employment Contract
Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer/Chief School Business Official Employment Contract
To view the entire Board Packet from the March 2024 Meeting, click here.