News from the Nest
September 6, 2024
The Weeks Ahead
Monday, 9/9 (Day 4)
Tuesday, 9/10 (Day 1)
-Pod Parents
Wednesday, 9/11 (Day 2)
-Pod Parents
-Special Spirit Day - Wear Red/White/Blue
Thursday, 9/12 (Day 3)
-Pod Parents
Friday, 9/13 (Day 4)
-VF Spirit Day - Wear VF Spirit Wear or Blue/Gold
-Back to School Bash - 6-8pm Vernfield playground
Monday 9/16 (Day 1)
-Home and School Association (HSA) September meetings: 6:30pm Committee Chair/Homeroom Coordinator meeting. 7-8pm General meeting - VF Library
Tuesday, 9/17 (Day 2)
Wednesday, 9/18 (Day 3)
-Fall Picture Day
Thursday, 9/19 (Day 4)
-VF Chorus Sings National Anthem at Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs - 5:30pm
Friday, 9/20 (Day 1)
-VF Spirit Day - Goodbye to Summer - Favorite Vacation Spot or Sunny T-Shirt
Pod Parent spots still available!
Pod Parents is a monthly program where parent(s)/guardian(s) assist any participating teachers & staff with projects, tasks, and/or other busy work. Volunteers may float amongst the six (6) pods (K - 5th grades), the Main Office and the Library to complete any work during their designated time slot.
There are still a few spots available for volunteers on Tuesday, September 10th, Wednesday, September 11th, and Thursday September 12th.
Please sign up via the below link:
When you arrive at the school, please:
- Check into the front office for the Pod Parent directions. You will need your driver’s license and the completed volunteer registration form, which can be found on the SASD website.
- Once checked in, you can proceed to any of the Pods, where there will be instructions that participating teachers have left for the volunteers. Please note that all volunteer work will be completed in the Pod and not in the classrooms.
- Please do not enter the classrooms or otherwise disturb classroom learning. Further, younger siblings may not accompany the adults while volunteering at school.
- Please be respectful that pod parent volunteer time is not a time to hold individual conversations with your child's teacher or to visit the classroom of your child.
- Kindly check with Mrs. Smerecki (Main Office) and Mrs. Porco (Library) to see if they need assistance.
- If you have completed your work, and you are not able to find any additional work, please be advised that you are not required to stay for the full two (2) hours.
- Finally, if you are not able to complete the project, please leave the instructions and materials in the pod as you found them for the next group of volunteers to work on.
If you have any questions and/or concerns, you may reach out to Kristin Emmons at kristin.m.emmons@gmail.com
The HSA is seeking Homeroom Coordinators
The Vernfield HSA is seeking Homeroom Coordinators for the 2024/2025 school year!
If you would like to volunteer to be your child's Homeroom Coordinator, please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/r/UM5zC04vDn. If you have multiple children at Vernfield, please complete a form for each child.
The form will be closed on Wednesday, September 11, and those chosen as Coordinators will be contacted via email.
The Homeroom Coordinator is responsible for organizing three classroom socials for the year (Fall on 10/31, Winter on 12/20, Valentine's Day on 2/13). This will include creating a signup genius and email for the teacher to forward to classroom parents prior to each social. We will provide templates for the emails.
The Homeroom Coordinator will also be a yearbook liaison and be responsible for gathering photos from each of the socials and ensuring they are sent to the Yearbook Committee.
We are asking that all Coordinators attend the HSA meeting on September 16, 2024. If you have any questions, please reach out to Katie Van Thuyne at moyerk2@hotmail.com.
Hospitality Volunteers needed
The HSA Hospitality Committee is looking for volunteers for the new school year! We host many events throughout the year including faculty meals, seasonal Thank You events, and a week-long Teacher Appreciation Celebration.
Please fill out this form to let us know what you are interested in helping with and we will be in touch soon for some planning!
Thank you!
Vernfield's Back to School Bash is coming soon!
Are you planning to purchase food from Meat Wagon BBQ? Please do so by Sunday, September 8th via the below link: https://dev.flashordr.com/flashorder/a/0/ac
Interested in volunteering at the event? Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050545AEAD2EABFF2-50981652-back#/
September Counseling News
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
To kick off the year, I visited each classroom to review our School Wide Positive Behavior Support Plan where student can earn a blue ribbon for going above and beyond the Vernfield Vision, which encourages students to take care of other people, themselves, and our school. I also reviewed our Bully Prevention Program and reminded students of the 3 R’s (Recognize, Refuse, & Report). Students are asked to report any suspected bullying to a trusted adult.
In grades Kindergarten- 2nd I read the book, 1-2-3 My Feelings and Me by Goldie Millar and Lisa A. Berger and reviewed the classroom calm down corners and expectations.
In Grades 3rd-5th I read the book, Taco Falls Apart by Brenda Miles , and discussed how self-talk can help us when we feel like things are falling apart. Students had a chance to reflect on their strengths and things they can do well.
Some tips to getting off on the right start this year include:
- Getting organized: have your child pick out their school outfit the night before.
- Establish a routine and stick with it: establish a bedtime and morning routine.
- Maintain healthy habits: eat healthy foods, limit screen time, and stay active!
- Empower your child to have some responsibilities: have your child pack their homework/library book.
- Connect home and school: reach out to your child's teacher with questions/concerns. Ask your child about the best part of their day.
I look forward to a great year, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Nicole Wagner, Vernfield Counselor
Join us for the September HSA meeting!
The first Home and School Association meeting will be held on Monday, September 16th at 7pm in the school Library. Babysitting will be available in the 2nd grade pod.
If you are an HSA committee chair or are selected as a homeroom coordinator, please come early at 6:30pm.
The HSA meetings are open to all interested parents & families. Agenda topics include upcoming HSA events, Principal's update, and more! We are looking forward to seeing everyone there.
HSA Bulb Fundraiser announcement
The Fundraising Committee is pleased to announce the Vernfield Beautification Bulb fundraiser, coming this Fall!
The HSA is selling bulbs to all students & families who are interested in participating in a planting event on Saturday, September 28th, anytime between 9am - 11am in the front of the school.
If you'd like to purchase a bulb for a $5 donation to the HSA, plant it (volunteers will be available to support planting) on 9/28, and watch it grow in early Spring, please sign up at the following link:
All sign-ups must be accompanied by a $5 donation to the HSA venmo account: @VernfieldHome_School upon sign-up. Bulbs will not be considered reserved until the donation is made.
A maximum of 50 bulbs are for sale, so order early!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mandy Merrill at amhansen@gmail.com.
Calling All Vernfield Cooks!
The Vernfield HSA fundraising committee is currently seeking recipes for our upcoming "Cooking with Spirit" cookbook fundraiser. Please submit all recipes by Tuesday, October 15th.
Please see the accompanying flyer for more information.
Pre-orders for the cookbook fundraiser will be available soon.
Questions? Contact Laura DiNardo at laura.j.dinardo@gmail.com.
Online Vernfield Calendar
HSA Executive Board Members
President:Sarah Osiol; sarah.osiol118@gmail.com
VP Fundraising: Danielle Rostick, pharmgirl19130@gmail.com
VP Communications: Mandy Merrill; amhansen@gmail.com
Secretary: Kendra Luther; itpmentor209@yahoo.com
Co-Treasurer: Kristen Viscardi; keviscardi@gmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Stephanie VanHeyst; lasinss16@gmail.com
Stay in Touch with Vernfield Home & School!
Vernfield Elementary School
Website: vernfield.soudertonsd.org
Location: 960 Long Mill Road, Telford, PA, United States
Phone: 215-721-0606
Twitter: @SASD_Vernfield