Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (11/4-11/8, 2019)
Shout Out!
This week's shout out goes to Ramsay for her humble approach with parents during an IEP meeting this week. Her humility and gentleness helped restore some trust between this family and the school. We are all learning and growing and her willingness to name that was admirable. Thanks, Ramsay.
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Holidays
Monday: Scholastic Book Fair opens!
Tuesday: Election Day
Wednesday: No Staff Meeting so everyone can breathe before conferences
Thursday: 12:30 dismissal Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday: 12:30 dismissal Parent/Teacher Conferences
Saturday: PTO Craft Fair
News, Updates, and Reminders
- Paras: You will be receiving additional math PD next week during parent/teacher conferences. Those of you who work in grades PK-2 will be meeting at Mohawk on Thursday and those who work in grades 3 and up will be meeting at Mohawk on Friday.
- If any of you have any conferences you'd like to have me sit in on, please let me know.
- There will be no staff meeting on Wednesday. Please feel free to use that time however you wish. You may meet with a colleague, prep for conferences, or go home and spend an extra hour with your family. Everyone is free to leave at dismissal if you want.