2nd Grade Science Pacing Guide
1st 9 Weeks 2016- 2017
Science Interactive Word walls
Interactive Word Walls: An Incredible Tool for Science
Interactive Word Walls: More Than Just
Reading the Writing on the Walls
- Word walls are really popular in elementary classrooms.
The key learning concepts are clearly labeled and organized to support learning.
The students “enjoy drawing, writing, and bringing items from home to contribute” to the wall. Student participation increase in creating and maintaining interactive word walls is crucial.
We ask students to supply the items (realia) and assign finding objects or examples for the wall as homework. Students can prepare labels, write definitions, create illustrations,
and suggest relevant connections and patterns. The connections that they make are insightful and often surprising. “Ooh!
Students with interactive word wall in class achieved higher scores on the application section of the test.
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 52(5)
February 2009
© 2009 International Reading Association
(pp. 398–408)
Process Skills
2.1A Safety Fast Facts
Student safety comes first in any science setting. The science classroom and outdoor areas present unique challenges in maintaining a safe working environment. Even though students have been taught safety rules and the use of safety equipment since Kindergarten, reviewing safety procedures with each classroom, laboratory, or field investigation remains a teacher priority. Students should keep a copy of school or class safety rules, and sign a safety contract, which promises that they will act responsibly. Students should be told how to act in an emergency or in an unsafe situation and must be able to identify safe practices regarding safety equipment.
Safety goggles should be worn any time there is a possible eye hazard, such as splashes from liquids, dust or debris from cutting or pounding materials, or chemical fumes. Students should develop a routine of putting on safety goggles before they begin to work with materials. Safety goggles are worn over prescription glasses. Teachers can show students how to sanitize safety goggles with alcohol wipes. Goggles can also be cleaned in warm, soapy water; then rinsed and soaked in a bleach-water solution for 10 minutes; rinsed a final time; and then air dried. After being introduced to proper goggle procedures, students should be able to demonstrate when to use safety goggles, how to put them on, how to sanitize them, and how to store them properly.
Washing hands with warm, soapy water should be mandatory for students after handling materials or live organisms in the laboratory or outdoors. Not all students know how to wash hands thoroughly and will need to be taught how to wash both sides of their hands, wash between their fingers, and rinse the soap off properly. Provide plenty of time for this cleanup process. Students should be able to identify when they should wash their hands and demonstrate how to wash properly. Provide alternative methods for cleaning hands when doing outdoor investigations.
Whether in the classroom or in an outdoor field investigation, students will need guidelines for using materials appropriately. Pouring liquids, measuring materials, obtaining materials, and storing materials are only a few of the procedures students will need to identify and demonstrate. At this young age, keeping students from playing with materials will be a special challenge. When in doubt, students should always ask a teacher for instructions.
2.1A Safety Assessment Answers
- Safety goggles should be worn in both drawings.
- Indoors - washing hands with soap and water, singing the song; Outdoors - alternative method such as hand sanitizer.
- Answers will vary, but should include: raise hand and/or ask for help from teacher.
Interactive Science Word wall
How to organize your word Wall for success
Science Word Wall with realia
National Geographic
2nd Grade Science Year at Glance
Unit 1: Earth and Space
Setting up the Science Classroom
Bodies of Water
The Water Cycle
Objects in the Sky
Unit 2: Matter and Energy
Classifying Matter
Changes from Heat
DCA 1- Earth Science
(Score, Analyze, Enrich, Remediate, Intervene, and Reflect)
2.7A Rocks
Student Expectation
The student is expected to observe and describe rocks by size, texture, and color.
Key Concepts
We can describe how rocks differ in size by measuring or estimating size.
We can use our sense of touch to observe and describe how rocks have different textures.
We can use our sense of sight to observe and describe how rocks have different colors and visual characteristics.
Fundamental Questions
How can we use our senses to observe rocks?
What physical properties can we use to describe rocks?
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
2.7A Observe and describe rocks by size, texture, and color.
Prior Grade(s): Science Connection
K.7B Observe, describe, compare, and sort rocks by size, shape, color, and texture.
1.7AC Gather evidence of how rocks, soil, and water help to make useful products.
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English.
Internalize new basic and academic language by using and reusing it in meaningful ways in speaking and writing activities that build concept and language attainment.
Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions.
Speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in context to internalize new English words and build academic language proficiency AND share information in cooperative interactions.
Lesson Plans Week 1
ELPS: I can orally and in writing conduct investigations following safety procedures. I can orally and in writing explain how to use tools and models to investigate the natural world.
GP: Set routines and procedures. Set up science notebook. Ask students - What do Scientists do? Discuss what students have suggested and create a circle map with their answers in order to assess current knowledge and misconceptions.
Read Book: What is a Scientist? by Barbara Lehn (link on pacing guide). Add to circle map as you read.
Day 2
TLW: I can conduct investigations following safety procedures. I can use tools and models to investigate the natural world.
ELPS: I can orally and in writing conduct investigations following safety procedures. I can orally and in writing explain how to use tools and models to investigate the natural world.
GP: Review prior learning on what a scientist is. Introduce safety rules for home and school science lab.
STEMscopes/Teacher Toolbox K-5/Process Skills/ Process Skills Primer - 2nd Grade (teacher)/2.1A & 2.1B Safety
IP: Students create scientist. On the index card students write why he/she wants to be a scientist or why they like science.
Day 3
TLW: I can conduct investigations following safety procedures. I can use tools and models to investigate the natural world.
ELPS: I can orally and in writing conduct investigations following safety procedures. I can orally and in writing explain how to use tools and models to investigate the natural world.
GP: Review prior learing.
IP: Students continue to work on scientist.
Day 4
TLW: I can conduct investigations following safety procedures. I can use tools and models to investigate the natural world.
ELPS: I can orally and in writing conduct investigations following safety procedures. I can orally and in writing explain how to use tools and models to investigate the natural world.
GP: Ask students - What tools do scientist use? Why do scientist use these tools? To collect, record, and compare information. Create anchor chart for tools.
IP: Students take notes in journal.
Day 5
TLW: I can conduct investigations following safety procedures. I can use tools and models to investigate the natural world.
ELPS: I can orally and in writing conduct investigations following safety procedures. I can orally and in writing explain how to use tools and models to investigate the natural world.
GP: Introduce stations to be used: STEMscopes/Teacher Toolbox K-5/Process Skills/ Process Skills Primer - 2nd Grade (teacher)/2.2C Discovery Skills
IP: Students conduct experiments and record information. STEMscopes/Teacher Toolbox K-5/Process Skills/ Process Skills Primer - 2nd Grade (student)/2.2C Discovery Skills/Try It Out!