Foster Elementary Bulldog Bulletin
May 28, 2024
School to Home Connection
Ideas/resources are opinions and may be considered useful if a family chooses.
It matters what you say to them.
It matters how you spend your time with them.
It matters how you make them feel.
If matters if you are real.
It matters how you love them with your whole heart and show affection.
It matters how you apologize and invite vulnerability to the table.
It matters how you encourage big dreams and tell them the sky is the limit.
It matters if you give them a safe place to land.
It matters if you are their biggest advocate and loudest cheerleader.
It matters if you teach them kindness by demonstrating it.
It matters if you wipe their tears away and put a bandaid on their scraped-up knee.
This parenting thing isn’t something to take lightly.
It’s a big job.
The biggest of them all.
But it’s one where we will keep showing up,
keep learning,
keep apologizing,
keep growing,
and keep offering every ounce of our hearts to see their little hearts soar.
Artwork: Safaa
Words: Lizzy Christian
Important Dates is an unmonitored account
so please do not reply to emails from this address.
May 24-30
Grade Level Celebrations of Learning & Picnic (RSVP button below, see grade level schedule below)
Before, during, and after each celebration of learning/picnic the lost and found items
will be spread out on tables outside the front entrance doors.
May 30
Early Dismissal at 12:00.
Sack lunch will be provided for those interested in buying.
ALL medications must be picked up from the clinic (more info. below).
Foster 23-24 Yearbook Info.
There will be a limited number of extra yearbooks for sale for $30 each/ cash or a check (made out to "Foster PTA" for payment).
The yearbooks will be available first come, first serve to purchase during the following times:
Tuesday, May 28th before school
Wednesday, May 29th before school
Thursday, May 30th before school
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month
May is National Speech Language and Hearing Month
2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration
Registration for incoming Kindergarten students is now open. If you know a family with children in this age group, please share this email with them. Please note: Students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024, to qualify for Kindergarten.
Parents of students enrolling in Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year may now begin the registration process online at
Humble ISD elementary schools have scheduled Kindergarten Roundups during the month of April to help parents learn more about the Kindergarten program and registration process.
2024-2025 EPI School Supply Kit
Orders due May 21, 2024.
All kits will be delivered to assigned host campus:
K-Willow Creek Elementary
1-Deerwood Elementary
2-Shadow Forest Elementary
3-5 Hidden Hollow Elementary
Creating class lists each year is a thorough process that takes into consideration students' social/emotional and academic needs, students' learning styles, peer relations, and academic programming. Each child is placed with much care and thoughtful consideration to help him/her grow and have a successful school year. Current teachers, relevant support staff, and administrators provide input into students' class placements. Because there are so many factors that need to be met, it is not possible for us to honor specific teacher requests from parents. We truly believe that each and every one of the teachers at FE would give nothing but their very best to support your child and provide him/her with a positive and productive school experience. If you have any information that you feel would be helpful for us to know about your child's needs for next year, we encourage you to email Mrs. Stevens or Ms. Heckman. Please do not email specific teacher requests for your child. Thank you for your understanding and trusting that we always have your child's best interest in mind.
Dear Families of Students in Pre-K through 4th Grade,
Have you created your Rooms account yet? You should have received an invitation to join Rooms ~ our new parent-teacher communication platform for elementary campuses.
Rooms works directly within our Humble ISD mobile app. Be sure you have the current Humble ISD mobile app downloaded on your mobile device, and notifications enabled, so that you can receive important updates from your child’s teachers.
Check out our new Rooms Support website, where you can find helpful information, quick videos and frequently asked questions about using Rooms.
This week a second round of invites will be sent from Please be sure to look for this email and follow the instructions to create your Rooms account, if you have not already done so. Remember, once you create your account, you are IN! Your Rooms account will follow your elementary student(s) through 5th grade.
So don’t delay! Stay informed and connected with Rooms.
If you did not receive an invitation to join Rooms by the end of this week, or if you have any questions, please submit a Rooms Help Request.
*There is a link to this webpage in our campus site menu under the Students & Families column.
Free Celebrity Wake-Up Calls for Your Kids!
Do you know you can sign up for....
Free Celebrity Wake-Up Calls for Your Kids!
Why not sign your son or daughter up for free celebrity wake-up calls by Get Schooled? Each week a new celebrity's pre-recorded wake-up call will go out to your son or daughter. Celebrities include Victoria Justice, Wiz Khalifa, and the boy band One Direction. Signing up is easy!
Regular attendance is critical to learning in the classroom. When your elementary or middle school child is absent from school, please note the following important reminders:
Inform the school within 48 hours to mark the absence as excused using one of these options:
Fill out the online absence form at -or-
Email the campus attendance office -or-
Send in a paper note, or take a photo with your phone and send it to the attendance office -or-
Call the school’s attendance office
For medical or dental appointments:
Get a note at the appointment and upload it into the online absence form at -or-
Turn it in to the attendance office within 48 hours.
Did You Know?
Dated health care appointment notes allow the school to mark your child present if they attended any part of the school day, such as before or after their appointment.
When students stay in school until 10 a.m. (Elementary) or 10:40 a.m. (Middle School), it ensures the school receives full funding for the day. Your support in ensuring your child’s attendance not only helps them academically, but also boosts the school’s success.
Thank you for partnering with us to provide the best educational experience for our students. For more information, please visit Important Attendance Information for Parents or view the Attendance Reminders for Elementary & Middle School flyer.
Kingwood Park High School Basketball Camp
Kingwood Park Boys Basketball Camp is 2 months away (June 10-13)!!
Click the link below to register TODAY!!
Jeffrey Hamilton, Head Boys Basketball, Kingwood Park High School
Click the button below to complete the short Google Form and we will share your message with the staff.
Free and reduced lunch application-Must be completed annually
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Humble ISD Child Nutrition Service is accepting Free & Reduced Meal Application for the 2023-2024 school year. Please read information on how free and reduced status can impact more than just meals for students.
Households must reapply annually in order to be eligible for free or reduced priced meals. Students who received free/reduced price meals during the current school year qualify for those benefits the first 30 days of the following school year in August. However, once a new application is processed, the eligibility determined by the new application will supersede the previous year’s eligibility even if that is within those first 30 days. Any student who does not have a new application processed by the 30th school day, will automatically be changed to full pay.
attendance info.
We love our volunteers!
Opportunities to Volunteer at Foster Via the PTA
Room parents plan/organize class parties and send out class letters to parents for parties and Carnival.
Room parents are vital to the success of PTA events at Foster including carnival and Super Kids Day.
There will be a Room Parent Meeting in October where you will receive all the information that you need.
2. General Volunteer
Many times throughout the year Foster PTA will need many helping hands. Some of the events that we may contact you for are: PE fun runs, Carnival, Penguin Patch, Super Kids Day and other school events.
3. Staff Appreciation Volunteer
Throughout the year PTA hosts many luncheons and breakfasts for the Foster Elementary staff and we will be in need of food and drink donations that simply need to be dropped off at the school.
All volunteers will need to complete the annual volunteer application.
*If you would like to volunteer in your child’s classroom, please scan the QR code below and fill out the form. If you have any questions, please email