Countdown to Kindergarten
Summer 2024 - 1st Edition week of July 22, 2024
Welcome to Vose Elementary School!
Dear New Vose Kindergarten Families,
We are pleased to welcome you to Vose! This summer we are busily making plans for the new school year. This is our first edition of the Countdown to Kindergarten newsletter, designed to provide families with helpful information and reminders to make your child's transition to kindergarten as smooth as possible.
We know that our kindergarten families have lots of questions, especially if this is the first time that you’re sending a child to school. We’re here to support you!
Below are answers to some frequently asked questions and information about your child’s first week. Please know that more information will be coming, as well.
Also feel free to keep up-to-date on what is happening in the upcoming school year at Vose by visiting our school website, which houses our past year's newsletters and our school calendar.
We look forward to having you and your future Vose Owl join our school community soon!
Monique Singleton, Principal
Ellen Arnold, Assistant Principal
Summer Hours for Vose Elementary Office
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Starting Monday, August 12th:
Monday - Friday: 7:15 am - 3:45pm
Summer Meal Program
All children, ages 1 through 18 years, are eligible free meals. All children and students from the community are welcome to participate. There is no application or registration required. Children are required to be present and meals must be eaten onsite. Food may not be permitted to leave the premises. Adults are welcome to purchase (cash only) and enjoy a meal with their children. Breakfast is $3.00, and lunch is $5.00.
Meals will be served Monday through Thursday, June 17-August 8. Vose is a site for these meals.
For Vose Elementary site, here is the specific information:
• Meals available Monday - Thursday from June 17 - August 8, 2024.
• Breakfast: 7:30-7:50am** (only available July 1-25)
• Lunch: 11:00-12:00pm.
• Free meals available to all children & students 1-18 years old.
• Meals must be consumed on-site.
• Children must be present for free meals.
• No meal service June 19 – June 20 and July 4.
For more information, up-to-date serving times and a map of Summer Meal Service sites, visit the Summer Meal Service webpage.
Important Dates
Friday, August 16- deadline to complete Kindergarten Family Connect Appointment Preference Survey- CLICK HERE to sign up for your preferred date(s)/time(s).
Thursday, August 22, 3:30-5:30:
Family Meet & Greet - Meet Kindergarten Teachers + 1st-5th grade Teachers and Drop off School Supplies (teacher assignments for 1st - 5th will be mailed to families the week of August 19 and Kindergartners will receive a tentative class assignment by Thursday, August 31, see more info about Class Placement below)
Monday, August 26:
FOR 1st - 5th GRADES: First day of school Doors open at 7:20am, Free breakfast available for ALL students. Tardy bell rings at 7:45am. School hours 7:45am - 2:20pm. Parents can escort 1st-5th students to class only on the first day of school. After that, our friendly staff will assist students if needed.
FOR KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS: families will have choice of a Family Connect appointment on this day or on Tuesday, August 27...see below for more info and CLICK HERE to sign up for your preferred date(s)/time(s).
Tuesday, August 27:
FOR KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS: families will have choice of a Family Connect appointment on this day or Monday, August 26...see below for more info and CLICK HERE to sign up for your preferred date(s)/time(s).
Wednesday, August 28:
First full day of school for Kindergarten students, last name A-L only. Kindergarten students with last name M-Z stay home today. Doors open at 7:20am. Tardy bell rings at 7:45am. School hours 7:45am - 2:20pm. FREE breakfast & lunch available for ALL students. Parents can escort Kindergarten students to class today and through the first full week of school for kindergarteners, ending Friday, September 6th. After that, staff will assist students if needed.
Thursday, August 29:
First full day of school for Kindergarten students, last name M-Z only. Kindergarten students with last name A-L stay home today. Doors open at 7:20am. Tardy bell rings at 7:45am. School hours 7:45am - 2:20pm. FREE breakfast & lunch available for ALL students. Parents can escort Kindergarten students to class today and through the first full week of school for kindergarteners, ending Friday, September 6th. After that, staff will assist students if needed.
Kindergarten Parents will receive message through Parent Square by 5:00pm to confirm their child's classroom teacher
Friday, August 30
All Kindergarten students attend for full day. Free breakfast & lunch available for ALL students, school hours 7:45am - 2:20pm.
Thursday, September 5th
Vose Open House, 5:00-7:00pm for preK - 5th grade. Please join us to meet your child’s teacher and to learn about our school’s programs as well as community resources. PLEASE BRING YOUR PERSONAL MOBILE DEVICE (tablet and/or cell phone) so we can help you get connected to valuable online resources.
Friday, September 6th
* This is the last day for parents to escort Kindergarten students to class. After that, our friendly staff will assist students if needed.
Monday, September 9th- First Day for PreK (4 years old by September 1st, pre-registration required)
Kinder Jumpstart Information
If your child will be attending Kindergarten Jumpstart this summer, please refer to the following information.
Hola familias,
Estamos emocionados de darle la bienvenida a su estudiante al programa de Buen Inicio a Kinder y Primer Grado en Vose este verano. El programa se llevará a cabo de lunes a jueves a partir del 29 de julio hasta el 8 de agosto. Las clases se impartirán de 08:00am a 12:00pm. Nuestras puertas se abrirán a las 07:40 am para el desayuno y los estudiantes recibirán el almuerzo durante el día escolar. Si solicitó transporte en autobús, recibirá información del departamento de transporte directamente con información de la ruta. Durante estas dos semanas estaremos preparando a su estudiante para su transición al Kindergarten o al Primer Grado. ¡Estamos emocionados de prepararlos para ser exitosos el año escolar 2024/2025!
Hello Families,
We are excited to welcome your student to Vose Summer Kindergarten/1st Grade Jumpstart. The program will run Monday - Thursday beginning July 29th and will run until August 8th. Classes will be held from 08:00am - 12:00pm. Our doors will open at 07:40am. Free breakfast and lunch will be served. The menus are below. Your child is welcome to bring their own lunch, but all students will practice lunchtime routines. If you requested bus transportation, you will receive information from the transportation department directly with route information. During these two weeks we will be preparing your student for their transition either into Kindergarten or First Grade. We are excited to set them up for success for the 2024/2025 school year!
For questions, please contact:
Mayra Barraza Campuzano: mayra_barraza_campuzano@beaverton.k12.or.us
Diana Sifuentes: diana_sifuentes@beaverton.k12.or.us
or use Parent Square | o utilice Parent Square
Hold the Dates - 8/26 & 8/27 Family Connect Appointments
Monday and Tuesday, August 26th and 27th are not school days for Kindergarten students. These two days have been set aside for Kindergarten teachers to connect with each new Kindergarten student and their family. Please CLICK HERE to sign up for your preferred date(s)/time(s).
Sample Kindergarten Schedule
School starts at 7:45am...school doors open at 7:20am and students can get breakfast or go to another supervised area (playground, gym, library, music room, etc. on a rotating schedule. School staff will guide all of our students, and especially our Kindergarteners to their classrooms when the bell rings.
Sample Schedule:
Play Inquiry
Reader’s Workshop & Writer’s Workshop (Collaborative Co-Teaching for ELD)
Math Workshop
Science/Social Studies/Health/Art
Brain Breaks/Snack/Recess/Lunch
Dismissal at 2:20pm
Kindergarten Preparation Tips
Start a schedule for an early bedtime and early wake up time to get ready for school hours by mid-August.
- Use the bathroom independently
- Put a coat on independently
Practice eating from a sack lunch at home, what to eat first, how much to eat, how to close lids tight, etc.
Start with a healthy breakfast in the morning
Get things organized the night before (clothes, lunches, backpack, Homework)
Provide them with opportunities to play with others
Check their backpacks daily
Be sensitive to their exhaustion level after school starts
Praise their effort and/or process
10 minutes of reading together everyday
10 minutes of something they want to do with you everyday
Clothing, lunchboxes, sweatshirts and coats for sure: Label! Label! Label!
When to keep them home...and when not to (Fever, diarrhea, cough, etc.). Please start looking into backup child care now if your child is sick. Please teach children to wash hands well, cover coughs and to avoid putting hands on their faces now to be ready for kindergarten
Send a bag with extra clothes (leave in backpack)
LABEL EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO COME BACK HOME: lunchbox, jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, hats, gloves, water bottle, etc.
Dual Language Spanish Immersion Program
In Kindergarten, 90% of their day is in Spanish, with the amount of time spent in English gradually increasing each school year, in order for students to be able to read, write and speak in both English & Spanish. It's important to know that it generally takes 5-7 years for someone to fully acquire a new language. But it is a lifelong skill and gift that keeps on giving!
For more information and to apply, go HERE. Please contact brynnen_nassiri@beaverton.k12.or.us for more information.
Kindergarten School Supply List
Below is the 2024-2025 School Supply List if you'd like to shop with your child. You and your child can bring your supplies to our Meet & Greet event on Thursday, August 22 from 3:30pm-5:30pm. Kindergarten students can also bring their school supplies on their first day...
Wednesday, August 28: First full day of school for Kindergarten students, last name A-L only.
Thursday, August 29: First full day of school for Kindergarten students, last name M-Z only.
*All items will be shared, so please do not put names on supplies (backpacks and jackets, sweatshirts, lunch boxes excluded, PLEASE label these). Please also include a large ziploc or plastic bag with an extra change of clothes included, because accidents do happen and this ensures your child is comfortable and can quickly return to class.
- 6 glue sticks
- 1 pack of Crayola crayons (24 pack)
- 1 pack of broad line markers
- 1 pack of thin line markers
- 1 pair of kid headphones (NOT earbuds) with USB-C plug
- 3 containers of disinfectant wipes
- 1 pack of baby wipes (unscented)
- 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
- 1 reusable water bottle
- 2 packs black EXPO dry erase markers
- 1 Backpack (FULL SIZE)
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 6 barras de pegamento
- 1 caja de crayones de 24
- 1 caja de marcadores - punta regular
1 caja de marcadores - punta fina
- 1 par de audífonos para niños con USB-C
- 3 botellas de toallitas desinfectantes
- 1 paquete de toallitas húmedas (sin perfume)
- 2 botellas de desinfectante de manos(10 onzas o más)
- 1 botella reutilizable para agua
- 2 paquetes de EXPO marcadores de borrado en seco color negro
- 1 mochila (TAMAÑO REGULAR)
- 2 cajas de pañuelos desechables
Class Placement/Teacher Information for Kindergarten
In an effort to create classes that have a balance between gender, age in relationship to peers, academic skills, social skills, special needs, student interaction and learning styles we will not officially assign teachers prior to the first full day of school on Friday, September 1st.
We have found that by waiting a few days we can prevent assigning students randomly, as our goal is to create a balanced classroom of students who will thrive together in their learning with their teacher all year. You will have an opportunity to meet our five kindergarten teachers on Thursday, August 22nd at our Meet the Teachers & School Supply Drop-Off from 3:30pm-5:30pm.
For the first days of school your child will be assigned to a color group (i.e. red, blue, etc.) which will be listed in a letter you will receive in a letter in the mail the week of August 19. On the first few days of school, there will be staff and signs to guide you and your child to the classrooms and ensure they feel welcome and safe.
Please remember this is just for the first few days of school until we are able to more accurately place students into classrooms. Your family will receive your final teacher assignment through an email in ParentSquare (our school communication system) by Thursday, August 29th at 5pm. Starting on Friday, August 30th, your child will join their assigned teacher and you will have the opportunity to drop off your child at her/his class and meet the teacher. There will also be an opportunity to meet the teacher at Back to School Night on Thursday, September 5th from 5:00pm-7:00pm.
Important Questions & Answers About Kindergarten
When is the first day of kindergarten?
Half of our kindergarteners (last names starting with A-L) will start on Wednesday, August 28 and be off on Thursday, August 29. The other half (last names starting with M-Z) will be off on Wednesday and start on Thursday.
Monday, August 26:
FOR 1st - 5th GRADES: First day of school for students in Grades 1-5, Doors open at 7:20am, Free breakfast available for ALL students, school hours 7:45am - 2:20pm.
KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS and families will have choice of a Family Connect appointment on this day or Tuesday, August 27...see below for more info.
Tuesday, August 27:
KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS and families will have choice of a Family Connect appointment on this day or Monday, August 26...see below for more info.
Wednesday, August 28:
First day of school for Kindergarten students, last name A-L only. Kindergarten students with last name M-Z stay home today. Doors open at 7:20am, Free breakfast & lunch available for ALL students, school hours 7:45am - 2:20pm. Parents can escort Kindergarten students to class today and through the first week of school until Friday, September 6th only. After that, staff will assist students if needed.
Thursday, August 29:
First day of school for Kindergarten students, last name M-Z only. Kindergarten students with last name A-L stay home today. Doors open at 7:20am, Free breakfast & lunch available for ALL students, school hours 7:45am - 2:20pm. Parents can escort Kindergarten students to class today and through the first week of school until Friday, September 6th only. After that, staff will assist students if needed.
Friday, August 30:
ALL Kindergarten students attend. Free breakfast & lunch available for ALL students, school hours 7:45am - 2:20pm. Parents can escort Kindergarten students to class today and through the first week of school until Friday, September 6th only. After that, staff will assist students if needed.
Will families be able to visit the school and kindergarten classrooms prior to the start of school?
Thursday, August 22, 3:30-5:30:
Family Meet & Greet - Meet Kindergarten Teachers + 1st-5th grade Teachers and Drop off School Supplies (teacher assignments for 1st - 5th will be mailed to families the week of August 19 and Kindergarteners will receive a tentative class assignment, see more info about Class Placement below)
Thursday, September 5th, 5:00-7:00pm
Vose Open House for PreK - 5th grade. Please join us to meet your child’s teacher and to learn about our school’s programs. PLEASE BRING YOUR PERSONAL MOBILE DEVICE (tablet and/or cell phone) so we can help you get connected to valuable online resources.
What are the normal hours for school?
Doors open at 7:20am, Free breakfast & lunch available for ALL students, school hours 7:45am - 2:20pm. Tardy bell rings at 7:45am.
What is the process for picking up and dropping off kindergarteners?
Arrival/Dismissal Parking Lot Map & Process: A flyer and description of our Arrival & Dismissal process is below that explains what areas of our parking lots are for buses only and where our parent drop-off and pick-up area is located. For the safety of everyone, please observe these procedures whenever you are at our school. If everyone follows these procedures in a positive and cooperative way, it goes well for us all.
Here are the general guidelines:
* Students will be allowed to enter the building starting at 7:20 am. There will not be supervision until then and we ask that parents do not drop students off until 7:20am.
* Only students and staff are allowed in the building. We have caring staff who will continue to ensure the safety and care of your children once you drop them off. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this area to ensure safety for all. Parents can access the office for any questions or if they need assistance. The only exception to this is from Wednesday, August 28th - Friday, September 6th as Kindergarten parents can walk their children to their classes. After that, all Kindergarteners will be able to walk themselves with the assistance of the helpful staff if needed.
* At dismissal, students will accompany their teachers, as they are dropped off at one of the following: school bus, parent pick up in the entry area or parent pick up by car in the parking lot. Please be sure your child’s teacher knows how they will get home.
* Parent walkers will have a specific location at the front of the school (parallel to Denney Road) by grade level. Please wait in the area of your youngest child you are picking up.
* Please refer to the map below for more details.
Is after-school care offered at our school?
Yes, our district has rented space to Club K, please go to their website for more information: https://clubkafterschool.com/. Club K is not sponsored by or affiliated with the Beaverton School District or Vose Elementary.
When do families find out who their kindergarten teachers will be?
In an effort to create classes that have a balance between gender, age in relationship to peers, academic skills, social skills, special needs, student interaction and learning styles we will not officially assign teachers prior to the first full day of school on Friday, August 30th.
We have found that by waiting a few days we can prevent assigning students randomly, as our goal is to create a balanced classroom of students who will thrive together in their learning with their teacher all year. You will have an opportunity to meet our five kindergarten teachers on August 22nd at our Meet the Teacher & School Supply Drop-Off from 3:30pm-5:30pm.
For the first days of school your child will be assigned to a color group (i.e. red, blue, etc.) which will be listed in a letter you will receive in a letter in the mail the week of August 19th. On the first few days of school, there will be staff and signs to guide you and your child to the classrooms and ensure they feel welcome and safe.
Please remember this is just for the first few days of school until we are able to more accurately place students into classrooms. Your family will receive your final teacher assignment through an email by Thursday, August 29th at 5pm. Starting on Friday, August 30th, your child will join their assigned teacher and you will have the opportunity to drop off your child as her/his class and meet the teacher. There will also be an opportunity to meet the teacher at Back to School Night on Thursday, September 5th from 5:00pm-7:00pm.
How do families ensure that their child will have a lunch to eat on the first day?
Students can bring lunches from home or purchase lunches in the school cafeteria. Staff will be available to assist kindergartners with purchasing lunches using their student numbers for the first few weeks of school. At Vose Elementary, ALL students receive FREE breakfasts and lunches, so families do not need to add money to their accounts. Please be clear with your student if you want them to get a school lunch or eat the lunch you made for them.
If kindergarteners eat breakfast at school, when should they arrive? How do they get to class after breakfast?
Doors open at 7:20am, free breakfast & lunch available for ALL students. Staff assist students to get to their correct classroom by the time the tardy bell rings at 7:45am.
How do families apply for free or reduced-cost school meals?
If you believe your student qualifies for free or reduced-cost meals, please visit the Meal Benefits webpage to apply. Families who qualify can be eligible for other district, state and federal benefits and resources, even though students at Vose already all receive free breakfast/lunch benefits. For example, that is how families might qualify for federal relief monetary benefits, etc.
How are food allergies handled?
Parents should email our school nurse, anita_good@beaverton.k12.or.us for assistance.
How do families find out about bus routes? Do families need to register?
If a student qualifies for busing, families will receive a message from Transportation with their student’s route information via ParentSquare or email the week of August 19. Elementary students who live more than one mile from school qualify for busing; families do not need to register.
Do families need to buy school supplies for kindergarteners?
We have included the school supply list items above. Families can also find it listed on our website if they want to print it- Click HERE or posted in the front office window at the school.
What will kindergartners need to bring to school on their first day?
A jacket if weather requires, backpack, lunch (if not eating school lunch, water bottle, and school supplies if they have not already dropped them off at the Meet & Greet event on August 22 from 3:30-5:30pm. Also, an extra change of clothes in plastic bag (underwear, pants, shirt, socks) is very helpful for unexpected accidents. PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS WITH CHILD'S NAME.
If families have other questions prior to the start of school, when will the school office be open to call and speak to a staff member?
Starting Wednesday, August 2nd our front office will be open from 8:00am-3:30pm, Monday - Friday.
For more back-to-school information, please visit the district’s website.
ParentSquare- How to Sign Up
We wanted to share the recordings of our ParentSquare 101 trainings for incoming kindergarten families. ParentSquare is the app that our district uses to share electronic news and communication with parents from the district as well as our local schools. It is also used a communication tool between teachers and parents. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU GET PARENTSQUARE SET UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so you can receive important information throughout the summer about back to school dates/info as well as throughout each school year.
English ParentSquare 101 - https://youtu.be/UiX7gUTzeQU
Spanish ParentSquare 101 - https://youtu.be/Fg1iC4OL34E
These videos are also posted on our ParentSquare webpage https://www.beaverton.k12.or.us/parentsquare
Do you have an incoming kindergarten student? Schools are already communicating with incoming kindergarten families using our ParentSquare platform. We use ParentSquare at the District, school and classroom level to communicate with families
Learn how to navigate our ParentSquare app, set your notification preferences and more! https://youtu.be/UiX7gUTzeQU
¿Tiene un estudiante entrante de kindergarten? Las escuelas ya se están comunicando con las familias que ingresan a kindergarten utilizando nuestra plataforma de comunicación llamada ParentSquare. Usamos ParentSquare a nivel Distrito, escuela y salón de clase para comunicarnos con las familias.
¡Aprenda a navegar la aplicación ParentSquare, configure sus preferencias de notificación y más! https://youtu.be/Fg1iC4OL34E
Vose Elementary School
Email: ellen_arnold@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://vose.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 11350 SW Denney Road, Beaverton, OR, 97008
Phone: (503)356-2430