Maverick Monthly: May 2024

Welcome from Superintendent Jeremy Williams
Thank you Eastland ISD Families!
As we close out another successful school year, I want to thank all of you for supporting our students and playing an integral part in ensuring they reach their full potential. From science, reading, history and math to career and technology education, we’ve watched your children flourish in the classroom and rise up to meet the challenges and changes along the way. This has produced resiliency and growth in your child, and we hope you have enjoyed seeing them shine.
We should all share a strong sense of pride in what our students and staff have accomplished this past year. There were academic and extracurricular achievements, as well as a lot of fun and personal growth as we watched students master new skills.
I’m so grateful for each and every moment and each unique Maverick memory.
Nothing is more exciting than to watch our students walk across the stage to receive their diplomas. From the smallest kindergarten graduate and expectant fifth grader, to the last senior who turns the tassel, these moments offer us an opportunity to reflect and remember the many milestones our students experienced along their educational journey. Our kids could not have accomplished all that they did without the support of our amazing families and the greater Eastland community.
I also want to thank each of our dedicated teachers, administrators and support personnel for committing themselves to the success of our students. The educators in Eastland ISD helped our students individually and collectively gain confidence and knowledge, setting the stage for continuous learning and significant personal growth. I hope our staff, too, has a deep sense of pride in our students’ progress. Together, EISD educators helped them develop skills like problem-solving, communication and time management.
To all our returning students and their families, I wish you a restful and invigorating summer break. We look forward to kicking off another great year in EISD this August. But until then, enjoy your time together and take advantage of the flexibility and fun that only summer break can bring.
To the graduating Class of 2024, I offer my sincerest congratulations and best wishes. Although each of you will forge your own path and destiny, you were all a part of something special here in Eastland ISD. Some will go to college or trade school, some of you will enter the workforce and still others will serve our country in the military. All of you, however, are connected forever by the shared experiences and privilege of learning and growing in EISD.
May you always look back fondly on your time spent as a Maverick.
Have a great summer!
Jeremy Williams
Trustees Vote To Name 2024-25 Board Officers
Votes from the May 4 board member election were canvassed at a Called Board Meeting on May
9. New board members Jim Moylan, Jr. and Kalli Stacy were sworn in as newly elected board
The Regular Board Meeting was held on May 20. The board was reorganized.
President is Jim Moylan, Jr., Vice-President is Brent Kirkland, and Secretary is David Hatton. It
was an honor to recognize various employees and students at this month’s meeting. The pledge
was led by The Siebert Singers and Hand Chime Ringers. Teachers earning the Teacher Incentive
Allotment (TIA) were recognized.
In other business, the School Board:
- Recognized Students of the Month;
- Recognized EHS Valedictorian and Salutatorian;
- Discussed on-going projects and approved an erosion control project;
- Discussed Preliminary Tax Values;
- Authorized Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Certification;
- Accepted resignations and approved new hires as recommended by the Superintendent
The next regularly scheduled School Board meeting will be Monday, June 10.
Siebert Singers and Hand Chimes Groups Lead the Pledge
At the School Board meeting on May 20th, the Siebert Singers and Hand Chimes groups led the pledge. Throughout this school year, the Siebert Singers and Hand Chimes groups have had numerous performances. The students and audiences both have had a blast at each of their shows. At the board meeting, the Siebert Singers and Hand Chimes groups were also honored for their outstanding performances at a competition at the NRH2O Waterpark on Tuesday, May 14!
Eastland Middle School Students of the Month
Zace Rich and Rhyse Rudledge were named as Students of the Month for April!
Zace is a Straight A 8th Grade student. He has been noted by his teachers as always being respectful and for having an awesome work ethic. He has been active in athletics, participating in Football, Basketball, and Track. He also plays Baseball, and is a great AG student.
Rhyse is an 8th Grade student known for her smile. She was noted by teachers to be a hard worker who cares about her work and strives for excellence. She is a cheerleader who plays Volleyball, Basketball, and participates in Track and Cross Country. Additionally, in AG, she has studied Vet Tech and Ag Advocacy. Outside of school she also participates in gymnastics.
Eastland High School Students of the Month
Raelyn Nelson and Rylan Hernandez were named as Students of the Month for April!
Raelyn has been an outstanding student. She was a member of the Eastland One-Act Play, which had great success this year. Additionally, Raelyn was a member of the Eastland High School Band and Beta Club. She will continue her education at Tarleton State University, pursuing a degree in Computer Science.
Rylan was another outstanding student. He has been a core part of EHS Athletics, playing both Basketball and Baseball. He also participated in AG and FCCLA. Rylan will study Diesel Mechanics at TSTC.
School Board Recognizes Class of 2024 Valedictorian and Salutatorian
Special recognition was given to the Class of 2024 Valedictorian Landri Foster and Salutatorian Jaci Darr for their outstanding academic performance.
Landri signed to be a part of the Co-Ed Cheer Team for the University of Texas. During her time at EHS, she participated in EHS Cheer, Volleyball, Beta Club, FFA, and was a Junior Ambassador. In addition to this, Landri has earned an Associates Degree with both Ranger College and Cisco College.
Jaci Darr will be attending Texas Tech. During her time at Eastland High School, she participated in Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Beta Club, FFA, and was a Junior Ambassador. Jaci has also earned an Associates Degree with both Ranger College and Cisco College.
Congratulations to these two outstanding students. Good luck in your future endeavors!
Twenty-Three EISD Teachers Qualify for Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)
Eastland ISD is very pleased to announce that twenty-three teachers have earned a designation through the Teacher Incentive Allotment. These teachers were recognized at the May School board meeting.
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was created by the Texas Legislature in June of 2019, with a stated goal of a six-figure salary for teachers, prioritizing teaching in high needs and rural district campuses. Once earned, the designation is applied to the individual’s teaching certificate and remains valid for five years.
Eastland ISD highly values the time and effort outstanding teachers pour into their assignments, ensuring our students receive the best possible education. We wish to recognize and reward these efforts by providing to our teachers the opportunity to earn a Teacher Incentive Allotment designation.
We would like to congratulate and recognize the following teachers for earning this distinction this year: Stephanie Ainsworth, Victoria Cunningham, Shauna Cowan, Melanie Flora, Nikki Galbreath, Doug Galyean, Jennifer Henry, Alisha Rogers, Crista Jones, Toni Jones, Emily Lacy, Shone Messenger, Brian Perry, Shauta Robinson, Connie Sanderson, Emerald Sandlin, Rachel Schuman, Susan Scott, Denise Skinner, Ricky Taylor, Megan Underwood, Tavia Underwood, and Kevin West.
We look forward to more teachers earning designations through the Teacher Incentive Allotment program and to the benefits this program will bring to Eastland ISD and our community.
Middle School and High School Band Concerts
On May 14th, the Eastland Middle School Band performed at the High School Auditorium. This performance was the culmination of all of the hard work of each of the members of the band, and was regarded as a great success!
Photos from the Middle School Band Concert can be found here!
The Eastland High School Band held their concert on May 16th. This performance allowed students to showcase their growth as musicians, featuring challenging songs that the band performed flawlessly. It was an enthralling show, and was a great way to cap off the year for the Eastland High School Band students.
Eastland High School Scholarship Ceremony
On May 15th, Eastland High School held its Annual Scholarship Ceremony. At this ceremony, the class of 2024 was formally presented with scholarships that will aid them in their future scholastic endeavors. Additionally, students who had signed with universities were recognized.
Thank you to all of the donors, families, and community supporters!
Students Enjoy Siebert Field Days, Rain or Shine!
Despite the rainy weather, Siebert Elementary adapted and held their Field Day events indoors! Students played tug of war, ran relay races, stacked cups, bounced balloons, played various games, and enjoyed jumping through bouncy houses and inflatable obstacle courses!
Special thank you to Siebert PTO, Tropical Ice Snow Cones, and Eastland Inflatables for helping make this event unforgettable!
Seniors and 5th Grade Walk Through Siebert Before Graduation
On the morning of May 22nd, the Class of 2024 and the graduating 5th grade class paraded through the halls of Siebert Elementary. In this longstanding Eastland tradition, the Seniors, in cap and gown, walk through the halls one last time as students, teachers, family members, and friends cheer them on. The 5th Grade class follows closely behind, enjoying their last day at Siebert before becoming 6th Graders.
5th Grade Graduation!
Photos from the Graduation Ceremony can be found here!
Though the change can be daunting, the 5th Grade class is prepared for the next step in their education! On May 14th, the class took a tour of the Hill, meeting the various teachers and getting to know the layout of their next campus a bit better.
Kindergarten Graduation!
Photos from the 2024 Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony can be found here!
Important Dates on the EISD Calendar
Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony - 7:00 PM @ Marshall Gym, Friday, May 24th
First Day of 2024-2025 School Year: Wednesday, August 14th
Thank you for taking the time to read the Maverick Monthly! Congratulations to our graduating Seniors! Have a great summer break!