Hansen Weekly Update
Feb. 2nd, 2025
Celebrating Black History Month
Hello Hansen Families,
We had an exciting week filled with acts of kindness from students who took the 'Great Kindness Challenge' this past week, and students also enjoyed learning about the Lunar New Year and some traditions related to the holiday. Now that it's February, we're looking forward to exploring Black History Month and learning about some famous African-Americans who made their mark in history.
Parents, this week information on our recent STAR academic assessments will be coming home. So please be on the lookout for STAR parent reports, progress reports, and permission slips, coming home later in the week.
As we hope for warmer temperatures for this week and some outdoor recess, below is your Hansen Weekly Update.
Thank you,
Paul McKnight
Hansen Elementary School
Coming Soon...
Feb. 6th: History at Play assemblies - Grades 4 & 5, from CAPT
Feb. 12th: Early Release, staff Professional Development, dismissal at 11:50 a.m.
Feb. 17-21: No School - President’s Day, February Vacation
Last Week at Hansen...
Grade 2 students created artist papers using stamps and the oil resist technique. Once dried students cut those papers into strips and made beautiful paper weaving projects!
Celebrating the Lunar New Year!
Fifth grade participated in centers to celebrate Lunar New Year. Mrs. Kohl taught students how to say Happy New Year in Cantonese and Mandarin and helped students create New Year banners. Students did Tai Chi with Mrs. Foley and learned about lion dances. In Mrs. Lydon’s room, students learned about the Chinese Zodiac and celebrated the year of the Snake. Students also flexed their creative juices and created lanterns with Ms. Cawley.
Come to the Hansen Family Curriculum Night!
Please RSVP using this Google Form by Friday, February 14, 2025
Let's Celebrate the 100th Day of School!
We are one week away from the 100th day of school! We would like to celebrate this momentous day as a school and recognize this milestone all month long. We have some optional activities and ideas for students to participate in on the 100th day and the entire month. Please see below for details on how to celebrate the day!
Thursday February 6th:
-Staff and students can dress like they are 100 years old
-Staff and students can wear something that has 100 on it (examples include 100 pasta necklace, 100 pompoms on a shirt, 100 clips in hair, so on)
-The whole school will participate in exercise breaks that equal 100 movements
February 3rd-7th week:
- Classrooms are challenged to read for 100 minutes
- Classrooms/all staff are challenged to complete the "100 things we love about the Hansen" and "100 things I have learned this year" poster
All month:
-Grade levels are assigned an item to collect to donate to the food pantry, the goal is to reach 100 items per grade level!
Kindergarten: Pasta & Macaroni and Cheese
1st Grade: Cereal & oatmeal (regular size boxes)
2nd Grade: Snacks full sized bags of chips, cookies & crackers
3rd Grade: Soup and/or ramen
4th Grade: Canned fruits all kinds especially pineapple
5th Grade: Tomatoes sauce & rice mixes (near east)
Support our Student-Led Clothing Drive!
Italian Classes for Adults!
Around Town Events
Around Town Events!
Canton Public Schools has a Community Resources and Information Page on its website titled Around Town. This page lists resources and events taking place in our community. To access the information on this webpage, use this link: About/Around Town.
At a Glance - New Event(s)
- Learn Italian Classes (see above flier!)
- SEPAC Event: Demystifying Dyslexia - 2/27/25 SEPAC Event: Demystifying Dyslexia - 2/27/25
- SEPAC Event: Coffee with Admin - 2/11/25
This webpage will be updated periodically.
CAPT Corner
Hansen CAPT Monthly Meeting
December minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17CsTuVEtYXMs8uESpRRHhV2BPMSwkLB_/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112504175276907713763&rtpof=true&sd=true
Upcoming dates:
February 11: CAPT meeting
March 3 - 12: Boostherthon Fun Run
March 7: Special Someone Dance at CHS, theme: Hollywood! Tickets are coming soon.
March 11 - CAPT Meeting
March 17 - 21: Scholastic Book Fair. Students shop during Library time at school. The fair will also be open to families during conferences. Volunteer opportunities are coming soon.
Stay warm with Hansen CAPT Spiritwear! SHOP ONLINE
NEW to the shop this winter: Fleece blankets!
RESTOCKED: Winter hats!
*Change in Date* The Special Someone Dance will now take place March 7, 2025. Tickets will be available for sale in February. Volunteers are needed. Sign up here:
SEPAC Resource Fair - Vendor Sign-up Info
Also For Parents:
This is our second year using our new SEL curriculum, Wayfinder. For access to a visual outlining Wayfinder's 'Core Skills + Competencies' which the instructional curriculum is based upon, click here. Thank you!
Need Family Assistance?
Family Resources
Housing Resources
The Canton Farmers Market also accepts SNAP and HIP
How to Get Help | The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Boston
More support:
Chat online or call 800-273-8255
Support For LGBTQ+ Youth
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Text NAMI to 741741