Title 1 Newsletter
February 2022
Come Join Us!
We are excited to invite the Dayton community to a night of Dr. Seuss fun! Bring the whole family and enjoy reading, art, and other Seuss activities! The event will take place in the multipurpose room in the elementary school. Teachers, PTSO, and Community helpers will be coming together to put on this fun filled family event.
Silverwood Read 2 Ride
The Silverwood Read 2 Ride program encourages recreational reading in students from grades Pre K to 6th grade. The goal of the Read 2 Ride program is simple; incentivize students to become involved and excited about reading at an early age to promote the next generation of lifelong readers! Read the parent letter and bring back the reading log for your free Silverwood ticket. 10 hours of Reading = A free Silverwood ticket. Please bring Reading logs back by May 1st.
TITLE 1 Groups
Encouraging a love of reading
Here are some of our ideas:
- Read yourself! It doesn’t matter what it is – pick up a newspaper or magazine, take a look at a cookery book, read a computer manual, enjoy some poetry or dive into a romance or detective novel. And get your children to join in – if you’re cooking, could they read the recipe? If you’re watching TV, can they read out the listings?
- Give books as presents. And encourage your children and their friends to swap books with each other – it’ll give them a chance to read new stories, and get them all talking about what they’re reading.
- Visit the local library together. It’s always fun choosing new books to read, and keep an eye out for special author events at the library or local bookshops – children love meeting their favourite authors. Jacqueline Wilson and Anthony Horowitz always have signing queues that are miles long!
- Encourage children to carry a book at all times. That way, they’ll never be bored (this is something you can do, too!)
- Have a family bookshelf. If you can, have bookshelves in your children’s bedrooms, too.
- Keep reading together. Just because your children are older, it doesn’t mean you have to stop sharing stories – perhaps you could try the Harry Potter series or A Series of Unfortunate Events.
- Don’t panic if your child reads the same book over and over again. Let’s be honest - we’ve all done it!
How to share books online, with Ali Sparkes
Friendly Homework Reminder For Title Students
Please Read for 20 minutes every night
Work on letter recognition and letter sound
1. Read 3 times reading passage
2. parents initial each night
3. Return to school
Math Homework 3rd-5th
Practice math fact fluency
If you have any suggestions regarding Title 1 Program or have any comments/feedback, please contact Jami Rushing title 1 coordinator. As a stakeholder in your child's education, we value your input regarding the Title 1 Programs.