Manitou Springs High School
Mustang News - April 14th, 2023
From The Principal
Congratulations to two of our students Lotus Noon and Ethan Anderson who are both showcasing work through Wunderkind at the MAC! Their works were selected by a jury, and are showing for the next two weeks.
Thank you to our students, staff, and community for your partnership in PSAT/SAT this Wednesday. We appreciate everyone’s determination! Additionally, we had a powerful Mustang Safety Day today! We appreciate the student actors, community volunteers, and attendees for both our simulated car accident as well as the Safety Fair afterward (see more below).
Next week, we have testing again on Tuesday (no classes) and a Staff Work Day on Friday (no classes). We are also looking forward to prom on Friday as well as the opening shows for the theater department’s “Freaky Friday” on Saturday and Sunday!
I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Anna Conrad
Manitou Springs High School
Interim Principal
CMAS/ACT WorkKeys - 4/18
CMAS and ACT WorkKeys testing will take place on Tuesday, April 18th. This testing is for 10th & 11th graders ONLY. There is no school for 9th & 12th graders. Juniors are expected to bring their charged laptop to participate in the CMAS Science test.
Students will be released at 12:00pm. Lunch will be available from 12:00pm - 12:30pm. Early bus routes will run at 12:30pm, and regular bus routes again at 3:30pm.
If you have specific questions, please email Jessie Nunley -
Mustang Safety Day
From Safety & Security...
An Update on AC in the SILC Building
With warmer weather in the forecast throughout the end of the school year, we wanted to update students and families in regard to the status of AC within the SILC Building.
We will not have full AC until almost the end of June, but we will be working to ensure that some level of cooling is available to the SILC second and third floors. We plan to:
Minimize using overhead lights/Keep lights off at times.
Close shades to block intense sunlight.
Take cool-down breaks between lessons.
Run fans when available.
In order to help to maintain a level of comfort for students, please remember the following information:
Bring water bottles.
Wear layers.
We look forward to AC fully working in August.
Attendance Matters
The Middle School Would Like to Invite You...
From The Counseling Department...
College Visit to Colorado School of Mines
When: Wednesday, May 3rd
Time: 8:30am - 2:30pm
Who: Any 9th-11th grade student interested
Bring: Money for lunch on campus
Permission Forms are in the counseling office or with Mrs. Trainor in the Media Center.
Permission Forms are due April 24th!!
Teen Volunteer Opportunity at the CSPM
Applications due on April 28
Over the past 12 years, the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum Junior Docent Program has worked with hundreds of local teens to ignite curiosity for visitors. Students entering 9th through 12th grade with an interest in education, local history, and museums are invited to apply for the 2023 Junior Docent class. Over the course of the summer, teens will make meaningful connections to the cultural history of the Pikes Peak region. Junior Docents will help preserve and share our community’s history through a variety of service opportunities in our education, collections, and marketing departments. Through training and practice, teens will develop important communication, interpretive, and leadership skills.
Junior Docents who complete over 40 hours of service and comply with program policies and expectations will earn a $300 stipend at the end of the summer. Applications are due on April 28, 2023. Learn more at
PPBEA Summer Internship Programs
The PPBEA Summer Internship Programs are returning for 2023. We will have internships in the following career pathways: Culinary & Hospitality, Cybersecurity & Computer Science, and Business & Social Impact and Skilled Trades.
Important Dates to be aware of:
- Application Window: March 6th - April 16th, 2023
- Professionalism101 Certification Deadline: April 24th, 2023
- Interview Window: May 1st - May 12th, 2023
Helpful Resources:
2023 Summer Internship Flyers:
Professionalism101 will be required to complete for applicants to advance to the interviews. The Professionalism101 course code is found under jobs/training/apprenticeship opportunity section on the PPBEA MARKETPLACE. The deadline to complete the course is April 24th, 2023.
Please see Mrs. Trainor in the media center if you are interested.
Senior Parade - Save The Date!
6-12 PAC Interest Survey
The mission of Your 6-12 Parent Action Committee is to promote and involve meaningful parent participation and support in school activities by enhancing communication, enriching ideas, and providing resources to parents, staff, students, and the community.
We hope you will take a few minutes to fill out this short survey so that PAC can better fulfill our mission.
From The Technology Department...
Have You Purchased Your Yearbook?
From The Prospector...
From Athletics & Activities...
Tangled In Time - Prom 2023
From The Environmental Club...
From The Art Department...
From The Theater Department...
From The Music Department...
From The World Language Department...
Mustang Moment in Science
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday, April 14th - Soccer: Girls Varsity Game vs Roaring Fork (Away) - 5:00pm
Saturday, April 15th - Track & Field: Varsity Invitational vs Pomona (Away)- 9:00am
Saturday, April 15th - Soccer: Girls Varsity Game vs Aspen (Away) - 11:00am
Monday, April 17th - Golf: Girls Varsity Leagues vs La Junta (Away)- 9:00am
Monday, April 17th - BOE Meeting - SILC Building - 5:30pm
Tuesday, April 18th - Spirit of the Mustang Awards - MSES Commons - 5:00pm
Tuesday, April 18th - Soccer: Girls JV/V Game vs James Irwin Charter (Home) - 4:00pm/6:00pm
Tuesday, April 18th - CMAS/ACT WorkKeys (10th-11th) - No School for 9th or 12th graders - Early Release for 10th & 11th graders (12:30pm release)
Wednesday, April 19th - Golf: Girls Varsity 18 Hole vs Pueblo East (Away) - 9:00am
Wednesday, April 19th - StuCo Executive Speeches - 9:40am
Wednesday, April 19th - Saturday, April 22nd - HS Robotics @ Worlds - Houston, Texas
Thursday, April 20th - HS End of Year Art Show - SILC Building - 4:00pm
Thursday, April 20th - Soccer: Girls Varsity Game vs Atlas Preparatory (Away) - 4:00pm
Friday, April 21st - Staff Work Day - No Students
Friday, April 21st - Prom - Briarhurst Manor - 8:00pm
There is NO Late Start Wednesday on Wednesday, April 19th.
Manitou Springs High School
Location: 401 El Monte Place, Manitou Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-685-2074