Franklin County R-II School
Better Together...Our Community Empowers Students
January 2025
I am so proud of the effort our students have put in during the first two quarters of school. Our staff is so dedicated and ensures that we push our students to be the best version of themselves. Everyone is deserving of a much needed holiday break!
Blessings to your family during this special time of year!
Christmas Programs and Musical
5 STARS.......⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Annual Performance Report
What is the APR?
The Annual Performance Report (APR), published by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), provides data about the individual performance of local education agencies (LEAs). The APR is based upon the standards and indicators in the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) 6. Ultimately, scores from the APR are used to inform accreditation classification determinations made by the Missouri State Board of Education (State Board) or charter renewals that are authorized by the State Board. (DESE Website)
On November 25th, the state publicly released APR's (Annual Performance Rate) for schools across the state. This is basically a report card that the state gives to all districts. The Department of Elementary and Secondary stresses that we should "look behind the scores" and not focus on percentages, but yet celebrate the growth and accomplishments that we see on a daily basis. We do have reason to celebrate! Our students performed well on the MAP test. Our attendance met the state requirement, our CSIP scored well, and our students growth improved from the previous year. While we performed well, we are always striving to improve and get better! We have highly effective teachers in our classrooms on a daily basis that care deeply about their students. We have curriculum in place that addresses the Missouri Learning Standards, and we also provide growth opportunities through small group interventions during the school day as well as after school.
Our district scored 91.2% which is a slight decrease from the prior year, 93.5%. As our students continue to excel, growth points will be harder to achieve. Only 57 out of 518 public schools in the state of Missouri scored 90% or better. Our teachers and students continue to exceed the state average year after year. Way to go!!!!
The score takes into account many factors:
- Performance (on state assessments)
- Continuous Improvement (on state assessments)
- Performance of subgroups
- Growth
- Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
- District Survey
- Success Ready (KEA, ICAP, Attendance)
- Timely Submission of required uploads
- Assessment Participation Rates
Our scores are comparable with some of the top K-12 districts in the state. While we are proud of our accomplishments, we will continue to look at where we can improve. The full APR report will be uploaded to our website when we return in January.
Inclement Weather and School Closings
How will you be notified?
- Staff will be notified via GroupMe
- ClassTag Messages will be pushed out first to families
- School Messenger will send out a "BLAST" call
- District Facebook Page will be updated
- TV stations will be notified
The district will try to make decisions regarding closing school no later than 5:30 am. Safety is always the top priority and it is not a decision we take lightly.
Please make sure your child understands where they are to go if school is called off early. Students will be taken to their usual drop off unless you have sent instructions indicating an alternate drop off for early dismissals. It will be much less confusing if this issue is addressed before the situation arises.
Parents as Teachers
Our parent educator, Jenni Schultz, has started family visits. Right now, she can make appointments to see children ages birth to three years old. In January, she will be able to see children three to five years of age. If you know of families in our district that have children 5 or under and not in kindergarten, please have them contact Mrs. Schultz so we can get them on her list! You can send an email to jschultz@fcr2.org or call school and leave a message for her.
January 10th- End of Quarter 2
Sports/Extracurricular Activities
As a reminder, these are the requirements to participate in sports, cheer, archery, Science Olympiad, or other after school activities. If your child is on academic probation, you received an email from me at mid quarter. Grades will be monitored and reviewed at the end of the quarter to see if the student is eligible at that time.
Academic Requirements – In order to participate in sports, cheer or clubs, students must:
1. Maintain a C- average in basic subjects.
2. Have a passing grade in all classes.
3. Be present for the last four hours of the day of the game, or have pre-scheduled appointments approved by admin.
4. Not be under any suspension or expulsion.
These academic requirements pertain to basketball, cheer, Science Olympiad, and archery.
Failure to meet these requirements on the mid-quarter or quarterly report card will result in ineligibility of extracurricular activities for a period of four weeks upon issuance of the report. After four weeks, if requirements are met, the eligibility is reinstated. If not, ineligibility continues until the next report card.
Homeless Liaison/Foster Care
Kathy Oetterer, Point of Contact
3128 Hwy Y
New Haven, MO 63068