Tiger Times
Gunter ISD Online Newsletter

TIGER TIMES - Back to School Issue - August 2024
We are excited to get the 2024-25 school year started!
The newsletter is a monthly publication highlighting events that happened the previous month. It comes out the first day of each month. You don't have to wait for a whole month to keep up with the Gunter Tigers, there are always exciting things to read about on our website, the GISD App and our social media sites.
The best resource for activities taking place in our district is the District Calendar.
For the full school year, click here to download the 2024-25 Academic Calendar.
Keep scrolling in this newsletter to find announcements, sports updates, reminders, highlights, and much more!
Helpful Printables
- Quick Reference Sheet - Click here
- GES Traffic Pattern and Procedures - Click here
- GMS Traffic Procedures ** Updated 8/1/24 - Click here
- GHS Traffic Procedures - Buses and cars will line up in the front of the school to pick up/drop off.
** Please remember that our buses have the right of way in our parking lots.
Gunter ISD Board Briefs
June Meetings: https://5il.co/2sofx
July Meeting: https://5il.co/2sofw
Visit the GISD Board of Trustees page on our website for more school board information.
Official 2024-2025 School Hours
Gunter Elementary 7:40 AM - 3:20 PM
Gunter Secondary (MS & HS) 7:30 AM - 3:10 PM
PEIMS Official Attendance Times:
- GHS/GMS - 9:37 AM
- GES - 10:15
A New Communication Tool is Here!
Click here for Spanish Translation
We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication in Gunter ISD called ParentSquare. Remind has been purchased by ParentSquare, and Gunter ISD has made the decision to make the transition to ParentSquare as well! We will still have access to Remind until August 14th to help us with this transition.
This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with Gunter ISD. It provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to:
Send and receive school and class information
Share pictures and files
See calendar items
Sign up to volunteer
Schedule parent-teacher conferences
and much more . . . all in one centralized place!
We have begun our initial rollout with staff over the summer to provide training and familiarization. The complete rollout for GISD will commence on August 9th, 2024. We wanted to give you advance notice of these changes that will be implemented in August.
District, campus, grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
Have questions? Click the question mark in the top right corner of the desktop version or the Help tab on the app (tap the triple bar icon at the top left) to find answers to most of your questions.
Click for larger view: https://5il.co/2seym
Looking for Information? Please Utilize our Website!
Our website is very easy for you to navigate. The menu bar shows a box for you to view selections all at once. The main page for each area of the website contains all the links you need to find what you are looking for. The Parent home page is a "one-stop-shop" for most items our Tiger parents are looking for.
The Announcement section is the first section to see after the header. This area will be used primarily as reminders and announcements. Check it often!
News stories can be found beneath the Announcements. This section will be reserved for stories that highlight great things happening in our district.
As always, the Events Calendar is where you will find the events listed by date. There is a link for the Google calendar version at the very top of the website, or you can view the Events listing right after the Announcement section. Choose whichever method suits you best. The calendars are synced, so they will display the same events. You can sync the Google Calendar with your own Google Calendar!
Please remember that event times/dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Please check the Event calendar or the Announcement section for changes in events.
🚧 Construction Zone - Please Respect the Fenced Areas 👷♂️
Construction Zone: Fencing has been placed between the middle and high school. Construction on the Gunter Bond 2022 projects is beginning and that area is not accessible to you. For your safety, please DO NOT enter that area.
School Registration - 2024-25 School Year
Student Registration is open. Registration must be completed ASAP. If you have already registered, thank you! Failure to complete enrollment will result in your child not being assigned a teacher or course schedule.
To register, simply log into your Parent Portal account and complete the forms available to you. If you are new or need further instructions, please visit our Registration webpage at https://www.gunterisd.org/page/registration
Transportation Registration
Register your child for transportation services!
2024-25 Bus Registration: https://forms.gle/4EvnJimQgcpMHzVp9
- Deadline to register to ride the 1st three days of school (August 14th thru 16th) will be Friday, August 2nd. If you need your child to ride the bus the first 3 days of school please make sure they are registered between 4/22/24 and 08/02/24.
- Deadline to register to ride the 1st FULL week of school (8/19/24-8/23/24) will be Friday, August 9th.
- Even if your child was registered to ride the bus during the 23/24 school year they MUST be registered each year to ride the bus.
- Registering your child for school DOES NOT register them to ride the school bus. Bus registration is completely separate. Please register your child to ride the bus through the Gunter ISD Transportation link at the top of this page.
- Your child will be routed by how you register them. If you only register them for the AM route to school, they will only be eligible to ride the AM route. Please make sure you register them for both routes if you need them to ride the bus to and from school.
- If you ever need to update your child’s address, add them to an AM or PM route or any other route changes you MUST fill out a new bus registration form.
If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Mann at (903) 696-1500 or nmann@gunterisd.org.
Cafeteria News
Please read the Welcome Back Letter from our Food Service Director, Lauren Rogers.
Prices are as follows for the 2024-25 School Year
Elementary Breakfast
$2.25 / Free for all Reduced or Free Qualified Applicants
Elementary Lunch
$3.05 /.40 for Reduced Qualified Applicants/Free for Qualified
Middle School Breakfast
$2.25 / Free for all Reduced or Free Qualified Applicants
Middle School Lunch
$3.10 /.40 for Reduced Qualified Applicants/Free for Qualified
High School Breakfast
$2.25 / Free for all Reduced or Free Qualified Applicants
High School Lunch
$3.20 /.40 for Reduced Qualified Applicants/Free for Qualified
Adult/Visitor Breakfast $3.50
Adult/Visitor Lunch $4.50
Free/Reduced Lunch Application
2024-25 Free and Reduced Meal Applications have been posted to our website. You must reapply every year to receive this benefit. Find the applications here: https://www.gunterisd.org/page/food-services under the Free & Reduced Applications tab.
Important information from our Food Service Department. A closer look at the USDA study of dietary intake of children participating in school breakfast and lunch. Click to learn more: https://5il.co/2qxsp We ask that all families in GISD fill out the Free and Reduced Application... It's more than a meal application, it affects many areas. Here's why - https://5il.co/2qxsn
Return all applications to Mrs. Lauren Rogers at the high school campus.
School Supply Lists
School supply lists for each campus may be found at the following links.
- GES 24-25 Supply List - https://5il.co/2mtxa
- GMS 24-25 Supply List - https://5il.co/2p7zc
- GMS Art Supplies: https://a.co/aruJew0
- High School Supply List by Teacher: https://tinyurl.com/GHS2425Supplies
** Please remember that some high school teachers prefer to hand out their list the first day of class.
Calculator Notice: 8th grade – high school students taking Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Cal, and Calculus are required to have a graphing calculator. Calculators may be rented from the librarian (be sure to sign the waver in registration). If purchasing, we recommend a Texas Instruments 83+/84+/84+CE. If you are purchasing your own, we ask that you save the proof of purchase and place it on the back where the math teacher can see it.
Health Services Notification
Parents/Guardians - School Health Checklist
Students must have an up to date immunization record on file (especially new students to the district, students entering PK, K and 7th grade, along with those with an affidavit of exemption).
Contact your campus nurse if your students are new to the district with medical needs or current students that had a change to their medical status over the summer.
All students who will be taking daily medication or will need emergency medications in the clinic will need to complete a NEW medication form signed from their physician and supplies turned into their campus nurse.
All students with medical conditions such as asthma, severe allergic reactions, seizures and diabetes need an updated action plan signed by their physician for the current school year. These forms can be found on our website. https://www.gunterisd.org/page/health-services
The cafeteria must be made aware of any food allergies your child might have so their accounts can be flagged. There is a form in the registration paperwork that you will fill out with this information.
If you have questions, please contact the nurse on your child's campus.
Laura Rodgers - lsrodgers@gunterisd.org - Elementary
Nicole Sullivan - nsullivan@gunterisd.org - Middle
Allison Thornhill - athornhill@gunterisd.org - High
🐯 August Back to School Events 🐯
Elementary School - All elementary meetings are held at the GES campus.
· Tuesday, August 6, 2024- 6:30 - 7:30 PM - Popsicles with the Principals and Informational Meeting
· Monday, August 12, 2024 - Meet the Teacher (Schedule and Times Below)
Students last name A-L 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Students last name M-Z 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
What is happening at this event? - Meet teachers, bring supplies
** These times are opposite of the middle school so you can attend both (if need be)
Middle School - All GMS meetings are held at the GMS campus
· Wednesday, August 7th 5:30pm-6:30pm - Popcorn with the Principals and Informational Meeting
· Thursday, August 8th - Welcome and Orientation for 5th Grade ONLY
5:30-6:00 (Parents and students meet in the cafeteria)
6:00-7:00 (Find your locker/put away supplies and Meet the Teachers)
· Monday, August 12th - 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade ONLY - Meet the Teacher
Students last name M-Z 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Students last name A-L 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
** These times are opposite of the elementary school so you can attend both (if need be)
High School - All GHS schedule pick-ups will be in the GHS Commons
Seniors: Thursday, August 8th | 8 AM - 4 PM
Juniors/ Sophomores: Friday, August 9th | 8 AM - 4 PM
Freshman Orientation/Schedule Pick Up: Monday, August 12th, 6:30-8:00 pm – we will begin the program in the commons area.
** If you are unable to pick up your schedule during your scheduled time, you may pick your schedule on August 13th during regular school hours.
Campus Schedules
Attention: Dual Credit Students
Reminders for Dual Credit Students:
- Students – Check your email for a next steps message from Grayson College.
- Payments for the Fall Semester are due through your Grayson MyViking portal on August 5th. Classes begin August 12th
- Please send your TSI scores to kjohnson@gunterisd.org if you took your TSI test at a Grayson College campus over the summer.
- Email Mrs Johnson if you do not have anything from Grayson and know you completed your TSI test and Dual Credit application.
Gunter Elementary - "Readers are Champions" Summer Reading Challenge
Students in grades K-1 are challenged to read, or have read to them, 10 books. Students in grades 2-4 are challenged to read 4-chapter books.
Please return your reading log to your teacher or email to Mrs. Genthner by August 16th.
Is your student interested in showing a livestock animal through Gunter FFA?
Please reach out to an ag teacher to get more information!
Swine, Sheep, and Goat Projects - Deadline August 26th
Advisor - Kari Wells - kwells@gunterisd.org
Rabbits - Deadline September 15th
Poultry - Deadline October 15th
Advisor - Jordan Kimbrell - jloving@gunterisd.org
The Gunter FFA Officer team has been working hard to prepare for a great year!
The FFA Officers participated in Area Leadership Conference where they further developed their teamwork, planning, and leadership skills. Additionally, they traveled to Houston for the Texas FFA State Convention where they heard from many inspiring speakers and got to meet with other FFA members around the state! Senior Peyton Beavers also received her Lone Star Degree. Congratulations!
On Tuesday, August 13th we will be set up at the high school in Room 9 to take senior yearbook
portraits. These are the formal portraits that will appear in the yearbook and on the large class panel print that will hang in your school. We will be available from 9:00AM-Noon and 1:00-3:00PM. You may do your session anytime during the hours listed. Students must show up no later
than 2:45 to be photographed.
mandatory that all seniors be photographed for the yearbook. Please take a moment to
mark your calendar and make arrangements to be present for your session. We do not
schedule private sessions in our studio for those that miss the scheduled date.
Garner Studio will furnish the clothing for your photo (tuxedo for men, and velvet drape
for women). You need only show up properly groomed according to the school handbook.
Please remember, you must abide by school policy concerning facial hair, jewelry, etc. – no
exceptions. Ladies will be photographed with bare shoulders, so it would be helpful to wear
or bring a tank-top or spaghetti strap top to your session. A garment will be provided for
those who need it. Gentleman, please wear a t-shirt instead of a button up collared shirt.
Several photos will be taken of each senior. Your photos will be available for viewing online
in about one week with instructions and a deadline to pick your picture for the yearbook. Pictureswill be available to purchase on our website until June1, 2025. If you have any further questions
or concerns, please contact Garner Studio at (940) 668-1422 and ask for Kip or Tammy.
Please note: On rare occasions we have seen students who were disappointed with their photographs because they didn’t take this session seriously or didn’t bother to show up for
their original appointment. While we will have a stylist present to do minor touch-ups, youare responsible for your hair, makeup and attitude on picture day. We want this to be a fun
experience, that’s why we are devoting all of our attention to Gunter High School Seniors
on this date. There will not be an easier way to have your yearbook photos made, so we
strongly urge you to take advantage of this session.
Kip Garner
Garner Studio Photography
Join your campus PTO
Each campus has a wonderful group of parents who work together to help bring smiles to the teachers and students. Check out their Facebook page or contact information below to join them.
GHS PTO - Email your name, cell number and email address GHSPTO@mail.com
GMS PTO - Contact us through our Facebook page @guntermiddleschoolpto
GES PTO - Contact us through our Facebook page | @gunterelementarypto
Text @gespto1 to 81010 to join
Many of our NHS members volunteered July 3rd-July 5th to help the Chamber of Commerce at the Annual 4th of July Celebration. Their job was to help with the decorating and clean-up of the park before and after the event took place. Thank you, NHS members, for serving others so graciously.
The GHS 2024-2025 cheerleaders represented Gunter VERY WELL at their UCA Masters Cheer Camp. They put in the work for over 12 hrs each day, beat up their bodies, yelled until their voices were gone and learned so much all while having a great time! It’s going to be a great season!
Congratulations to Chloe Johnson who competed on the TGCA 1A-4A Red All-Star Team and earned the MVP trophy!
Gunter HS Graduate, Abby Elmore finished 2nd in the Heptathlon at the Nike Outdoor Nationals & USATF U20 Championships. She will represent the USA National Team at the U20 World Championships in Lima, Peru in August! Once a Tiger, always a Tiger!
Football won Division 3 State 7v7. Congrats!
Gunter HS Graduate, Brooks Caple was drafted by the Cubs in the 9th Round. He was the 272nd pick in the draft! Congratulations! Once a Tiger, always a Tiger!
In case you missed it early in the summer, our Gunter Tiger Baseball team moved up all the way to the State Semi-Final Round. We are proud of you!
GHS Twirler, Analeia Aleman, received a 1 in the UIL State Twirling competition that was held early in the summer. She also received a gold medal for her performance in Austin. We already knew she was a baton master! Congratulations, Analeia! We are proud to call you a Gunter, Tiger!
Summer Camp Fun
The summer camps were a great success! The coaches would like to extend their gratitude for allowing them to work with your kiddos this summer. They were impressed with the talent that our younger Tigers have! Keep working hard on those skills.
Meet the Tigers - Saturday, August 10th - 7:30 PM
Come out to Tiger Field to meet our fall athletes. This event is organized by the Gunter Quarterback Club. Football practice and scrimmage will begin at 5 PM if you want to get a sneak peak of our 2024 team. They will put more information out about this event as it gets closer.
Fall Sport Schedules
Coaches will place their 2024-25 Schedule on their sport page of our website once they finalize it. Schedules change due to a variety of factors, be sure you have the latest information by checking our Event calendar on the website for last minute changes.
Cross Country - Cross Country | Gunter ISD
Football - Football | Gunter ISD
Volleyball - Volleyball | Gunter ISD
All events are placed on the District Calendar located on our GISD website. This is the best place to look for schedule changes during the year.
Make Plans to Attend
Car Show - August 3rd
- Let's see those vintage, sporty, classic, or just WAY COOL cars or trucks! They are ready to award the following: Best Custom, Best Classic, Best of 4x4, Best of Show... and more! Do you have a winner?
- Event will be held on August 3rd
- $20 entry per vehicle
- Staging in the high school parking lot begins at 8 AM
- Show begins at 11 AM
- Awards at 2 PM
Thank you to Sonic and Cody Paxman-State Farm Insurance for partnering together to host this fun event. We'd love to see the parking lot full.
* Proceeds will help supply the GISD teachers with supplies for their classrooms. You are more than welcome to bring supplies to donate.
Questions? Please contact the sponsors of the event.
3rd Annual Shoot the Bird Clay Shoot - FFA Alumni Event
We are excited to be hosting our 3rd Annual Shoot the Bird Clay Shoot August 17th! We are using a new platform for registering online as a shooter or sponsor, check it out here: https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/f70b31de-e028-4779-9f27-3f96979173a8?
Connect with us!
Website: www.gunterisd.org
Location: Gunter, TX, USA
Phone: 903.433.4750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gunterisdschools
Twitter: @Gunter_ISD