Brighton PTO Updates
September 11, 2024
Brighton Night Out @ The Mariners
Request your tickets by this Friday, September 13 to attend the Sunday, September 29 Game in the Brighton Section - Seattle Mariners vs. Oakland Athletics at 12:10pm.
Brighton Gear Shop
Last call for Brighton Gear! The store will be closing this Friday, September 13 and all orders will be shipped shortly after. You will not be able to purchase gear again until January. If you are looking for samples for sizing there are a few on display in the front office that have been washed and dried.
Scholastic Book Fair
Friday, September 27 - Thursday, October 3
Shop the Scholastic Book Fair in the Brighton Gym! The Fair will be open from 8am - 4:30pm. Make sure to stop in and stock up on new reading material, gifts and teacher classroom requests. To make it easier on your child's shopping experience, you can create an eWallet here (cash and cards are also accepted).
Want to volunteer? Sign up here!
Family Bowl & Skate Party
Friday, September 20 5-7pm
Lynnwood Bowl & Skate (6210 200th St SW, Lynnwood)
Join this all-ages, Brighton family event. Brighton PTO covers admission, skate rentals, and a couple bowling lanes.
September General PTO Meeting
Tuesday, September 24 at 7pm
Brigid's Bottleshop (188 Sunset Ave S, Edmonds)
Learn about upcoming activities, get involved, and meet other Brighton parents.
8th Grade Fundraising
8th Grade Online Auction October 18 - October 27
The 8th Grade auction team is actively seeking auction item donations. Collections are in the parking lot on Monday mornings or contact brightonauction2024@yahoo.com. Procurement Forms can be found here.
Pizza Wednesdays for Middle School & Staff
Order your pizza slices here.