Community Nest
"Relationships are the agents of change." Dr. Bruce Perry
Year 2 - The week ending May 19, 2023
Thank You for another AMAZING YEAR!
I want to acknowledge the work of OUR PTO! We have a very dedicated group that work so hard to provide ways fun, educational experiences for for OUR COMMUNITY. I want to encourage you all to get even more involved with this organization and have your voice heard and help us to grow our culture even more.
We will be saying good bye to some familiar faces and welcoming new ones into OUR GRAY HAWK. I want to extend my sincerest thanks to these GRAY HAWK staff members for being by our side and serving our kids and community as they move on to other opportunities:
Certified Staff
Ms. Heather Brooks, Kindergarten
Mrs. Jacey Zych, 1st Grade
Ms. Emma Rues, 4th Grade
Mrs. Stephanie Shupe, 4th Grade
Mrs. Julie Stanton, 5th Grade
Coach Brayden Eller, PE
Classified Staff
Mrs. Velvet Lujan, Structured Learning Paraprofessional
Mr. Jacob Brown, custodian
OUR STAFFING FOR THE 23/24 school year continues to evolve, but here is the latest:
Kindergarten: Mrs. Henninger, Ms. Ritter, Miss Lutz
1st Grade: Mrs. Brown, Ms. Douglas
2nd Grade: Mrs. Brown, currently interviewing for two second teachers
3rd Grade: Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Johnston
4th Grade: Mrs. McFarland, Ms. Larson
5th Grade: Mr. Bartels, Mrs. Rieschick, and we are interviewing for a third teacher
Instructional Resource: Mrs. Cochran, Ms. Weilert
Structured Learning: Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Loseke, and we are interviewing for a third teacher
Specials: Mrs. Penfield, Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Dinkel, Mr. Scott, Miss Allen/Mrs. Kenton
(There are no other changes at this time)
We are seeking additional paraprofessionals for OUR Structured Learning Classroom and Instructional Resource classrooms. If you or anyone you know would like to apply, please check out the USD 458 Employment website.
Last Day of School is Thursday, May 25
Final Day CLAP OUT
Students will go back to their homerooms with their teachers for a final farewell and we will begin OUR dismissal as usual.
A few words about this event:
- You do NOT need to Raptor into the event as parents will not be coming inside.
- NO SILLY STRING. Last year parents had silly string and it was still stuck to the ground and the building in October of THIS YEAR. If you want to celebrate with "something", bubbles are a great option.
- Please do not bring your dogs (or other pets) on to school grounds for this event.
- Parents may NOT take their child out of the parade line. In order to remain as safe and secure as possible, students that exit with their class for the parade, must return to the classroom with their teacher. Thank you understanding this safety protocol.
- We will have a normal dismissal (3:45) following the clap out
YEARBOOK Signing on Monday. Books still available
Basehor Kindness Day - May 19, 2023
During the May 3, 2023 City Council meeting, students from Ms. Shupe’s 4th grade class gave a presentation on the importance of Basehor Kindness Day. During the meeting, Basehor Mayor Dick Drennon signed a proclamation designating May 19, 2023 as Basehor Kindness Day.
The purpose of Basehor Kindness Day is to remember the simple day-to-day acts of kindness that enable our Basehor community to be a kinder, safer, and more secure place to live, work, and play.
We are so grateful to OUR 4th graders for organizing Basehor Kindness Day on May 19. OUR 4th grade set up many different activities to spread kindness throughout OUR community including:
- taking donuts to Basehor PD, Basehor FD, and City Hall
- painted kindness rocks that will be placed around the school, library, and community
- put bookmarks in the children's section at the Basehor Public Library
- made dog toys to donate to the Leavenworth County Humane Society
- shared kindness videos with OUR GRAY HAWKS
- planted flowers in the planter out front
- made cards and provided a sweet treat to every class and staff member
Thank you 4th graders for being dedicated to KINDNESS and setting such a positive example!
5th Grade Celebration is Monday, May 22
OUR 5th graders do not need to dress up. It would be great to have them in Gray Hawk gear if they have any or in Gray Hawk red. Students should wear something that they can get wet in. We look forward to seeing OUR 5th graders and their families tomorrow, as we celebrate their amazingness!
Big Reveal on Monday at the 5th Grade Celebration...
Please welcome Mr. Scott to OUR NEST
Gray Hawk Celebrated OUR CARE CATS
Reminder about OUR Sporting KC Ticket Fundraiser
Summer is one of the best times to catch the OUR SKC guys in a match at Children's Mercy Park. Thanks to SKC, we have secured a link for the game on May 31 vs FC Dallas. When ordering tickets through this link, Gray Hawk receives $8 back for every ticket purchased. We will see you at the game! GO SKC!!!
Each grade level's approved supply list is pre-packed and will be delivered to your home address. It does not get any easier than that.
Don't get frustrated with items missing at the store. Order here and Gray Hawk will receive a percentage from each box sold.
Gray Hawk Elementary School
Location: 16000 Garden Parkway, Basehor, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 662-7170
Twitter: @grayhawk458