Peakview Academy
at Conrad Ball - 2024-2025

November Newsletter 2024
Hello PVA Families!
It has been wonderful seeing so many of you at our community events this fall!
We know this season can be busy, so we truly appreciate you joining us for Fall Conferences, cheering on our fall sports athletes, and taking part in our Trick-or-Treat Street celebration!
As we move into the rest of the semester, there will be many exciting learning opportunities for our PVA Lynx, and we look forward to welcoming each child, each day.
With more events coming up soon, we hope to see all of you there!
Valerie Lara-Black
Peakview Academy - Principal
11/1: Picture Re-take Day
11/4: Boys Basketball @ BRMS 4:30pm 6/7/8
11/5: 4th & 5th Grade Music Showcase @ PVA 6pm
11/6: Boys Basketball @ WCMS 4:30pm 6/7/8
11/11: Boys Basketball vs LMS @ PVA 4:30pm 8/6/7
11/12: PVA PCT Meeting @ PVA 5:30pm - 7pm
11/13: Boys Basketball vs TMS @ PVA 4:30pm 8/6/7
11/15: Middle Level Fall Dance @ PVA 6pm - 7:30pm
11/18: Boys Basketball @ WMS 4:30pm 7/8/6
11/20: Boys Basketball @ SMS 4:30pm 7/8/6
11/25-11/29: NO SCHOOL Fall Break
November 1st Picture Retake Day
**School Picture Retake Day - Friday, November 1st**
- If you ordered pictures on the first picture day and want retakes, please send that picture packet back with your student to turn in to Lifetouch for a retake. This will also allow you to have your order filled with the new picture.
- If you would like to place a new order, you can do so online at:
- Picture Day ID: EVTVFDGWS
- Alternatively, you can pick up an order form from the Welcome Center at PVA or scan the QR in the flyer.
Raffle Ticket Winners!
Thank you for taking the time to meet with us during our recent parent-teacher conferences. Your involvement and support play a vital role in your child’s education, and it was wonderful to connect and discuss their progress, strengths, and areas for growth.
We want to congratulate our Gift Card Raffle Ticket Winners!
Jeanette Magana Farias
Patie Ross
Rosie Fischer
Esthyvaly Carmyn Gerrero Resendiz
Sarah Parker
4th & 5th Grade Music Showcase
4th & 5th Grade Music Showcase
November 5th, 6:00pm at Peakview Academy at Conrad Ball
**Students to arrive at 5:40 pm and line up in their classrooms to wait for the performance.
Hello TSD Families,
The Thompson School District Transportation team would like to update you about staffing levels in our department and on upcoming district adjustments to transportation for the 2024-25 school year. As you may be aware, over the past few years, we have experienced staffing shortages at a level that we have not reached in quite some time, if ever. Last year, this brought our department and district to the difficult point of having to adjust transportation services.
Each day, our district transportation staff works hard to transport students to and from school and to provide transportation service for activity trips, support services and other special events. Our staff members are committed to do their very best to provide excellent and efficient service for our district.
We have increased our staffing and remain committed to growing our team but in order to maintain a sustainable level of service, we will need to place scheduled holds on certain transportation routes during the school year.
Please note the following important information, which may have an impact on your student and family.
Scheduled transportation route holds will hold/cancel services for 1 route daily on a 7 day (school days) rolling schedule, with the goal of impacting any specific route/school/community as little as possible. During these dates there will be no transportation services for the scheduled route. The information/schedule below shows the schedule and dates for the routes/schools that will be impacted for your students.
Rhino Bus
11/8 - 11/18
PES - Ponderosa Elementary School PVA - Peakview Academy at Conrad Ball
Please rest assured that our transportation team will continue to take all steps possible to keep disruptions to a minimum, while we also continue to work to address these staffing challenges. We fully recognize that these adjustments will create significant challenges for the students and families we serve and we will work diligently to keep these adjustments to a minimum.
We understand that you may have questions about this process. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our transportation department dispatch office at 970-613-5185 with any questions you have or for any information about your student’s transportation services.
The Thompson School District Transportation Team
Matt Payne
Director of Transportation
Thompson School District
Notes from the Health Office
Just a reminder: If your child needs immunizations, the deadline to avoid exclusion from school is November 22nd. To ensure your student remains compliant, please use one of the following methods:
- Provide the PVA Health Office with your child’s up-to-date immunization record.
- Share an in-process plan with the PVA Health Office detailing when the vaccine(s) will be administered.
- Complete vaccination exemption module online at: https://www.dcphrapps.dphe.state.co.us/storyline360/story.html
Students should stay out of school for 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting, diarrhea, or fever (without using fever-reducing medications), and can return when symptom free.
We Are Collecting 2L Bottles
Middle Level Tech Engineering & Design class is starting to plan to create Hydo Rockets and will be collecting 2 Liter bottles for this project. If you have any empty bottles over the next few weeks, we would greatly appreciate you donating them to TED. Please drop them off at the Welcome Center.
A heartfelt thank you from PVA to everyone who attended the Book Fair and
volunteered their time! Your support made it a tremendous success!
Special thank you to our own Peakview Community Team
for all that you do to support our teachers, staff, and learners.
Peakview Community Team - PCT (formerly PTO)
Are you interested in becoming more involved in our school community?
We would love to have you - parents, grandparents, guardians, family members, community members - as a part of our Peakview Community Team (PCT)!
Traditionally known as a PTO or PTA, this group will support the school-wide community through children's activities, family events, and fundraisers, while also advising PVA's school leadership, organizing volunteer opportunities, supporting teachers, arranging teacher meals for conferences, and more!
Join us for our next meeting:
Tuesday, November 12th - 5:30pm - 7:00pm in the PVA Collaboratory
PVA Middle Level Fall Dance
November 15th, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Doors open at 6:00pm at Peakview Academy
Entrance Fee: $8.00Each canned good brought into the dance will give you $1.00 off your entrance fee.
Pizza and Snacks available for $1.00 each.
It's a Privilege to Attend!
- Grades and school behaviors must be in check.
- Items that may prevent you from attending the dance:
- Tardies will be checked
- Low grades
- Suspensions count at events AND can be given out from something that happened at an event.
- An adult can ask you to leave the dance if you do not meet the school requirements.
- Always do your best at school.
Attention 8th Grade Families:
Get Ready for Open House Nights!
Discover each high school's unique programs, meet dedicated teachers and staff, and explore the campuses that could be your student’s future home!
Open House Schedule:
Loveland High School
November 6th from 5:30 - 7 PM
Mountain View High School
November 13th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Berthoud High School
November 19th from 6 - 7:30 PM
Thompson Valley High School
November 20th from 5 - 6:30 PM
Loveland Classical Schools
November 20th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Don’t miss this chance to see what each school has to offer!
Learn more: http://tsd.org/9th-grade-registration
NoCo Santa Squad
Are you a family in need of support for holiday gifts? NoCo Santa Squad is providing children and families in Northern Colorado gifts during the holidays. PLease click on the link https://nocosantasquad.org/request-form/ or visit the webpage Nocosantasquad.org to access the request form.
If you need help filling out the form, please contact Miriam Paz 970.613.7391.
¿Es usted una familia que necesita ayuda para los regalos navideños? NoCo Santa Squad proporciona regalos a niños y familias del norte de Colorado durante las fiestas. Por favor, haga clic en el enlace https://nocosantasquad.org/request-form/ o visite la página web Nocosantasquad.org para acceder al formulario de solicitud.
Si necesita ayuda para rellenar el formulario, póngase en contacto con Miriam Paz 970.613.7391.
Colder weather is upon us!
Please remind your learner to dress appropriately for outdoor recess.
We will go outside if it is 15 degrees or warmer, including wind chill.
TSD School Closure line: 970-613-6788
TSD Educational Equity Council Sign-Up
Are you a family/guardian, staff, or high school student member of the TSD Community who is interested in learning about how TSD addresses equity, diversity, and inclusion? If so, sign-up to join the TSD Educational Equity Council (TEEC)! We will host quarterly meetings this school year to increase knowledge of the equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) work throughout TSD.
We are seeking broad and diverse community participation to help us move our work forward in alignment with the TSD Strategic Plan and TSD Board Policies related to Educational Equity (Policy ADB), Equal Educational Opportunities (Policy JB), and Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity (Policy AC).
The first meeting of the Thompson Educational Equity Council (TEEC) will be held on October 24, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Sign up here!. We will have pizza!
6th - 8th Grade Athletics
REQUIRED: Athlete must have and updated Sports Physical
& completed Big Teams Registration to be able to practice.
Wrestling starts December 16th - March 8th
Sign up now!!
Wrestling Coach Mario can be contacted at mario.rodriguez@tsd.org
Girls Basketball
Girls Basketball starts December 16th - March 8th
Sign up now!!
Girls Basketball Coach Mack can be contacted at mack.holly@tsd.org
Sunrise Thompson Health Clinic
Playing Sports? Need a physical?
Call or Walk in:
Loveland Community Health Center
302 3rd Street SE, Loveland
Sunrise Thompson Health Clinic (Located next to PVA)
2880 N. Monroe Ave., Loveland
Peakview Academy Student & Family Handbook 2024-2025
Within our short time so far as a school, we have worked hard to develop systems, structures, procedures, and policies that will support our school in being the best that it can be to achieve its vision and mission. As we have developed the systems, structures, procedures, and policies, we have created a PVA Student & Family Handbook for the 2024-2025 school year. Please review the handbook as necessary.