Principal's Newsletter
Distance Learning Expectations - March 2020
Hello Parents/Guardians,
You and your child just finished the first week of distance learning and we understand that it may be a little bit overwhelming for your family. Please remember that your child's teacher is your first point of contact with any questions.
We are indeed in the midst of an extremely unique situation and we would like to thank you for being flexible, especially when it comes to student learning and setting up technology. Our IT department has been working very hard to make sure that every family received an iPad. If you still don't have an iPad, please contact the teacher and fill out the form below.
Team Success will try to accommodate every family to the best of its ability. First come-first served! IT will contact your child's teacher, who will in return inform you if any tablets are still available.
Even though your child is not physically in school, he/she is still required to complete the provided assignments. Your child will receive grades and the completed assignments count as his/her daily attendance. Everything that they are working on will be a building block for next year's academic work, so it is important that they try to finish it. Again, please reach out to the teachers if you need help. They are available from 8am-4pm, Monday-Friday, via email, phone call, text message, Remind 101, or Dojo.
Continuous communication between the student and the teacher is key for successful online instructions. Team Success has identified certain expectations for students and parents, as outlined below.
Team Success is aware that everyone reacts differently to unpredictable situations such as prolonged school closure. Therefore, the school has hired a licensed counselor to support your family. Please feel free to reach out to her by completing the request form below.
Again, Team Success would like to thank you for supporting your child and our school in these difficult times.
Nicole Howe, Principal
UPDATE: Distribution of iPads
When: Tuesday, March 30, 2020
10 am- 11am
Also, if you still have any technical issues, come and talk to one of our IT techs.
Free Meals for Students
Student Expectations for Online Assignments
Every Team Success student must understand that the internet should be used in a responsible, safe, and legal matter. Even during distance learning, every Team Success student is required to abide by the policies set forth in the District’s Code of Conduct and Student Progression Plan (see links below).
When engaging in distance learning, the student…
· is responsible for good appropriate behavior on the internet and virtual classroom.
· agrees to refrain from using obscene, profane, or disrespectful language.
· only sends course related emails to online classmates using school email address.
· keeps his/her password protected.
· is focused and engaged when completing any assignments.
· is expected to dedicate the appropriate amount of time to complete the assignments.
· completes his/her own work according to teacher’s instructions.
· contacts the teacher when sick to arrange make-up assignments if applicable.
· agrees to complete all assignments to receive a passing grade for the course.
· must contact the teacher between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm, Monday through Friday for any related questions to the assignments.
· attends scheduled meetings using Google Hangout/Zoom/phone calls.
Communication Between Student and Teacher
Each week, the teacher outlines the weekly minimum work requirements. Therefore, it is imperative that the student and teacher are in regular contact. Following procedure will be implemented:
- The student has seven (7) days to complete and submit the required assignments for the week. Assignments are due by Sunday.
If the student does not submit them within the given time period, the student and parent will receive a notification from the teacher.
- The notification will require the student to contact the teacher immediately to discuss plans to complete the missed assignments.
- If the student does not respond, the teacher will contact the parent.
- Contact teachers through Email, Google Hangout / Google Meet, Dojo, Remind, or phone call.
- Missed assignments count as absent days.
Parent Expectations
You, as a parent/guardian, play an important role in distance learning during school closure. Daily supervision and support are key to successful completion of the online assignments.
When supporting your child during distance learning, you agree to…
- Supervise all instruction and monitor your child's completion of assignment.
- Motivate your child to learn.
- Establish a schedule and an environment conducive to online learning.
- Communicate with the teacher(s) on a regular basis to ensure that your child is on track.
- Contact the teacher when student is sick and unable to complete assignments.
Unexpected and prolonged school closure may be stressful for some students. Fear and anxiety about the unknown can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions as everyone reacts differently.
Team Success recognizes the need of mental health counseling for students during trying times. A certified counselor is available twice a week to talk to students and/or the family. She will work closely with the Student Services Coordinator.
Her name is Yesenia Reta and you may reach her by email: yreta@teamsuccessschools.com. Please see below for more info:
Team Success- A School of Excellence
Email: nhowe@teamsuccessschools.com
Website: teamsuccessschools.com
Location: 202 13th Avenue East, Bradenton, FL, USA
Phone: (941)714-7260