Lincoln News
November 2024
11/1 G3 Field Trip to City Hall
11/3 Daylight Savings Time Ends. Turn back your clocks.
11/4 Spiritwear sale begins
11/4 G5 Field Trip to Rocky River Nature Center
11/5 Election Day: No School for Students. Professional Learning Day for Staff.
11/8 Veteran's Day Breakfast, 8:15-8:45
11/9 Reflections Workshop at Lakewood Public Library, Main Branch, 2:00-4:00
11/11 Veterans Day
11/12 G2 Field Trip to Lakewood Public Library
11/13 PTA Meeting + Reflections Workshop DURING the meeting, 6:00-7:00
11/15 Spiritwear sale ends
11/15 G3-G5 Donut Date, 8:00-8:45
11/17 Girls on the Run 5k, 9:30am, Mayfield High School
11/20 Elementary Planning Task Force Community Conversation at Lincoln, 6:30-7:30
11/22 Leader Assembly, Celebrating Growth Mindset, 9:05-9:25
11/26 G4 Field Trip to Cuyahoga Valley National Park
11/26 Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast
11/27-29 Thanksgiving Break
Every Friday is SPIRIT DAY at Lincoln! Wear Lakewood gear, Lincoln gear, or purple and gold.
Some of our October Fun!
Elementary Community Conversations
The District's Elementary Planning Task Force will be holding Community Conversations at our seven elementary schools over the next few months to gather input on a potential redistricting and repurposing of our elementary boundaries and buildings. We hope you can attend one of the conversations. Learn more about the task force on the Elementary Planning Task Force page of the District website.
November's Social Emotional Learning Focus
In October and November, our area of focus for social emotional learning is self-management. This is a very important theme, and is consistently the weakest skill set based on our Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS) screener. Lesson topics - differentiated by grade level - may include self-control, stress management, focus, problem-solving, goal setting and resilience.
Community Service
Help us “Fill the Shopping Cart” as we begin our new community service project for the month of November!
This November we will hold a food drive for the Lakewood Community Services Center.
The Lakewood Community Services Center provides home food deliveries to over 1,000 households in need, twice a month, in Lakewood, Rocky River, and Westlake. Deliveries include fresh produce, eggs, cheese, protein, and canned and boxed items.
How can you help? Bring in canned and/or boxed food to add to these food deliveries.
Let's fill the cart, Lincoln!
The Lincoln Leaders of Community Service Club
Click here to learn more about the PTA Reflections Art Contest and mark your calendar for the Lincoln Workshop days...11/9 at Lakewood Public Library, Main Branch, 2:00-4:00 and 11/13 DURING the PTA meeting, 6:00-7:00pm.
November/December Connecting for Kids Free Program Information
Program highlights for the month:
Parenting is Lonely Session
Behavior Chats: Preventing Meltdowns
Autism 101
The 2024-25 Fun Run was a Smashing Success!
Contact Us
Location: 15615 Clifton Boulevard, Lakewood, OH, USA
Phone: 216.529.4232
Email: brenda.budzar@lakewoodcityschools.org
Website: lakewoodcityschools.org Twitter: @LkwdLincoln