Guided Reading with Jan Richardson
Podcasts, Notes, Videos, and Printables
Click on the green bars to listen to podcasts about guided reading tips.
Literacy Tip #1 Podcast
9 minute podcast that discusses Jan Richardson's Next Step Forward book and supports that everything you do in guided reading is teaching, scaffolding, and supporting students.
Literacy Tip #2 Podcast
9 minute podcast that discusses Sight Words in Jan Richardson's Next Step Forward lesson plan
Teaching New Sight Words
Literacy Tip #3 Podcast
9 minute podcast that discusses Guided Writing in Jan Richardson's Next Step Forward lesson plan
I'm so Excited to Read and Write | A - Z | Letter Formation | Jack Hartmann and Jan Richardson
How Guided Reading Works with Jan Richardson Podcast
Listen to a 26 minute podcast with Jan Richardson about guided reading, fluency, and the important role that guided reading plays in a child's education.
6 Things You Should Know About Guided Reading
- ...Guided Reading does not stand alone. It stand within the confines of a balanced literacy program. Balanced Literacy Framework includes read aloud, shared reading, independent reading, and writing workshop.
- ...Guided Reading is more than sitting at a table and watching children reading an easy book. Students should be reading slightly challenging text that encourages a productive struggle so they can practice using strategies.
- ...Guided Reading is not following a curriculum. It is following a child and asking "What does the child need to learn next?"
- ...To be effective as a guided reading teacher you need an understanding of the reading process.
- ...If you follow Jan's framework of integrating reading, writing, and word study you will see much faster acceleration and more powerful productivity with time.
- ...Guided Reading is the best opportunity to scaffold comprehension.
Click on "Jan Richardson Video Clips" above and you will be able to see a variety of videos of Jan Richardson modeling activities that you can do with students in Pre-A lessons, Emergent lessons, Early lessons, and Transitional lessons.