Tiger Times
Gunter ISD Online Newsletter

The best resource for activities taking place in our district is the District Calendar.
For the full school year, click here to download the 2024-25 Academic Calendar.
Keep scrolling in this newsletter to find announcements, sports updates, reminders, highlights, and much more! There is a Table of Contents to the left for quick scanning.
Important March Dates
- 3/3 - OAP Community Performance @ GHS - 7PM
- 3/5 - District OAP @ Pottsboro High School at 10:45 AM
- 3/5 - Mandatory Drill Team Parent Meeting for HS candidates 6 PM (@GMS)
- 3/7 - Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day
- 3/7 - Cheer packet deadline due NO later than 3:15pm to Office B for HS candidates
- 3/9 - Daylight Savings Time Begins - Spring Forward
- 3/10-14 - Spring Break - Enjoy!
- 3/17 - St. Patrick's Day 🍀
- 3/17 - Mandatory GMS Cheer Parent Meeting, GMS, 6pm
- 3/19 - ASVAB (10th-12th grade) *for those who signed up
- 3/20 - GISD Board Meeting @ GMS | 6 PM
- 3/21 - HS Drill Team Packets due by 3:15 PM for anyone trying out
- 3/22 - GHS Jr. / Sr. Prom 7-11 PM
- 3/26 - SAT for Juniors
- 3/29 - GMS and GHS Cheer Tryouts - Good luck to all those trying out!
- 4/1 - Pre-K and Kindergarten Round Up 4-6 PM @ GES
Always check the GISD Calendar on our website for any changes or additions.
Gunter ISD Board Briefs
GISD Board Briefs - February 20, 2025
Visit the GISD Board of Trustees page on our website for more school board information.
* We love our school board at GISD. Please be sure to thank them for serving in these very important roles.
2025-26 Academic Calendar
The 2025 -26 Academic Calendar was approved by the GISD School Board at the February meeting.
Click here to view and/or print the 2025-26 Gunter ISD Academic Calendar.
It's a great resource to just print and have on hand for planning purposes.
Monthly Informative from Superintendent, Mr. Martindale.
The February "Monthly Informative" has been published. This month, Mr. Martindale explains why there are discussions about opening Gunter ISD to Transfer Students. https://youtu.be/bjmJov-0Ej0
Learn more by visiting the District FAQs page on our website. https://www.gunterisd.org/page/gisddistrict-faqs
Valentine's Day Surprise
The 6th grade Discovery students want to thank everyone for their generous donations for the residents at Tribute Senior Living. Each resident received a box of candy and a furry friend!
Frigid temperatures and warm hearts! The GES staff would like to give a HUGE shoutout of THANKS to these dads who showed up on a very cold morning to offer their assistance in opening doors during car-line. This act of kindness was very heartwarming!
Thank you to everyone who donated blood at the HOSA Blood Drive in February. With your help, they collected 23 pints of blood. With those donations, up to 69 lives could be saved.
Thank YOU to the PTO
GHS PTO Valentine Goodies
Thank you to TK Kanouse and the GHS PTO for putting together a sweet Valentine table for the high school staff. We love choosing our favorites to nibble on throughout the day.
The GHS PTO and GHS staff would like to thank all those who purchased items from the Amazon account or donated money.
GES PTO Charcuterie Boxes
Thank you for the sweet charcuterie boxes filled with Valentine treats from protein to sweets! Just what we needed to feel all the love on Valentine's Day.
GES Boosterthon
Message from the GES PTO - Our students and staff had a blast at the Fun Run!
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Boosterthon. We exceeded our goal this year! The funds will be put to great use for our students in the way of field trips, educational programs, and classroom manipulatives.
Join your campus PTO
Each campus has a wonderful group of parents who work together to help bring smiles to the teachers and students. Check out their Facebook page or contact information below to join them.
- Email your name, cell number and email address gunterhighschoolpto@gmail.com.
- Click the following link to join the GHS PTO Parent Square Group - https://www.parentsquare.com/groups/join/flahz37kx2
GMS PTO - Contact through our Facebook page @guntermiddleschoolpto
GES PTO - Contact through our Facebook page | @gunterelementarypto
Text @gespto1 to 81010 to join
Special Recognitions
National School Counselor Appreciation Week - February 3-7
Thank you to the amazing counselors at GISD who help our students put the pieces together in their life. Our Tigers are lucky to have you at their schools!
- High School Counselors - Katy Johnson and Mandy Biros
- Middle School Counselor - Jessica Hogan
- Elementary School Counselor - Tara Rice
School Resource Officer Appreciation Day - February 15th
Thank you to the officers who keep us safe each and every day!
Bus Riders Recognized for Great Behavior
In total, 48 elementary and 54 middle school students earned the reward for great bus behavior this month. Each student received a bookmarkand a yummy snack from Transportation Director, Nicole Mann.
Safety and Security
From the Desk of Chief Satre
Gunter High School hosted a distracted driving presentation by Baylor Scott & White on February 12th titled, "Impact Teen Drivers".
Impact Teen Drivers develops, promotes, and facilitates evidence-based education to stop the number one killer of teens--car crashes, particularly those caused by reckless and distracted driving.
This program is high energy and interactive! Statistics and facts about reckless and distracted driving were shared.
🚧 Construction Zone - Please Respect the Fenced Areas 👷♂️
Construction Zone: Fencing has been placed between the middle and high school. Construction on the Gunter Bond 2022 projects is continuing and that area is not accessible to you. For your safety, please DO NOT enter that area.
Mark Your Calendar
One Act Play - We'd love a big crowd to cheer us on!
HS One-Act Play is in full swing! Mark your calendar for these important dates to support our actors and actresses! They will be performing Cicada by Jerre Dye.
- Parent Preview - Monday, March 3rd at 7pm.Tickets are $5 (or your choice donation). Proceeds come back to the group for travel and food costs during competition.
- District Competition - Wednesday, March 5th at 10:45am @ Pottsboro High School.
Canned Food Drive
NHS is hosting a Canned Food Drive to benefit the Gunter Food Pantry. Please help us to help our neighbors by picking up some non-perishable food items and delivering them to the high school. You can just drop them off in the entryway. The drive ends on March 7th, so don't delay!
Pre-K and Kindergarten Round Up
Tuesday, April 1st
GES Cafeteria
More Information to follow!
This is open to all students in grades K-6, from Howe and other surrounding schools. If interested, please do not let the cost of the camp scare you away! There is a code for a $40 discount, and payment plans are available.
A grant to lower the cost for all students who sign up is in the works. This discount would depend on the amount of grant money received and the number of camp attendees. Finally, a crowdfunding link has been set up so anyone can donate to help offset the total cost of the camp, bringing individual fees down as well.
Link to Crowdfunding Site: https://fundraise.givesmart.com/.../Cam.../team/CTX251121625
For questions or more information, please contact Floyd Webb: webb.floyd@howeisd.net.
Elementary Campus
February Students of the Month
Congratulations to the February Students of the Month! These students were chosen for showing leadership, working hard in the classroom, being kind, spreading joy, and having that True Grit - TPW attitude!
Kindergarten: Hayley Arnoux (not pictured)
1st Grade: Mateo Ortega
2nd Grade: Alaina Golson
3rd Grade: Ryder Wetzel
4th Grade: Ty Johnson
Classroom Highlights!
100th Day of School
February 5, 2025 was our 100th day of school! Our students and staff are a tad bit older, but more importantly, a lot smarter than they were on Day 1 (August 14th).
Out students went hunting for 100 kisses, solved mysteries, put together trail mix, made some crafty items, and so much more to celebrate this awesome day. We snapped some great pictures, Check them out in this album! https://photos.app.goo.gl/T2DKB5uJadzFTejRA ...
Landslides in the Classroom
3rd graders in Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Pelzel’s science classes learned all about rapid changes to the Earth’s surface. Students had the opportunity to witness a homemade demonstration of landslides where they learned how different soils, plant roots and rocks can affect how strong or powerful a landslide can be. Science is so AMAZING!
Stone Soup
Second Graders are learning how to show empathy and generosity in our homes, school, and community. They read the book, Stone Soup, by Marcia Brown. This story revolves around three hungry soldiers and their clever efforts to get food for both themselves and a whole village. For the month of January, our "Tigers Helping Tigers" service project focused on collecting and donating toiletries to the American Red Cross. By looking at the picture, we would say that the lesson was a success!
Ms. Johns' students are always excited to have GES Librarian, Ms. Genthner come to their room and read to them. Stories are THE BEST!
1st graders learned patience while they waited for the chickens to hatch in the incubators set up inside their classrooms.
Turning Back Time
3rd graders traveled in the GISD Magic School Bus back to the Medieval Times. It's always fun to see history come to life right before your very eyes! Seeing the reenactment of the time period helps the student visualize when they are learning about that time period in the classroom. The teachers, students, and bus drivers all had a great time.
**We heard from a little birdie that the bus driver spoke only in Old English to answer the students on the way home
Kindergarten Valentines
Kindergarten classes always love Valentines Day! Check out some of the awesome boxes that they made to collect all their goodies.
Middle School
Students of the Month
Congratulations to the February Students of the Month! We love seeing students work hard and show kindness. Students chosen for this honor have that "never give up attitude" and will always stay positive and polite in the classroom.
Congratulations to:
5th Grade - Isabella Esparza
6th Grade - Conner Michael
7th Grade - Brantley Rice
8th Grade - Brooklyn Kinison
Classroom Highlights!
5th graders spent some time playing in the sand in class! They were looking at how water and weather play a role in how the earth changes. Terms like sediment, deposits and delta were defined while they watched a simulation happen right before their eyes. At one point in the lab, students shook a rock (simulated by a cookie) inside a Pringles can to show how, over many years, that rock can be changed with different weather patterns. The final "straw" in this lab had Mrs. Bon showing her students how wind has a hand in creating the sand dunes around the world.
Who knows, this lab might be the thing that leads one of our students into a career in geoscience, geology, or soil science!
In February, upper level GMS art students in Mrs. Ferguson's class practiced creating artwork based on a theme: LOVE. They engaged in a creative process (Artistic Thinking Process, or ATP) that included a class discussion of the theme, brainstorming ideas, sketching multiple concepts, and refining their final design. This approach encourages thoughtful planning, artistic growth and unique results!
Mrs. Ferguson's Art 1 students have been exploring the elements of value, space, and color mixing through a fun and engaging lesson featuring donuts! Using oil pastels, students are learning blending techniques to create depth and texture while experimenting with color. This sweet project encourages creativity and attention to detail.
How is your workplace or school like a cell organelle? Ask our 8th graders!
8th grade scientists in Mrs. King's lab began learning the functions of cell organelles. The students began the unit with a scavenger hunt and then compared the organelles to a school.... let's explain! The nucleus might act like a principal, the cell membrane might mimic the security of the building deciding who to let in or out. Other parts of the cell would be compared to the hallways, power generators, workshops etc...
In other words, all the "departments" of a cell have a specific function, just as "departments" of a school also have a specific function.
Nonfiction Text Structures and Study Habits
5th grade ELAR students in Mrs. Reed's class have been learning all about Nonfiction Text Structures. The students put together a flip book as a study guide. Coloring was an added incentive for some!
Having the students use different methods to create study guides will give our students tools for learning in the future. Everyone learns differently, so trying a variety of methods in middle school will help them choose the best method for their high school years.
Battle of Gettysburg Walking Tour
Mrs. Badillo's 5th grade social studies classes went on a walking tour of the Battle of Gettysburg to learn about the Civil War. Their main focus was to learn about military tactics, combat conditions, and technology during that era.
Starburst Rock Cycle
Sixth graders in Mrs. Morrison’s science class wrapped up their lesson on the Rock Cycle by recreating the rock cycle using Starburst candies. Students first weathered the Starburst by cutting them into fourths to simulate sediments. They then compacted the sediments together to make Sedimentary Rock. Students then applied heat and pressure to their “rocks” to form Metamorphic Rock. Next, they gave their metamorphic rock to Mrs. Morrison to melt in the microwave to form magma. Students then allowed the magma to cool and harden to create Igneous Rock. After completing their lab sheets detailing their processes, each student was rewarded with their own Starburst to enjoy for all their hard work!
GMS Cheer Tryout Information
Monday, March 17: Mandatory Parent Meeting, GMS, 6pm
Friday, March 21: Packet forms DUE, GMS office by 3:10Sunday, March 23: Tryout Material posted on Cheer Website
Monday, March 24- 26: Tryout Clinics and Mock Tryout
Saturday, March 29 : TRYOUTS 9:00 am
Tuesday, April 1: Uniform fittings (during the school day)
Friday, April 11: Cheer Fees due, GMS office by 3:10 pm
High School
UIL Academics - Practice Makes Perfect
Our GHS UIL competitors have been working hard over the past few weeks to prepare for the District competition on March 26th. They competed at the Prosper Invitational where they were up against several public, private and charter schools. We were excited that 40% of the events that we entered, GHS had somebody place!
Practice Meet Results
- Kalli Bernard: 3rd Place - Headlines; 4th Place - Literary Criticism; 5th Place - Spelling/Vocabulary
- Jacob Endsley: 6th Place - Social Studies
- Prezley Grant: 1st Place - Editorial; 5th - Place Headline
- Hailey Hoel: 3rd - Place - News
- Jackson Mazey: 2nd Place - Social Studies
- Julianna Moore: 5th Place - Ready Writing
- Sarah Smith: 2nd Place - News
- Regan Spurgin: 2nd Place - Ready Writing
Classroom Highlights
- Mr. Thornhill’s Economic students used typical Valentine gifts to learn about supply and demand. They talked about how the cost would be affected by various events in our country, whether it is weather related, supply and demand, employment trends, etc…
- Coach Applewhite’s students are working on their boater’s safety certification.
- Mr. Eaton’s Physics classes are currently learning about projectile motion, and are about to begin their catapult project.
- Mr. Eaton’s AP Physics is beginning circular motion and Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, where we will study Kepler's Laws and why/how the planets orbit the sun.
- Mr. Eaton’s AP Calculus is studying accumulation functions and beginning basic integration rules.
Mr. Moore’s classes are in the midst of learning Stoichiometry. This is probably the hardest part in chemistry for students to grasp because it starts to tie science and math together.
They also just completed a molarity lab where the students mixed different concentrations of Kool-Aid and then had to determine (by taste) which sample would have been the one that was mixed according to the package directions. Chemistry and Kool-Aid mix together quite well!
Ms. Reeves’ PreCal students are learning about exponential and logarithmic functions. Those two words alone are scary to most people. Students are learning that these functions are very applicable to life in the real world. These juniors and seniors have used the compound interest formulas to find future values of investments. They have learned how to use an application on the calculator called the TVM Solver (Time Value of Money) to find missing values involving problems with interest rates, present values, future values, and payments (car payments, retirement accounts, savings accounts, etc).
Mrs. Kimbrell’s Floral Design students made candy bouquets for Valentine’s Day. We see this type of design in our grocery stores and floral shops all year long. Learning skills like this is a jumping point to many careers in design!
Mrs. Hardin's Art 1 classes have been studying color theory and has learned primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary, analogous, and neutral colors, They also have learned how to mix hues, tints, tones and shades!
Coach Egger’s Personal Finance class just finished a unit on responsible banking and wealth building. The class is using an online game that does a 20 year investment simulation over the course of 20 minutes. They’ve played this throughout the year so as students learn new investment / banking strategies, they can apply them to the game. The game actually uses real stock trends from companies early in their years of existence.
The game is free to play. You can find it on the Next Gen Personal Finance site at: https://buildyourstax.com/
The sophomores in Mrs. Guice’s class have been reading the memoir Tuesdays with Morrie and have created bumper stickers symbolizing an aphorism shared by Morrie Schwartz in the text. They are currently writing an argumentative essay where they must argue if American culture is portrayed as positive or negative in the memoir.
In Mrs. Lee’s English I class, students are currently exploring the concept of rhetoric, specifically focusing on rhetorical appeals and counterarguments. Students are applying these skills in a practical exercise where they attempt to persuade Mrs. Lee to purchase a toy from the Amazon holiday calendar. They will be utilized these rhetorical strategies to debate a variety of topics, such as whether a hotdog can be classified as a taco or if pizza should be considered a type of toast.
Coach Grant's students completed a project where they learned about European countries.
Miss Tri County
On Saturday, February 1st, three of our Gunter girls (Riley Rogan, Peyton Beavers and Karlee Beavers) competed in the Miss Tri County Organization. They competed in four areas; Interview, Evening Gown, Talent, and Fitness and also created a Community Service Initiative. Congratulations to Karlee Beavers who was awarded Miss Congeniality!
Kiss the Pig 💋
Student Council held a contest to raise money for Student Council projects. Boxes with teachers names were displayed for contributions. The one with the most money inside was the "winner"....The winner of the Student Council "Kiss the Pig" contest..... Mr. Eaton! Daisy the pig looked like she was enjoying all of the attention from the crowd and the smooch from Mr. Eaton :)
Thanks, Mr. Eaton, for being such a great sport and helping the Student Council raise money
HOSA members traveled to Texas State Technical College in Waco for their competitive events in Health Sciences.
The following students competed in the following events:
- Medical Terminology - Tylie Beckley
- Medical Math - Karlee Beavers
- Knowledge Quiz Bowl Team - Peyton Beavers, Mackey Cox, Alexa Zielinski, Kylee Keller
- Health Science Display Panels - Luzcero Escalero, Peyton Beavers, Karlee Beavers, Tylie Beckley
- Basic Health Care Skills - Kylee Keller and Luzcero Escalero
The following students will be taking their displays to the STATE level! Congratulations!
Karlee Beavers, Peyton Beavers, Luzcero Escalera, Tylie Beckley
GHS Important Deadlines
GHS Prom -March 7th Ticket Deadline!
ASVAB Testing 10th-12th on 3/19/25
We are offering the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) to 10th-12th graders on 3/19/25. The ASVAB is a standardized test that measures a person's aptitude in four domains: verbal, math, science and technical, and spatial. It identifies a person's strengths and potential and helps predict a person's future academic and occupational success. This is an optional test for 10th-12th graders. You must sign up by March 5th. Please click on this link if you would like to take this test. https://forms.gle/WTV5ENsYTY5iepb69
GHS Cheer Tryouts
2025 - 2026 Cheer Tryout Key Dates
- Friday, March 7th: Cheer packet deadline due NO later than 3:15pm to Office B for HS candidates
- Sunday, March 23rd: Tryout material posted to the website cheer page(s) by 6pm
- Mon. March 24th - Wed. March 26th: Tryout clinics
- Saturday, March 29th: Cheer Tryouts begin at 9am
- Tuesday, April 1st: HS Uniform Fittings
Drill Team - Tigerettes
Attention 8th-11th grade students passionate about dance and performance, consider joining the NEW GHS DRILL TEAM for the 2025-26 school year!
- Tryout packets may be picked up in the GMS Office and HS Office B. They must be returned by 3:15 PM on March 21st.
- There is a MANDATORY PARENT MEETING on March 5th at 6PM in the GMS Cafeteria.
- Clinic Dates: March 31-April 4
- Tryouts - April 5th
Click to view the poster - https://5il.co/38x0u
If you are interested in donating to this new program or have questions about the GHS Drill Team, contact Trista Hough at though@gunterisd.org.
Senior Info
You still have time to get that SENIOR AD purchased for the yearbook!
DEADLINE TO ORDER - March 28, 2025
Senior Graduation Gown, Cap and Announcements - Pick Up Day
Mark this on your calendar! Jostens has designated Tuesday, April 1st as the delivery day for Gunter High School Graduation orders. They will be set up in the foyer at 9:05 AM for you to pick up your cap & gown and your graduation announcements that you ordered.
If you still need to place your order, Josten's says the best way to order at this point is on Jostens.com using this custom link:
- https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/catalogBrowse/1078955/GUNTER-HIGH-SCHOOL/Graduation/2667226649/CATALOG_REPOSITORY/
Please direct any questions to our local Jostens office at 940-382-8948 (call or text) or email Ray.Office@Jostens.com
FFA / Agriculture
Fort Worth Steer Show
Colton Needum - 5th place and made sale
Halston Standerfer - 12th place
Ellie Needum - exhibitor
Landry Russell - exhibitor
Fort Worth Swine Show
Maci Verden - exhibitor
San Angelo Show
Ag Mechanics students competed with their projects in San Angelo, earning 4 blue ribbons and a red ribbon!
Texoma Livestock & Expo Show
We are excited to have students of all age levels compete at this show! Thank you to the Gunter FFA Alumni for providing lunch for the students and shavings for the animals!
We had some great results! All the information is published on the Gunter FFA and Gunter Junior FFA Facebook pages.
Creative Arts
Junior Reserve Champion Woodworking - Maddox Verden Senior Reserve Champion Food - Noah Saindon Senior Reserve Champion Floral Arrangement - Liv Thomas Junior Finalist Art - Sydney Bodnyk Senior Finalist Floral Arrangement - Millie Fraire
Rabbit Show Results:
Meat Pen Show Logan May - 6th Wyett Walker - 5th Rylan Fryar Jesse Sanchez
Breeding Rabbits:
Emily Saindon - 1st in Class, Best Opposite New Zealond
Easton Descoteau - 1st in Class Polish
Maddox Clowers - 2nd in class Californian
Mason Clowers CalifornianGoats
Darcy Sikes - 1st place MADE SALE Karis Gortmaker - 7th place Ava McComb - 9th place Brinley Beavers - 4th place MADE SALE Micah Fisher - 3rd place MADE SALE Riley Zey - 6th place Hayden Zey - 4th place MADE SALE Ava McComb - 8th place Tatum Myers - 4th place MADE SALE Landry Russell - 8th place
GRAND CHAMPION - Aaron Barton RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION - Mason Clowers 1st place in Intermediate Showmanship - Maddox Clowers
Kyla Gortmaker - 2nd place 1st alternate in sale Olivia Rigdon - 2nd place 2nd alternate in sale Sydney Bodnyk - 3rd place 3rd alternate in sale Olivia Rigdon - 4th place Maddox Verden - 2nd place MADE SALE Landry Russell - Reserve Champion Black OPB SALE Harlee Keel - 8th place Payden Friday - 10th place Landry Russell - 5th place Maci Verden - 4th place Peyton Beavers - 7th place Sydney Bodnyk Landry Russell -6 Brooke Lewis -1st - 1st place MADE SALE Gentry Russell - 2nd place Fielding Lewis - 3rd place Dakota Friday- 7th place Fielding Lewis - 3rd place 1st alternate in sale Payden Friday - 9th place Landry Russell - 6th place Brooke Lewis - 7th place Payden Friday - 7th place
3rd place - Heavyweight British - Ellie Needum MADE SALE
5th place - Lightweight Exotic - Colten Needum - MADE SALE
4th place - Lightweight Exotic - Landry Russell - MADE SALE
3rd place - Middleweight Exotic - Halston Standerfer
5th place - Middleweight Exotic - Colten Needum - Sale
3rd place - Heavyweight Exotic - Halston Standerfer - MADE SALE
AG Mechanics
Champion showmanship Logan hill
Division 1 Rylan Fryar Colten Needum
Division 2 Champs - Tatum and Ava MADE SALE
Division 2 Luke Menser Jonathan Jahan blue ribbon
Division 8 champ Logan hill
Division 5 3rd Place - Braden Robison Zaiden Choate MADE SALE
Division 9 3rd Place - Brody Bracewell and Braden Hilton
Showing with Heart
Mr. Small and his students had a wonderful trip to Loy Lake in Denison for "Showing with Heart" and had a truly amazing experience. The kids helping to show were so kind and caring to our students. The animals were also kind and caring to our students, for the most part!
Showing with Heart is an adaptive livestock show designed specifically for students in Grayson county with special needs. Their mission is to promote inclusion within the stock show industry by providing an opportunity for students to participate and showcase their talents and abilities.
Thank you to everyone who organized the event this year, and thank you to the student helpers for not only assisting the students, but for delivering miles of smiles!
Mrs. McGaughey’s theatre students attended a One Act Play clinic on February 21st. Why? Many schools take their show to an adjudicator and perform it like a competition and they give them a critique. It helps the cast and crew improve prior to district competition. For all the sports fans out there... it's like a preseason game :) After the clinic, they had a team bonding lunch. Building relationships amongst cast members make productions so much smoother.
In the classroom, students had a lesson on leadership, strategy and quite literally carrying their castmates to the finish line. It takes trust and sometimes we fall…. but someone will always be there to pick you up!
We hope to see you at the District competition in Pottsboro!
Willy Wonka, the Musical! Coming to a stage near you!
Auditions were held in January for our MS/HS musical, Willy Wonka Jr. We had a record number of students audition and are expecting 75 students to take this stage this May!!
Performances are scheduled the first two weekends in May. Details and ticket information will go out closer to the performance time. It's going to be SWEET!!
Check out what the band has on the upcoming calendar!
4th - Sounds of Spring Middle School Pre-UIL @ Princeton HS
6th - Sounds of Spring High School Pre-UIL @ Princeton HS
26th - MS UIL at Pottsboro HS
27-28th - HS UIL at Pottsboro HS
8th - Beginner Instrument Drive - Incoming NEW students to band can come and reserve their instrument to ensure they will have an instrument to play in August.
11th - MS Beginner Band Spring Festival Performance at Pinstack
22-24 - Marching Band Movement Camp #1 for all Incoming Freshmen AND Sophomores
30 - MS Symphonic Band Spring Festival Performance at Epic Waters
TBA - Colorguard Camp for new members next year
1st - Sunfest High School Band Festival at The Colony HS, followed by Andrettis
12th - Spring Concert at The Commons
13-15 - Marching Band Movement Camp #2 for all Incoming Freshmen AND Sophomores
TBA - Colorguard Camp for new members next year
College Signees
It’s no secret that Gunter has great athletes, and it’s no surprise that post-secondary schools are offering them the chance to compete at the next level.
At the signing, Coach Fieszel spoke about each athlete, highlighting specific football performances that stood out in his mind. Coach Egger added to the presentation, highlighting the track accomplishments of Koen. Congratulations to the following athletes who signed their letter of intent to compete at the next level.
- Hayden Farrell – Hardin Simmons University – Football
- Jax Graham – McMurry University – Football
- Braden Robison – West Texas A&M University – Football
- Cole Harpole – Army – Football
- Major Thornhill – Montana State University – Football
- Koen Scallorn – UT Tyler - Track
Winter Sport Schedules
Schedules change due to a variety of factors, be sure you have the latest information by checking our Event calendar on the website for last minute changes.
📸 Marion Cole and Renee Marler with OurGunter
All events are placed on the District Calendar located on our GISD website. This is the best place to look for schedule changes during the year.
2/17 vs Denton Braswell 9-2 Win
2/20 Frisco Panther Creek Tournament
- Panther Creek 9-1 Win
- Panther Creek 8-4 Win
2/27 vs Panther Creek 7-3 Win
2/27 vs Heritage 8-4 Win
2/28 vs Independence 14-6 Win
2/28 vs Wilson 0-5 Loss
3/1 vs Aubrey 13-0 Win
JV Blue
2/22 vs Aubrey JV - W 5-3 | Aubrey JV - W 14-0
2/24 vs Van Alstyne JV - W 5-3 | Van Alstyne JV - W 6-5
2/28 vs John Paul II 12-2 Win
2/28 vs Plano 18-0 Win
JV White
2/17 vs Denton Braswell 4-1 Win | 6-5 Win
2/25 vs Panther Creek 6-3 Win
2/27 vs Callisburg 8-1 Win
2/28 vs Aubrey 4-3 Win
Girls Basketball
Varsity Season
Season Record 33-4 | District 12-0
2/4 vs Blue Ridge
Varsity Playoffs
BI-DISTRICT CHAMPS vs Rains 55-49 - AREA CHAMPS vs Whitesboro 47-32
- REGIONAL FINALISTS vs Winnsboro 41-46
Varsity Photos: Kelly Guice, GHS Yearbook Advisor
Girls Basketball Recognitions
District 3A Awards
MVP- Norah Laymen
Defensive MVP - Wendy Salazar
Newcomer of the Year - Aly Gann
1st Team All District - Skylar Pogue, Lilly Martin, Caitlin Wilson
2nd Team All District - Riley Rogan
Honorable Mention - Grace Dainauski, Ella Pinkernell
Academic All District: Norah Layman, Wendy Salazar, Aly Gann,, Skylar Pogue, Lilly Martin, Caitlin Wilson, Riley Rogan, Grace Dainauski, Ella Pinkernell, Avery Hale
Boys Basketball
Photo: Marion Cole
Season Record 8-7 | District 7-5
4th Place - District
1/31 vs Bells 42-45 Loss
2/4 vs Blue Ridge 47-42 Win
2/7 vs vs Leonard 50-52 Loss
2/11 vs Pottsboro 53-61 Loss
Bi-District Playoff vs Commerce 44-61
JV Blue
1/31 vs Bells 28-34 Loss
2/4 vs Blue Ridge 43-30 Win
2/7 vs Leonard 38-36 Loss
JV White:
1/31 vs Bells - Loss
Middle School
vs Howe
- 8A 39-21
- 8B 23-2
- 7A 24-17
- 7B 20-11
vs Bonham
- 7A Won 58 - 9
- 7B Won 33 - 3
- 8A Won 54 - 2
- 8B Won 20 - 12
Boys Basketball Recognitions
Co-Newcomer Of the Year: Rhys Dainauski
Co-Defensive Player of the Year: Mitchell Gage
1st Team All District: Brock Boddie, Preston Tarpley
2nd Team All District: Boston Standridge, Ashton Pinkernell
Honorable Mention: Grey Henry
Academic All District
Mitchell Gage, Brock Boddie, Boston Standridge, Easton Overman, Preston Tarpley, Grey Henry, Caleb Siler, Ryhs Dainausk, Ashton Pinkernell, Wilson Marks, Xavier Zarallo
Middle School District Tournament
2/24 - Byron Nelson Invitational at Trophy Club
Girls Team - 1st Place
Girls Individual
- Katy Merchant - 2nd Place
Just for fun...
Nothing better than kids and parents playing together! Our Gunter Golf team took the 4 day weekend as an opportunity to play a round together at Lajitas.Truly, time together is always time well spent!
2/7 vs Richardson 13-7 Win
2/13 vs Permian 0-12 Loss
2/13 vs Irving 9-1 Win
2/13 vs Ferris 11-2 Win
2/14 vs West Mesquite 24-2 Win
2/15 vs Panther Creek 4-5 Loss
2/17 vs Emerson 0-9 Loss
2/21 vs Highland Park 15-0 Win
2/21 Frisco Heritage 29-2 Win
2/22 vs North Forney 11-0 Win
2/22 vs Richardson 8-2 Win
2/22 vs Sunnyvale 6-0 Win
2/25 vs Van Alstyne 1-8 Loss
2/27 vs Rivercrest 11-0 Win
2/27 vs Melissa JV 15-0 Win
2/28 vs Hone Grove 10-1 Win
2/28 vs Lady Bears 0-5 Loss
Special Olympics
GMS students attended the Special Olympics Basketball in Denison at had so much fun competing. We brought home the following medals! Thanks to the GHS Pals who cheered them on!
Wills Point Tournament
Juliana Moore and Hailey Hoel: 1st Girls B Doubles
Mason Jeffs: 2nd Boys A Singles
Angel Mercado and Kynlee Chalker: Consolation Champions A Mixed Doubles
2/27 JV/V Whitesboro Meet
JV Girls - Gold 150 Points
V Girls - Gold - 114 Points
JV Boys - Silver - 133 Points
V Boys - Silver 106 Points
You can see a list of the individual results on the Gunter Track and Field Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/GunterTrackTX and on the Track page of our website! https://www.gunterisd.org/page/track
Congratulations to Jackson Hayworth, Blake Garcia, Karlee Beavers, and Luzcero Escalera for advancing to the Saturday round for a chance to qualify for the State Tournament.
- Jackson Hayworth -3rd Place (He is the first boy in our program to advance to State!)
- Luzcero Escalera 5th Place
Football Recognitions from February
First Team Center - Luke Bullard
First Team Utility - Brock Boddie
First Team Defensive End - Hayden Farrell
First Team Kicker - Preston Tarpley
First Team Defensive Back - Carter Balak
Honorable Mention Defensive Back - Colin Peacock
Offensive Line - Luke Bullard
Defensive Line - Hayden Farrell
Kicker - Preston Tarpley
All Texomaland
Defensive MVP - Colin Peacock
First Team RB - Brock Boddie
First Team TE - Cole Harpole
First Team OL - Garrin Goetz
First Team OL - Luke Bullard
First Team Kicker - Preston Tarpley
First Team DL - Major Thornhill
First Team DL - Hayden Farrell
First Team DB - Mitchell Gage
Second Team OL - Braden Robison
Second Team DL - Trevor Wright
Second Team LB - Cam Doty
Honorable Mention RB - Jay Campiti
Honorable Mention WR - Dylan Tokarz
Honorable Mention OL - Braeden Nelson
The Gunter Tiger Football Banquet was held on February 26th where the players were recognized for their achievements.
Connect with us!
Website: www.gunterisd.org
Location: Gunter, TX, USA
Phone: 903.433.4750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gunterisdschools
Twitter: @Gunter_ISD