2.13.25 NYOS Elementary Newsletter

Jag Brag!!
Researching Artists in 5th Grade
Tiny Tales visits 1st Grade!
3rd grade learns about landforms & weathering from a Zion National Park Ranger
Safety Updates and Reminders
Morning Drop Off
- STAY in your car. Don't get out. Getting out of your car at drop off time slows down the process. If your child needs assistance, please park and walk with them to the door.
- We are having a large number of students that are tardy each day. Please continue working with us to ensure routines are in place and your child is on time to school.
- If you arrive after the side car drop off doors are closed, please do not let your child out to walk to a campus door alone. You need to park up front and walk your child into school. Doors open at 7:15am and close at 7:50am when the school day starts.
- Please don't let students get out of the car in an area where there is not a sidewalk.
- All students should exit the car from the passenger side.
- If you are walking, ALWAYS use the cross walk- do not cut through the parking spaces
- Don't use a cellphone while driving - especially don't use a cellphone in a school zone.
Afternoon Pick Up
- STAY in your car. Don't get out. We will help your child get in the car. Getting out of your car at pick up time slows down the process.
- Pull forward as far as you can every time.
- All students should enter the car from the passenger side.
- If your child cannot buckle, pull forward as far as you can and then stop to help your child buckle. Teach your child to buckle/unbuckle. This is crucial.
- If you are walking, ALWAYS use the cross walk- do not cut through the parking spaces
- Don't use a cellphone while driving - especially don't use a cellphone in a school zone.
- Practice kindness and patience. Assume positive intent. Give grace. Smile.
- Students are not permitted back in the building once they have exited the building and have been dismissed to a grown up. Please, remind your kiddos to collect all their materials, items, water bottles, jackets, etc. before leaving their classroom. Anything left behind can be claimed in the morning!
Parents and visitors can ONLY park in the green spaces as shown below. The red spaces are designated for staff to accommodate the entire campus.
REsupply Drive!! Please help!!
Hello NYOS Parents!
As you know our kids go through A LOT of supplies, and many of the things we purchased at the beginning of the year are running out! This is why NYOS PTA runs a REsupply Drive in February! We collect requests from teachers, put together a list of what is needed, sort donations, and distribute those supplies to the teachers. THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN!
This is the LAST CHANCE for YOU to help make the REsupply Drive successful. We need donations, big or small! Our teachers do so much for our kids, let's all pitch in and do this one thing for them.
Purchases must be delivered by Sunday, as we will be distributing supplies Monday. We are updating the list and you can also note the "amount needed" to see what is lacking.
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/32QFGK86WT1G8?ref_=wl_share
Thank you for your support of our AMAZING teachers!
Your Friendly NYOS PTA
Field Day Fundraiser!!
Athletics Sweatshirt Fundraiser – Don’t Miss Out!
Support our Athletics program by grabbing a cozy sweatshirt! Available in Navy or Grey for both kids and adults, these sweatshirts are perfect for showing your school spirit. The fundraiser runs until February 16th, so don’t wait—just a week and a half left to order!
👉 Order here: NYOS Charter School Sweatshirts
High Reliability School Parent/Guardian Survey
Please take a few moments to fill out the High Reliability School Parent/Guardian Survey. https://forms.gle/PCMJc7Z4t4cimtH57
Your opinion helps ensure NYOS is meeting your child's needs and allows us to monitor our school's progress towards additional High Reliability School (HRS) certifications.
To learn more about High Reliability Schools, please see the HRS section of our school website at https://www.nyos.org/apps/pages/marzano .
1st Annual NYOS Golf Tournament
Celebrations and Appreciations!
Your kind words and support for our staff is greatly appreciated! If you would like to send a Shout Out or Celebration to a NYOS Elementary staff member or teacher, please do! It can be anonymous or signed. Thank you for lifting up our hard working teachers and faculty. We love what we do and appreciate your partnership!
SEL and Counseling Corner
February Trait: Cooperation
Elementary Counselors:
Grades PK, K, 2nd, 4th Joy Pollock, jpollock@nyos.org
Grades 1st, 3rd, 5th Ashley Mendenhall, amendenhall@nyos.org
Social Emotional Learning Teacher:
Amanda Ayala, aayala@nyos.org
Exciting News! "This Week in PE..." Blog is Now Live!
We're thrilled to announce that our PE blog, "This Week in PE..." is now up and running! Each week, we'll be sharing updates on what your children have been doing in PE class—everything from fun activities to skill development and more. It's a great way to stay connected with your child's physical education experience.
Be sure to check it out and stay in the loop! You can find the latest updates by clicking the button below.
Looking for Great Teachers to Join the NYOS Staff Family
Do you know someone who would make a fantastic NYOS teacher? Help us spread the word by sharing all of the things you love about the NYOS community with your friends and neighbors. We are looking for a just a few more dedicated teachers who believe in the NYOS Mission to round out our team this school year. Click on the box below to explore our openings for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Interested in Being a Guest Teacher?
NYOS Charter School is Accepting Applications for Guest Teacher Roles!
NYOS Guest Teachers enjoy a flexible schedule! You can work long-term shifts or day-to-day roles. Most importantly, you get to make a difference in the life of our NYOS children while working on days you are available. We just ask that you work at least two assignments per month. Click here for more information!
Volunteers are always needed!!
If you're interested in volunteering with us, we'd love to have you! We are always in need of parent volunteers, particularly during lunch and in the classrooms. Volunteers play a crucial role in making NYOS exceptional.
Register with Track Forward, our volunteering app? Click here for directions!
Signing up for volunteer opportunities? Click here for directions!
Logging your volunteer hours? Click here for directions!
Quarter 3 Upcoming Elementary Events
- February 13th: Vocabulary Parade and Literacy Night
- February 15th: Parents Night Out Hosted by the Electives Team
- February 17th: No School- Staff PD
- February 19th: 5th Grade Science Interim
- February 19th: Parenting the Love and Logic Way Parent University (must be registered in advance
- February 20th: 1st Grade Study Trip- Austin Science and Nature Center
- February 20th: New and Prospective Student Open House 5:30pm
- February 25th and 26th: Class Picture Day (ask your teacher which day for your class!)
- February 25th: Parent University- Supporting Academic Success
- February 26th: Parenting the Love and Logic Way Parent University (must be registered in advance
- February 28th: Black History Month Performance
- March 4th: Board Meeting 6pm
- March 7th: End of Q3
- March 7th: Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day
- March 8th-24th: Spring Break
- March 25th: First Day of Q4
- March 26th: Parent University- State Testing
Business Office Contacts
For a complete list of all of our departments and contact names please go to our website by clicking this link.
About Us
Email: info@nyos.org
Website: https://www.nyos.org/Location: 12333 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78753
Phone: (512) 583-6967
Instagram: @nyoscharter
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nyoscharter/
Twitter: @nyoscharter