December Parent Newsletter
December 2, 2024
2024-2025 Student Handbook
Please take a moment to read the 2024-2025 Student Handbook so you and your student are aware of the policies and procedures at SCES.
November Staff and Student Indians of the Month
Congratulations to our November Students and Staff of the Month. Thank you for being a role model for what it means to be an Indian!
End of the 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
December 20th will end the 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester for students at SCES. Student Report cards will be sent home on Wednesday, January 8th. Please make sure all unexcused absences are revised with a parent note or doctor's excuse by December 20th so your student may be rewarded during Good Standing.
2nd Grade Parent Luncheon
SCES will host all 2nd Grade parents on December 11th to come eat lunch with your student and their teachers. We will get an update from all of our 2nd grade staff along with some great entertainment from Mr. Buczek and the Lion King Jr. participants. SCES will share more information about parking and building entry closer to the date. See you then.
Leader in Me at SCES
SCES has become a Leader in Me school this year. Each month, our students are learning one of the 7 Habits for Highly Effective Students. This month, we are focused on Habit 3, First Things First. Ask your student what they are learning about Habit 3. Help us to reinforce these habits at home.
Leader in Me 7 Habit Tree
Habit 3- Put First Things First
SCES Needs You As A Mentor
We are in the process of building our Mentor Program at Seminole County Elementary School and we would love to have your help! The goal of our Mentor Program is to increase school connectedness among identified students, as well as improve the climate and culture of our school. Through collaboration with community members, parents, and volunteers, we will be able to achieve our goal!
If you are interested in acting as a mentor for an elementary aged child, please fill out the form below.
2024 Christmas Connection Project
The 4th Annual Christmas Connection Project is underway. This is a collaboration with Seminole County Schools and Seminole County Family Connection. This project brings some extra holiday cheer to local students. Please contact School System Social Worker, Bianca Bright, by December 4th if you are interested in sponsoring a family. 229-309-1563 or
Good Standing
Good standing is a classification giving students certain rights and privileges. It will be based on four categories: Attendance, Tardiness, Grades, and Discipline. A student must earn Good Standing. It is a privilege not a right and will be used as a reward incentive. Good Standing will be evaluated at the end of each 9 week period.
Attendance: 1 unexcused absence during a 9 week period.
- In order for an absence to be excused, the school must receive written notice from a parent/guardian or a doctor’s office as to why the student was absent. This written notice must be received within three days of the student’s return from absence. THIS PROCEDURE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.
- No more than 3 excused absences per 9 week period not to exceed 6 total in a semester. Total absences include both excused and unexcused absences.
2. Tardiness:
- A student is only allowed 3 tardies per 9 week period in order to remain in Good Standing.
3. Grades:
- Kindergarten students who successfully meet grade level standards on various measures
- Students in grades 1-5 must have an 80 or above in all classes at the end of each 9 week period.
4. Discipline:
- A student who has one major referral or 3 or more minor referrals for the 9 week period will not remain in Good Standing.
- Any out of school suspension will revoke Good Standing until the following semester.
We want all of our students to be rewarded with Good Standing each 9 weeks. Please help us to reach this goal, get your students to school and be on time. Parents, please make sure all absences are excused by the end of the nine weeks so your student will be eligible for Good Standing. Students were rewarded on January 10th for Good Standing for the 2nd 9 weeks with a special treat. Make sure your student gets to take part after the second 9 weeks.
Important Information
SCES Thanksgiving Tree
This Thanksgiving Season, our students and staff placed leaves on our Thanksgiving tree for things in their life they were thankful for. Check out our tree in the main hallway. Just another reason why we love our staff and students at SCES.
Events at SCES in the Coming Weeks
- Technology Competition- December 5th
- Hardee's Share Night- December 5th- 4:00-8:00 PM
- Christmas Parade- December 5th- 6:00 PM
- Lion King- December 6th- 9:30 AM (Closed to the public), 6:00 PM
- Lion King- December 7th- 6:00 PM
- Seminole County Schools BOE Meeting- December 9th- 7:00 PM
- 2nd Grade Parent Luncheon- December 11th- 11:45 PM
- Club B- December 19th
Lion King December 6th and 7th
SCES will perform Disney's Lion King Jr. for the public on December 6th and 7th at 6:00 pm. All SCES students will perform during this show. Students who will perform these shows should be dropped off at the SCES gym at 5:30 each night. K-2 students will be dismissed to parents at the south end zone gate at the completion of the show. 3-5 students will be dismissed to parents at the north end zone gate at the completion of the show.
PTO Christmas Store
The PTO will sponsor a Christmas Store at SCES on December 9, 10, and 11 for students to purchase items for their family. The PTO will send home flyers this week that will contain item and price lists and envelopes for families to identify their purchases and enclose the money. Be on the lookout for these flyers and envelopes.
Checking In/Checking Out
Please bring your Driver's License in when you are bringing a child into school late or checking him/her out early. This step has been added as a safety measure!
Attendance Policy and Procedures
Attendance is crucial for all students! Over the summer, our Attendance Team met with members of the Department of Juvenile Justice, DFCS, the Sheriff's Department, and the Superior Court to develop a policy that ensures students are in school and learning everyday! Click the link to view the Attendance Policy and Procedures.
Each classroom is tracking perfect attendance this school year. Each day everyone in the class, including the teacher, is present, the classroom receives an arrow to post on the wall. After the class collects 5 arrows, they earn a reward. Rewards range from pajama days, snacks in the room, eating lunch with an administrator and many more. Encourage your student to be at school each day so they can earn their classroom reward.