The Mustang Minute
June 14, 2024- Issue 33
We Did It!
Congratulations to the future Class of 2028! They did an amazing job at their promotion ceremonies. This has truly been a fantastic class that we have been able to enjoy for the past three years. We wish them luck at high School!
Promotion Broadcast - coming soon to the NCM website.
Grade 6 Field Day
A reminder that grade 6 field day is tomorrow. Check your parent square for your child's t-shirt color. Don't forget sunscreen!
Grade 7 World Expo
There will be an exciting display of projects this week from grade 7. We look forward to seeing all of their hard work!!
Grade 8 Canobie Lake
Bus leaves promptly at 9:00am. Students will need a ride home as they return between 4:30-5:00pm. If a student has not turned in their Chromebook they should bring them in Monday or Tuesday. Freshman receive new Chromebooks to start High School.
Technology Tips for Summer
Family Tech Tips
Check out Common Sense Media’s guide to the top podcasts for kids and families to help engage the family in a screen-free way!
Traveling this summer? Be smart with your technology!
Watch what you’re posting! Avoid posting specific info on where you’re going and when.
Avoid using public connections (i.e. your airport’s free wifi!) to do your online banking, log into important accounts, or access personal information.
Be wary of public charging stations - it’s easy for hackers to tamper with them and swipe data from every device that plugs into them.
Double-check your location settings - many apps automatically tag your location so even if you’re smart about what you post, the tracking on some apps will share that information anyway!
Free Summer Workshop for Students!
Applications are still open for the 6th annual Digital Wellbeing Summer Workshops, hosted by Youth, Media, & Wellbeing research lab at the Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College. These free workshops focus on self-care, social support, and empowering future STEM innovators to design healthier social media experiences, co-developed and co-led by Wellesley College student/alums/affiliates. Youth may join multiple sessions and returning members from past years are always welcome! Virtual workshops are open to anyone in the world with internet access.
We will be having an in-person session at Wellesley College on Saturday June 22 (10-4pm) as well as a week-long virtual workshop from July 15-19 (1-3pm). Flyers containing more information about both the in-person and virtual workshops are attached below. Students are welcome to sign up for one or all. Students can earn community service credits and also receive at least $25 in gift cards for completing evaluation surveys. Also, earn prizes for participation!
No School and Early Release Days
June 19th - No School Juneteenth
June 21st - Early Release: Last Day of School
Grade 8 Events
Canobie Lake Park: June 17th
The PTO Needs You!
Coakley PTO
The PTO is a parent/teacher organization that helps fund a variety of activities at CMS from assemblies, to field trips, to classroom projects and more. We would love for everyone to be a part of the PTO!
New Treasurer needed for the 2024-2025 School Year. If interested, please email coakleynorwoodPTO@gmail.com . We would have you start in May of 2024 to work with the current treasurer and transition to the new year.
PTO meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm both virtually and in person. The dates are listed below a link to the meeting online is sent out the day of the meeting.
Next Meeting: May 21st - Note date change!!
June 18th
Dr. Margo Fraczek
Email: mfraczek@norwood.k12.ma.us
Website: https://sites.google.com/norwood.k12.ma.us/cms-principal/home
Phone: 781-762-7880
Facebook: facebook.com/CoakleyMIddleSchoolPTO
Twitter: @mfraczek