El Rancho Charter School
September 6, 2024
School Office Hours
Monday-Wednesday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Thursday 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Friday 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Back to School Nights
Join us for Back to School Night next Tuesday, September 10, 2024. Back to School Night is a parent event.
Tutorial Menu for September 11th and 12th
Tutorial begins next week! On each Wednesday and Thursday, we have Tutorial for 30 minutes before lunch. Students should use this time to make up tests, complete missing assignments, and get help from teachers when needed.
Students who are stamped by their teacher must attend that tutorial session. If stamped by multiple teachers, the subject that has priority that day takes precedence.
Students who have C grades or better, are not stamped by a teacher, and do not have any detention stamps, can go to PE or the lunch benches to complete homework. It is the students' responsibility to check their grades prior to Tutorial.
Students have the 5-minute passing period to get to their tutorial room. Once students arrive at their Tutorial destination, they stay there for the entire 30 minutes. Please use the menu below to make a plan for this week!
After School Programs
After-school programs are held Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 2:50 pm to 3:50 pm. Students are expected to stay for the entire hour.
Homework Club in the Library
Math Academy in Room 306
After School Sports-Soccer
Girls’ tryouts will be Monday, 9/9 and Tuesday, 9/10.
Running Club
Calling all runners or those wanting to run better!
The Coyote Running Club is taking off soon!
Join our Google Classroom for more details! The code is on the grade-level pages for students.
Due to the excessive heat, Running Club is canceled for Monday, September 9, 2024.
Make Up Picture Day
If you missed Registration, make-up picture day is September 20th. Students will have their ID/Yearbook picture taken during their PE Class. Students can wear their school uniform and bring an alternate shirt with them for pictures if they would like to change for pictures.
Bingo Night at the Hive
Join El Rancho's PTSA for Bingo at The Hive on Tuesday, October 8th. Please complete the Google Form below if you plan on attending.
PTSA Reflections Contest
Calling all of our creative Coyotes! Enter this year's PTSA Reflections contest. Create an entry surrounding the theme "Accepting Imperfection."
PTSA Upcoming Events
Two annual PTSA events are coming up: International Day in November and Career Day in February. We hope you will be able to participate in these fantastic events that students and staff look forward to each year.
Soccer Schedule
Girls' Schedule
September 16th: El Rancho @ Santiago Charter
September 23rd: Yorba M.S. @ El Rancho
September 30th: Portola M.S. @ El Rancho
October 7th: El Rancho @ Cerro Villa M.S.
October 14th: Santiago Charter @ El Rancho
Boys' Schedule
September 16th: Santiago Charter @ El Rancho
September 23rd: El Rancho @ Yorba M.S.
September 30th: El Rancho @ Portola M.S.
October 7th: Cerro Villa M.S. @ El Rancho
October 14th: El Rancho @ Santiago Charter
Student Travel Opportunities
Throughout the school year, travel opportunities may arise for El Rancho students. Please note that travel opportunities are not school-sponsored events.
Washington D.C. 2025
Hey 8th Grade Parents!
Are you interested in having your 8th grader visit Washington DC at the end this year? If so, Mr. Herron will be hosting a meeting on Zoom this Wednesday September 11 at 6 pm on Zoom for the 2025 Washington DC Trip. At the meeting, Mr. Herron will discuss all the details of the trip (Itinerary, cost, etc.) and answer any questions you may have. Here is the link for the meeting, it can also be found on your child’s History Teacher’s Google classroom page. If you have any questions, you can email Mr. Herron at AnaheimHillsDCTrip@gmail.com. Be sure to attend the meeting so your student can be a part of this amazing trip!
Bell Schedule
2024-2025 Uniforms
Students will be expected to dress in their uniforms daily. Uniforms consist of navy bottoms and a polo shirt. PE clothes like track pants, PE shorts, PE shirts, and Dance clothes will only be worn during PE classes.
Daily Uniforms include:
- Grey, green, or maroon shirts
- Navy pants, shorts, or skorts
- Sweatshirts, windbreakers, and jackets
Shirts should be tucked in.
Pants need to fit appropriately at the waist and should not "sag".
No hooded sweatshirts.
Long sleeves are not to be worn under the polo shirt.
Crocs may not be worn.
Belts are recommended with their pants and shorts.
Failure to comply with the Uniform Policy will result in lunch detention.
PE Uniforms:
- Navy track bottoms or green PE shorts
- Grey PE t-shirt
- Dance students wear black shorts or leggings and a black dance shirt.
Bus Passes
Avoid the last-minute rush and get your bus pass now!
Bus Pass:
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closed daily for lunch
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch Program
Before School Drop-Off & After School Pick-Up
Parking Lot Etiquette:
1. There are two lanes in the parking lot. The right lane is for drop-off and the left lane is for those who need to park in the lot.
2. When dropping off please pull all the way forward and have your student exit the car quickly.
3. At drop off, please do not drop students off in the middle of the parking lot. Either pull up to the curb or pull into a parking stall to drop your student off. The safest option is to drop students at the curb.
4. At pick-up, please do not park in the red zone. This makes it difficult for buses to park and pick up students.
5. If you would like to avoid the traffic, plan to pick your student up a little later, about 3:05 PM - 3:10 PM, it is so much easier.
6. Please drive SLOWLY!!!!
7. Please follow all traffic laws.
Santa Ana Canyon Drop-Off Area
1. Please pull all the way forward.
2. Do not double park.
3. Avoid blocking the intersection at Fairmont and Santa Ana Canyon.
4. If you would like to avoid the traffic, plan to pick your student up a little later, about 3:05 PM - 3:10 PM, it is so much easier.
We DO NOT recommend picking up students in the Hibachi or Big Lots parking lots. Students should not be in either area after school unsupervised, even on early release Thursdays.
Campus Visitors
During the 2024-2025 school year, all visitors must come to the office through the main doors to sign in. Parents dropping off "forgotten items" or lunches will also drop off items at the main office cubbies, not the Attendance office.
The Attendance office should only be used for signing in late students and picking up students early from school.
Attendance Hotline/Attendance Office
Please check Google Classroom for work missed up to 3 days.
Students who have a planned absence that is more than 3 days should pick-up an absence form at the attendance office.
During Tutorial, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, please avoid picking students up early, between 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM.
The Attendance Office is for signing-in students who are late to school and signing-out students who are picked-up early from school.
Cell Phone Policy
Students who need to call their parents should come to the attendance office to use the available phone. Students who are not feeling well should come to the health office to call home and rest until a parent arrives to take their student home.
Parents, when an emergency arises and you need to reach your student, please call the office and we will get a message to your student or have them come to the office and call you.
The Cell Phone Policy also applies to headphones, earbuds, Airpods, and iWatches.
Binder Reminder Policy
1. Have their Binder Reminder at school every day.
2. Have their name on the front page of their Binder Reminder.
3. Have their Binder Reminder out and ready on Tutorial days (Wed./Thurs.)
4. Keep all pages intact for the entire year.
5. Write their homework and upcoming tests and quizzes down for each class, daily.
Students without their Binder Reminder on Tutorial days will earn after-school detention.
Upcoming Important Dates . . . Mark your calendars!
Sept. 9-13: Fall Book Fair
Sept. 10: Back to School Night
Oct. 9 & 10: SOS Presentations
Oct. 29: 8th Grade Vision & Hearing Screening
Nov. 5: Staff Development-Non-Student Day
Nov. 8: Minimum Day 12:20 PM Dismissal
Nov. 11: Veteran's Day-No School
Nov. 15: End of Trimester 1
Nov. 18: Trimester 2 Begins
Nov. 19: International Day
Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 5-6: Musical Theater Production
Dec. 10: Band/Drumline Concert @ 6:30 PM
Dec. 17: Dance Production @ 5:00 PM & 6:30 PM
Dec. 18: Strings Concert @ 6:30 PM
Dec. 19: Guitar Concert @ 6:30 PM
Social Media
Administration and Communication
Advisors are always happy to help answer general questions regarding school programs. We encourage families to first address questions regarding the grade book, assignments, and classroom interaction to the individual teacher and advisors can be cc'd on communications at any time.
- A-G..........Mrs. Ozuna.......... kozuna@orangeusd.org
- H-P..........Mr. Kilgore........... gkilgore@orangeusd.org
- Q-Z..........Mrs. Beard........... kbeard@orangeusd.org