Principal's Announcements
Upcoming Dates
Friday, Aug 30- Monday, Sept 2 No School Labor Day Recess
Thurs, Sept 5- Back to School Night 6:30-8:00pm
Tues, Sept 24- Picture Day
AGMS Back to School Night
We had a wonderful first week with our students, and look forward to welcoming parents and guardians to our Back to School Night, next Thursday, September 5th. The program runs from 6:30-8:00pm, with an optional Welcome from the AGMS Administrative Team at 6:15pm in the Auditorium. At 6:30pm, all parents will go to their child's Homeroom classroom.
Parents may park in the stadium lot, and enter through the Cafeteria doors, or in marked spots along State Road, and enter at the Event Entrance. There is also a high school athletic event at the stadium that evening.
We will have child care for younger children available in the AGMS Cafeteria, courtesy of our AGHS National Honor Society.
Administrator/Counselor Alignment
As part of our middle school philosophy, administrators and counselors team up to work with the same cohort of students during their three years with us. For this year:
6th Grade: Ms. Janice Lear (jlear@avongrove.org) and Mr. Sami Phelps (sphelps@avongrove.org)
7th Grade: Dr. Suzanne Magee (smagee@avongrove.org) and Mrs. Lisa Czaplicki (lczaplicki@avongrove.org)
8th Grade: Mr. Mark DeEmilio (mdeemilio1@avongrove.org) and Mrs. Kristi Milburn (kmilburn@avongrove.org)
Parent Drop-Off and Pick-Up
If you will be driving your child to school, please see the attached map for the carline drop-off and pick-up procedures. We anticipate heavier car traffic the first week of school, so we appreciate your patience. We begin welcoming students at 7:05 am each morning, and all carline students will enter at the Events Entrance. Once your car is along the sidewalk, students are permitted to exit.
Homeroom begins at 7:30am. We appreciate your support ensuring all students arrive in plenty of time to start their day off in the best way.
Dismissal at the end of the day is at 2:30pm.
Student Learning Spotlight
Building Connections
Athletics Update
Fall Sports
This past week, we held informational meetings for all fall sports. Every student must have completed the ReLeaf form to be eligible for participation. The link can be found on the district website under athletics. The week of September 3rd tryouts and practices will begin for middle school fall sports. Please have your child join the Schoology group page to keep up to date on all information pertaining to their sport.
Please contact Mr. Mike Brooks, Athletic Director, with any questions.
Nurse's News
We will begin vision screenings September 24th during picture day for all students. Please make sure students come to school with glasses if they have them.
Reminder to parents:
6th grade: physicals are mandatory and due (they can be dated 7/2023 or later)
7th grade: Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines are past due. Immunization are mandated in the state of Pennsylvania to attend school.
If your child requires medication during school, it must be dropped off by a parent or guardian to the school in its original packaging with pharmacy label. Also the medication administration form must be completed and signed by the parent and medical provider.