The Patriot Press
The weekly newsletter of Jeannette Junior High School
Jeannette Junior High School
Email: jeannettequestions@uticak12.org
Website: jeannette.uticak12.org
Location: 40400 Gulliver Drive, Sterling Heights, MI, USA
Phone: 586-797-3300
Facebook: facebook.com/jjhspatriots
Week 9 - October 24-28, 2022
- Halloween Candy Walk and Costume Bash!
- First Sounding Board Meeting of the Year
- Jeannette supports Breast Cancer Awareness
- JJHS Patriots become Stream Leaders
- Upcoming Sporting Events
- Winter Sports Tryouts and Open Gym Dates
- Utica High School Boys' Basketball Tryouts
- Homework Club (no session on October 31st!)
- Order your Yearbook!
- Burr Craft Show on November 12
- Important info for students and parents
Follow us on Facebook!
Don't forget our Halloween Candy Walk and Costume Bash!
First Sounding Board Meeting of the Year!
Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022, 06:00 PM
Frank Jeannette Junior High School, Gulliver Drive, Sterling Heights, MI, USA
Pink-Out Day!
Jeannette Patriots showed their support for breast cancer patients and survivors today by wearing pink on Friday, October 21st!
Jeannette Stream Leaders
Davis and Jeanette Junior High AVID 9 students had the exciting opportunity to participate in Stream Leaders: an outdoor education program that fosters experiences in citizen science, civic engagement, and environmental stewardship. Jeannette teacher, Michelle Bissell and Davis teacher, Marisa Mazzarra, were awarded a grant that is being used to bring Stream Leaders to UCS! Students were involved in water testing, water measurements and identifying a variety of invertebrates that give insight to the current quality of the Clinton River Watershed. With this hands-on experience, students were able to utilize scientific and mathematical concepts in a real-world setting. Davis and Jeanette AVID students will venture to Dodge Park once again this spring to take measurements. The results gathered will be complied with other schools in the area and will be used to help the county determine the health of the water shed.
Home Volleyball Game vs Shelby JHS
Monday, Oct 24, 2022, 04:00 PM
Frank Jeannette Junior High School, Gulliver Drive, Sterling Heights, MI, USA
Last Football Game of the Season vs Davis
Tuesday, Oct 25, 2022, 04:30 PM
Runkel Field, Sterling Heights, MI, USA
Home Volleyball Game vs Davis JHS
Wednesday, Oct 26, 2022, 04:00 PM
Frank Jeannette Junior High School, Gulliver Drive, Sterling Heights, MI, USA
Winter Season Tryouts and Open Gyms
Boys' Basketball tryouts begin November 14. Try-outs will be at least 2 days and you must attend both try-out days. There is an informational meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 27th before school (7:30am) in the gym to discuss requirements, such as grade eligibility, physicals, electronic paperwork, and times for try-outs based on grade level.
Competitive Cheer begins Monday, November 14th. Unfortunately, Jeannette does not have a cheer coach, but those interested are invited to participate with Heritage Hornets. An activities bus will take you from Jeannette to Heritage after school, but you will be responsible for getting picked up from Heritage. See me in room 339 and I can provide you with the coach's contact information.
Girls Basketball begins Tuesday, January 3rd. Try-outs will be at least 2 days and you must attend both try-out days. There is an informational meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 1st before school (7:30am) in the gym to discuss requirements, such as grade eligibility, physicals, electronic paperwork, and times for try-outs based on grade level.
All are invited to an open gym from 3pm to 4pm on the dates that follow. No physical is required to attend the open gym, but you will assume all the risks. Please make arrangements for you to be picked up at 4pm.
Utica High School Boys' Pre-Season Basketball Meeting
Who: All boys interested in trying out for Freshmen, JV and Varsity Boys Basketball
When: Tuesday October 25th, 2022 @ 7pm
Where: Utica High School in the North Aux Gym (Enter through Door #11)
No Homework Club on October 31st!
Important Information for Parents and Students
Regular attendance is vital to your child's success at Jeannette Junior High School, just as it is in life. Your child is expected to be at school on time for first hour every day. To report an absence, please see the numbers below:
*Messages are not checked until the end of the day.
Additional details are available on page 4 of the Junior High Student and Parent Handbook, but here are some guidelines:
Parent/Guardian Responsibility
In General: Encourage the student to attend, be on time and be prepared for each scheduled class. Report an Absence: When a student is going to be absent, parents/guardians should report the absence before the school day begins. Calls to the attendance line can be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week and will be received by an answering machine during non-school hours.
The following reasons for an absence will be accepted as an excused absence: student illness, hospitalization, doctor ordered bed rest, mandatory court appearance that has been pre arranged, death in the immediate family, family vacation that has been pre-arranged and approved, medical appointments and administrative permission. All other absences will be unexcused.
Correcting an Unexcused Absence
Parent/guardian will be contacted about unexcused absences through the school’s automated system. If the absence is due to one of the reasons in the excused list, the parent/guardian has until the end of the next school day to correct an absence. Be aware that a student with an unexcused absence may lose participation points or be given a zero on the day’s assignment.
Early Dismissal
Should a student need to leave school before the end of the school day, the parent/guardian should contact the attendance office prior to removing student from school. Verification by the office may be required before the student is released. Please note that in order for the early dismissal to be considered excused, the reason for the early dismissal must be listed under the excusable absences.
Pre-excused Absence (Vacation or Travel)
Vacation or travel during school days is discouraged. Families should seek permission from a building administrator for an excused vacation absence prior to making any travel arrangements. The request should be made in writing at least one week prior to the vacation. Vacation absences of more than 10 days in a semester will not be approved. Vacation absences that would cause a student to be placed on the No-Go list will not be approved for excusal. Vacations taken without approval will be marked as unexcused absences. Arrangements should be made with the student’s teacher in advance as to timelines for completing class work. Homework may be requested and requires 24 hours to process. Work at the secondary level may be due upon return from vacation or travel.
Extended Absence
A parent/guardian of a student who will be absent (10 or more consecutive days) from school for extended periods of time due to physical disabilities or illness should contact the school to make home study arrangements.
Help Your Student Avoid Excessive Absences and the No-Go List
Excessive absences is defined as more than 10 in a semester. Please be aware that excessive absences can lead to a student being placed on a No-Go list and possibly referred for truancy.
We will be assigning a locker to each student at Patriot Days. We expect students to use these lockers because backpacks will not be allowed in classrooms or in the hallways. Students are responsible for the locker they have been assigned to, and any item in their locker will be considered their property. School personnel can search school lockers as they see fit during the course of an investigation. Lockers and combinations will not be changed at the request of the student or parent, so it is important that students to not share their combination with others.
Cell phones are allowed in school in the case of an emergency, but they must remain out of sight at all times unless otherwise allowed by their teachers. This includes during class time, in the hallways, bathrooms, locker room, and lunchroom. If a cell phone is being used when it is not allowed, a teacher may give a warning to put it away, but if it continues, the phone will be taken to the main office for purposes of discipline by administration. Students are NEVER allowed to record audio or video while in the school building, and they are not allowed to post photos and videos of other students or staff members on social media.
We have a dress code at Jeannette Junior High School that will be applied equitably amongst the students. This dress code is included in the junior high handbook, which can be found here. The following pieces of clothing are prohibited:
- Hats, with or without a brim
- Hoods worn on the head (you can wear a hoodie, but you can't wear the hood!)
- Shorts, dresses, and skirts that are shorter than the length of your fingertips
- Bare midriffs (stomachs)
- Low-cut shirts
- See-through clothing and beach attire
- Any clothing that promotes drug or alcohol use, illegal activity, or gang affiliation
- Sexually explicit images or words
If a student wears any of the above to school, they will be given a chance to change clothes or remove the item in question. If they refuse, they will be sent home, and parents will be required to pick them up from the main office. If the student repeats the behavior, additional discipline will be issued.
At Patriot Days, each student was given an ID card, a plastic case, and a lanyard. Students are expected to wear their ID around their necks on a lanyard at all times while in the school building. IDs are an important piece of our safety and security plan because we must be able to quickly identify which individuals belong in the building and which students do not belong there. If a student repeatedly refuses to wear their ID, there will be disciplinary action taken since it becomes insubordination to consistently refuse to wear IDs.