The Weekly Update #4
November 22, 2024
Dismissal time: 3:43 PM
1/2 Day Dismissal: 12:00 PM
Phone# 616-987-2600
24-hour attendance line: 616-987-2625
*please call any transportation changes/early dismissals in by 2:45*
From the desk of Principal Papes
Dear Alto Families,
Happy Thanksgiving! I know that our students and staff are looking forward to a well-deserved holiday break next week. As a reminder, we do not have school November 27th-29th. We are thankful for our Alto Families, and we hope you enjoy this special time with your children.
Trimester 1 Report Cards
Report cards will go home on Friday, December 6th. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have questions or concerns after reviewing your student’s report card.
Winter Gear
Please reach out to us if your child is in need of winter gear for the season. We have some extras on hand and will also work to find gear to ensure that all students have what they need this winter.
Roller Skating/Fundraising
We’re excited to start the roller skating PE unit when we return from the Thanksgiving break. This is a favorite for many students! Our annual fundraising efforts make experiences like these possible. Thank you again for your support!
Holiday Family Fun Night - Thursday, December 12th - 5:30-7:30 PM
We are looking forward to our next family event! On December 12th, we will be hosting our annual Holiday Family Fun Night! This event will include roller skating opportunities for all family members, holiday craft making, hot chocolate and cookies. We hope your family is able to join us! The event will be held December 12th from 5:30-7:30 PM.
Kids’ Holiday Shop
During the week of December 9th, we are excited to again be hosting the Kids’ Holiday Shop (please see flier). Many students love this opportunity to buy for family members or friends. The gifts are moderately priced and a range of prices are available. 10% of sales will go to the school’s fundraising efforts. Please know that our primary goal with the Holiday Shop is to provide this fun opportunity for students to shop for family members. Making a profit is not our primary goal. That is why we have kept the profit at only 10%. Thank you to our Alto parents for organizing this opportunity and for volunteering on the class shopping days The shopping days for each class will be communicated as we get closer to this date. If your child will be shopping, please send money with them on the scheduled day for their class. If writing a check, please make checks payable to “Alto Elementary School.”
Happy Thanksgiving!
Paul Papes, Principal
We are proud to be a MI HEARTSafe School!
Merry Mondays!
Merry Mondays were such a success last year that we would like to do it again this year! This is just a little something extra to get everyone through the busy month of December. Please see the sign up below if you are able to help bring extra joy to our staff. Thank you!
Office Notes
*cold weather is upon us. Please have your student come prepared to be outside (winter coat, boots, mittens, snowpants...). Students will have outdoor recess UNLESS the wind chill factor is at or below zero degrees. If your student has borrowed any clothes from the office, please wash and send back.
*student drop off begins at 8:25. Please do not dismiss your student(s) before as there is not supervision on the playground.
As always, thank you for all that you do! We are lucky to have such wonderful families!
Nurse News
Please remember that students are not allowed to carry any
medications, to or from school, or at school. All medications including
over the counter and topical medications (such as cold medicine,
cough drops, creams and ointments, and pain reliever) must be brought to
the office by an adult and need a doctors note for staff to dispense.
Mark your calendar
11/27-11/29: NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break
12/04: Gold Ticket Store
12/9-12/13: Secret Santa Shop
12/11: 4th/5th grade music concert @ 2
12/12 : Holiday Family Fun Night (more info to come)
12/13: Popcorn Friday
12/16-12/18: 3rd to Forest Hills Aquatic Center
12/18: K/1st music concert @ 2
12/18: Gold Ticket Store
12/18: 5th to Schneider Manor
12/19: 4th to Patterson Ice Arena
12/23-01/03: Holiday Break