Tiger Times Newsletter
Weeks of January 20th - January 24th
Pleasant Lea Middle School
Address: 630 SW Persels Rd Lee's Summit, MO 64081
Phone: 816-986-1175
Attendance Phone: 816-986-1177
Office Hours: 7:45am - 3:45pm
School Hours: 8:20am - 3:15pm
Late Start Friday Hours: 9:20am - 3:15pm
Early Release Hours: 8:20am - 12:45pm
No School - Monday January 20th
Athletics and Activities: January 20th - 24th
Informational Basketball Meeting January 23rd
7th Grade Cheerleader Tryouts
AMI Day Reminders
A reminder to all families regarding our AMI (Alternative Method of Instruction) procedures in the event we have weather-related school closures this winter. On AMI days, district communication will be sent to families and staff announcing that all school classes will take place virtually, along with reminders for students regarding how to access instructional materials.
- Every teacher will use the Schoology platform to share lessons, assignments and resources with students.
- Teachers will post assignments and learning opportunities no later than 9 a.m.
- Students are expected to access and complete assignments, meet deadlines, engage in the work and communicate with their teachers, peers or parents if they are needing assistance.
Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)
Parents please fill out the form that comes home with your student as well as enter that info into PowerSchool. Please reach out to a counselor if you have any questions!
6th to 7th Enrollment
Enrollment lessons completed in science class
1/15: Ms. McKinnon
1/16: Mrs. Hasch
1/17: Mrs. Bullimore
Physical Enrollment forms and the PowerSchool enrollment process are due 1 week after your child's enrollment lesson.
7th to 8th Enrollment
Enrollment lessons completed in science class
1/21: Mr. Cunningham
1/22: Lassman/Vleisides
1/23: Ms. McKinnon
Physical Enrollment forms and the PowerSchool enrollment process are due 1 week after your child's enrollment lesson.
8th to 9th Enrollment
Enrollment lessons completed in ELA class
2/3-2/4: Mrs. Coffman and Mrs. Macormic
2/6-2/7: Mr. Wright
2/10 & 2/12: Mrs. Tobias
During the enrollment process, students will begin work on their Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP). 8th grade students will focus on high school classes, pre-requisites, and graduation requirements.
Information will come from your respective high school regarding parent night and enrollment conferences.
Please reach out to your student's grade level counselor with any questions.
6th Grade: Natalie Snapp, natalie.snapp@lsr7.net
7th Grade: Angela Martin, angela.martin@lsr7.net
8th Grade: Jennifer Montgomery, jennifer.montgomery@lsr7.net
8th Grade Yearbook Tribute
Our yearbook publisher, Varsity Yearbook, is giving 8th-grade parents the opportunity to create Tribute Ads in the 2024-25 PLMS Yearbook to celebrate your student's achievements and share your heartfelt messages.
You can upload images, write your message, and pay directly through the publisher’s website by following this link and the instructions. If prompted for a school code, use 3519. The cost is $25 per ad.
The deadline to purchase an ad is March 16th! Don’t miss out on this special opportunity!
Attention all 8th Grade Students Attending LSHS!
8th Grade Orientation at Lee's Summit High School
Please come join us this coming Tuesday January 21st at 6:00pm.
Family Puzzle Night Has Been Extended!
Please come and join in for a night of family fun! Sign ups have been extended to February 25th. Can't wait to see you all there!
Join the Tennis Club!
Preparing For Life After Graduation!
LSR7 wants to ensure the success of all our students. Career curriculum lessons will help each student chose their path after graduation. There are over 75 sessions to choose from! More details will follow later in the year.
Calling all LSR-7 Middle School students interested in making a splash!
Interested in swimming and diving? Please come join us! This program is fun and exciting and will help sharpen your athletic abilities. Online enrollment opens up Tuesday, January 7th, 2025. Click the button below for more information. We look forward to seeing you there!
Positivity at PLMS
Congratulation's to our Tigers who have been awarded grants for Robotics and Performing Arts.
Volunteer of the Year!
Huge congratulations to Stefanie Kratz, who was recognized at yesterday’s Lee's Summit R-7 School District BOE meeting as “Volunteer of the Year!” Stefanie has been a very involved PLMS PTA leader for the past three years - building what has become a very robust Care Closet, organizing fundraisers that have brought in significant proceeds for PTA, leading concessions for Tiger Fan Days, organizing our plan for student holiday gifts, and much MUCH more. She can always be counted on to help, and goes way above and beyond. We appreciate you, Stefanie, and way to go on this well-deserved recognition!
Tiger Zone School Store
End-of-Day Transportation
To ensure that transportation needs are met, we ask that you follow the below processes for end-of-day transportation changes:
- If you need to communicate a transportation change with a student, please inform the main office before 3:00 p.m. This allows us time to reach your student with the message as students begin dismissing at 3:13 p.m.
- It is difficult to check students out between 3:00 p.m. and 3:15p.m., as many activities occur during Advisory at the end of the day, and students often move between locations in the building. Please pick up your student prior to 3:00 p.m. if you need to leave before 3:15 p.m. to ensure that you are not waiting or late to appointments.
- If you need a one-day bus pass for your student to ride home with a friend on a different bus - we need written permission from both families before 12:00 pm the day of to arrange this with transportation. Written permission can be emailed to kerry.davis@lsr7.net
We appreciate your help and understanding in ensuring that all of our Tigers have safe and timely dismissals.
24-25 Yearbook - Deadline Quickly Approaching!
PLMS Drop Off/Pick Up Map
Well Being
BIST Parent Series- Classes on Behavior Intervention Support
If you or someone you know have any questions about resources, student therapy referrals, or any problem solving assistance, please click the student support bar and check out the guides below.
Nutrition Services
PLMS Lunch
My School Bucks
Add money to your students lunch account here.
Nutrition Services
Contact Carrie Williams at 816-986-2204 or carrie.williams@lsr7.net if you have questions about your student's account.
Free and Reduced Meal Benefits
Please make sure to apply in the beginning of every school year