Logan Elementary School Newsletter
December 5, 2024 ----------- Volume 5 Number 15
Elf of a Bookshelf - A Family Pajama Party
Join us at Logan Elementary on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 from 4:30pm - 6:00pm for an evening of family reading. *Families are encouraged to wear their comfy pajamas!
Our own Logan Kindergarteners will be starting off the event with some Christmas songs! Families will then participate in different stations where someone will be reading aloud while families enjoy hot chocolate and cookies. There will be a quiet space for families to read together and there will also be games to play and an art project to make! We will have a special door prize at the end of the evening. we hope to see you there.
Reminder: Families need to return their R.S.V.P. by December 11th to let us know how many people are attending!
If you have any questions please call me at the school, (814)946-8370 x 5000 or email me, jabbott@altoonasd.com.
Mr. James Abbott
Logan Elementary Principal
4th Grade learning about weather
Kindergarten Art Class
AASD Student Transportation
Students in Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2 must be met at the bus stop by a parent or responsible adult. This also applies to any Grade 3-5 student that does not feel safe to be dropped off at the bus stop. We understand that the weather is unpredictable and/or you may have other children and want to stay in your vehicles, but releasing students to a visible parent is an important part of keeping everyone safe. An approved waiver form will allow your child to be brought to or taken from the stop with a designated person. If a student is not met at the stop, students will be returned to Logan Elementary School at 301 Sycamore Street, Altoona, PA 16602. Parents/Guardians will be responsible for the pick up of the student from this location.
Please contact (814)946-8370 ext. 5034 in the event that your child is returned to
Logan Elementary to reach school staff and report directly to Logan Elementary
School to pick up your student.
Just a reminder that parents/guardians will receive phone, email and text message notifications on the day of their child's absence. If you have not completed the Skylert section of Skyward, please take the time to enter or update your contact preferences as soon as possible. It is important that you maintain up-to-date contact information that is used to notify you of absences, emergency alerts, school delays, cancellations and other important communications.
Logan Elementary School, Altoona, PA
Email: jabbott@altoonasd.com
Website: https://logan.aasdcat.com/
Location: 301 Sycamore Street, Altoona, PA, USA
Phone: (814)946-8370
Twitter: @WildcatsLogan
Logan & Altoona Area SD Information
Phone Numbers:
Logan Elementary (814) 946-8370
Office x 5000
Nurse x 5026
Counselor x 5001
Cafeteria x 5005
jabbott@altoonasd.com - Principal Mr. Abbott
ehorwood@altoonasd.com - Secretary Emily Horwood
bfraundorfer@altoonasd.com - Counselor Miss Fraundorfer
jshaffer@altoonasd.com - Nurse Jennifer Shaffer
LOGCAFE@altoonasd.com - Logan Cafeteria
https://logan.aasdcat.com/ - Logan Elementary
https://www.aasdcat.com/ - Altoona Area School District
https://skyweb.aasdcat.com/ - Skyward Family Access
* Click on Family Access and Login
Logan Twitter
Logan Elementary Principal
AASD Twitter
AASD Superintendent
Important Dates
Important Dates (update for 24-25)
12-13 - Logan Holiday Shoppe
23 – No School: Teacher In-Service
24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31 – No School: Winter BreakJanuary
1– No School: New Year’s Day Holiday
14 - PTO Meeting 6:00PM
14 – End of 2nd Marking Period
20 – No School: Martin Luther King Holiday
24 – No School: Teacher In-Service
14 – No School: Teacher In-Service
17 – No School: President's Day Holiday/Winter Break
21 - No School: Teacher In-Service
24 – End of 3rd Marking Period
27 - Student vs. Faculty Basketball Game, 6:00pm
18, 21 – Spring Break - No School
22-25 – ELA PSSA
28-30 - Math/Science PSSA
1-2 – Math/Science PSSA
5-9 - PSSA Make-up Window
15 - Night of Music 5:00pm
19 - 5th Grade Recognition 5:00pm
20 - Spring Election
26 – No School: Memorial Day Holiday
30 – End of 4th Marking Period
30 – Last Student Day