Welcome Hazardville Huskies!
Get ready for an amazing school year!
Mark your calendars!
8/23: Kindergarten Orientation 10:00 AM
8/26-28: Teachers return for professional development
8/29: First Day of School!
9/2: No school, Labor Day
9/18: Family Picnic 5:00pm; Open House 6:00pm
Welcome To Hazardville Memorial School!
I want to begin by introducing the administrative team. I am honored to be beginning this school year as the principal of HMS. I have been employed by the Enfield Public Schools since 2012 as a math and STEAM teacher at JFK Middle School and assistant principal at Eli Whitney. You will often hear students refer to me as Miss Fitz. My right-hand is our assistant principal, Mrs. Tait. She brings 29 years of experience as a physical education teacher, computer technology teacher, and PBIS coach, with her. As a team, we are committed to ensuring the safety, well-being, and success of your children each and every day.
As we begin this new school year, we want to stress the importance of family involvement in your child's learning. We want to maintain open lines of communication between home and school. We encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher at any time during the school year. Information from the administration will be sent home in our weekly newsletter. Please look for this weekly email with the most up to date school information. This will contain information about PTO activities, upcoming student events, and updates about what is happening in our school.
Each student will be assigned an iPad again this year. We will be working with students to develop an understanding on how to use this technology efficiently, effectively, and safely. For troubleshooting information on the iPad at home, please see the technology page at enfieldschools.org for more information. We highly recommend that every child have insurance on their iPad. See the flyer below for more information.
A few reminders as we begin the year:
- Student transportation will default to their transportation from last year, unless a change was made. Please make sure any changes in transportation are communicated to the office in writing. Students will not be permitted to leave with any alternate transportation unless we receive this information in writing.
- To enter the building or pick-up your child, you must show a valid photo ID. Caregivers, please be sure that your student pick-up authorizations are up to date for your child's safety. We will not release the child to anyone not listed on your child's pick-up authorization and without showing a photo ID.
- The caregivers of each student that is a walker or pick-up will receive a placard at the beginning of the school year. No student will be released to an adult without the adult showing this placard. If your child is being picked up by someone else, please be sure they have the placard for pick-up. If at any point in the year you require a new placard for any reason, please contact the office.
- Every bus student will receive a tag on the first day of school to hang on their backpack. If at any point during the year your child gets a new backpack, please save this tag to hang on the new backpack.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Kristen Fitzsimons, Principal
Kim Tait, Assistant Principal
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Drop off begins at 8:40 each morning. No students will be permitted in the building before that time (unless they are a part of the ERfC Before-School program). Students must be supervised until 8:40 each day. School ends at 3:21. We will begin our dismissal procedures at that time each afternoon.
Morning drop off and afternoon pick up lines begin at the front door and extend toward the North Road entrance. Please plan to enter using the North Road entrance. Note: there is no left turn permitted from North Road into the parking lot.
Please have your children in the backseat of the passenger side of the car. We do not want students to walk across car lines for everyone's safety. Please practice with your child so that they can independently buckle and unbuckle. We ask that caregivers remain in the vehicle for safety and efficiency.
For the safety of all, caregivers will not be able to park during arrival and dismissal. All car drop-off/pick-ups must utilize the drop-off/pick-up line.
Students will be met and monitored on their pathway to the classrooms each day
Families who drop off and/or pick up students are issued school placards with child's name at start of school year
Students have matching placards attached to their backpacks
Students will ONLY be released to family members with matching placards
If you lose your placard or don't have it with you on a particular day, please report to the office and show your ID
We will remain strict about this procedure for the safety of your child
Students who ride the bus will enter and exit through the North Maple Street doors
Students will be met and monitored on their pathway to the classroom each day
Students who ride the bus will also have a placard attached to their backpack. Please keep this attached throughout the year and inform us right away if it is lost or damaged
If your child is late or absent...
If your child is absent, please call the school at 860-763-7500 and press 1 to report the absence. Upon return, please provide a note (or email) explaining your child's absence.
First Week of School
Staff will be available inside and outside of the building to help your child navigate to their classroom.
Please pack a water bottle for your child every day. The school does not provide water bottles or cups for drinking. Students will have access to water fountains to refill water bottles only.
What to Pack for School
It is a good idea to send an extra set of clothes with your child every day. Sometimes we get dirty or have an accident and this allows your child to change quickly and continue on their day!
Class assignment letters were emailed home on August 12th.
If you have not received your class assignment, call Miss Fitz at 860-763-7505.
Breakfast and Lunch for the 2024-2025 School Year
Lunch will go back to paid status for this school year. Lunch is $1.75 for any students who do not qualify for free or reduced-price school meals.
Milk can be purchased for $.50.
Information on how students can pay for lunch using MySchoolBucks is below.
Please pack a healthy snack for your child to enjoy each day. There is no sharing or trading of food permitted for the safety of all students.
If you are new to HMS this year and would like to schedule a tour before school starts, please contact Miss Fitz!
EPS iPad Insurance
EPS 2024-2025 Calendar
Miss Fitzsimons, Principal
Email: KFitzsimons@enfieldschools.org
Website: memorial.enfieldschools.org
Location: 68 North Maple Street, Enfield, CT, USA
Phone: 860-763-7500