The Eagle Eye
Children are the heart of Imlay!
Dear Imlay Families,
A Message from Mrs. McCalley, Principal
Dear Imlay Families:
We have made it through week 4 of Comprehensive Distance Learning. I've heard from many families that you are starting to get into a "groove." Any tips or strategies to share? Please send them my way and I'll pass them on!
Next week, October 12-16th, every Imlay student will have a 1:1 meeting time with their teacher where we will complete a quick reading assessment. We will also be collecting information on math skills, either 1:1 or in small groups. Please see below for important information regarding these assessments.
Please hold the date of October 19th from 4:00-6:30 p.m. for our next materials distribution hand out. ALL students, K-6, will have materials to pick up at Imlay that evening; this will also include a SPECIAL object which will be used in a school-wide contest through the end of October.
Please reach out if you have any questions! 503-844-1090
Together we soar!
Thank you,
Principal McCalley
In Hillsboro School District and at Imlay Elementary, we "assess" students in multiple ways through out the school year.
We assess all of our students at the beginning of the year and multiple times throughout in both reading and math. These assessments are called "benchmark assessments" and these assessments allow teachers to see where each student is in relation to their grade level's benchmark standards. Teachers use the data from these "benchmark assessments," along with data gathered from small group time, to determine next steps in each students learning. Teachers create small groups of students in order to provide more targeted instruction in each area. Results from the benchmark assessments, and how teachers are meeting student needs, are shared with parents at Family Conferences in November.
When we talk to students about these assessments, we share how we are gathering information on how they learn and what they know! As teachers, it is vital to know what students do not yet know so we can teach them that information! NO ONE SHOULD GET 100%! Please help continue this consistent messaging by letting students know we are trying to learn more about them as learners.
See below for information on each "type" of assessment and how you can help!
Role of Family Members In Assessments
In order for us to get the most accurate information possible, we are requesting that students do not receive any assistance next week during our assessment window. Please still help your child log on at the correct times, but allow them to work independently with the teacher and on the computer based assessments.
We kindly ask that family members do not answer questions for students (either verbally or on the computer), repeat questions asked by the teacher or prompt students either physically or with words next week. Once again, we really want to know what your student knows!
During assessments, students will be asked to have their cameras on in order for teachers to collect additional data about how a child tackles the questions. If you have any questions about your child's camera being on during this time, please connect with your child's teacher.
Lastly, chat with your student about the upcoming assessments and let them know that we are trying to figure out how they learn and what they need to learn next. After your student has completed their "assessment," let them know you are proud of them for doing their best. Please do not ask your student "How did you do on the test," rather ask "What strategy did you use when you got stuck?" Or "What was something interesting that came up with your teacher?"
Please reach out to either myself or your teacher if you have any questions! Thank you!
Reading Assessments Kindergarten-Sixth Grade
Students in Kindergarten through sixth grade will meet with their teacher in a one on one virtual appointment from October 12 to October 16th. During these one on one meets, students will be asked to complete a series of short tasks (each about one minute long). Depending on grade level, tasks might include:
- letter naming
- letter sounds
- combining sounds into words (c--a--t says cat)
- breaking words into sounds (dog---d--o--g)
- sight word recognition
- oral reading fluency
- oral passage reading
- running records
Students in 2-6th grade will also join a virtual small group where they will take a comprehension assessment through Wonders. This assessment will be computer based.
Results from these assessments will be shared with you at Family Conferences in November.
Math Assessments Kindergarten-Sixth Grade
- counting aloud
- counting a set of objects
- counting on from a number other than 1
- counting by 2's, 5's or 10's
- identifying shapes by name
- sorting objects
Students in first through sixth grade will join a virtual small group where they will take a standards based math assessment called STAR. The STAR assessment will be computer based and will help teachers know where your student is mathematically.
Results from these assessments will be shared with you at Family Conferences in November.
Click the image below to enter a virtual book room!
Imlay Specific Tech Help
Here is the phone number for parents & students if they need tech support, especially locked accounts and password issues. It will go to voicemail if we are outside school hours or on another call. Please leave a message with lots of details if you get voicemail!
Imlay Tech Support Helpline : 971-231-9141
Family/Tech Support in Spanish: 971-208-7972