Principal Welch's Weekly Update
December 2nd, 2024
Happy December! Can you believe it? 12 Days Before Final Exams!!!!
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable break. As we return to school, let's remember that we are in the final stretch of the semester. There’s still time to finish strong, and I have no doubt that each of you has the potential to achieve great things in these next few weeks.
This is the time to stay focused, put in the hard work, and support one another as we push toward our goals. Let’s take the momentum from our break and channel it into our efforts, so we can end this semester with pride and success. You've got this, and together, we'll make it happen!
Rincon PTA Needs You!
The Rincon PTA is planning a luncheon for Rincon faculty and staff on December 18th as a heartfelt thank you for all of their hard work during first semester. If you would like to volunteer to help serve, your time would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to volunteer your time, please email Anglina Merritt at Angelina.merritt@tusd1.org for details.
If you are not free to volunteer, but would like to support the cause, dessert and/or drink donations are welcome. If you could buy a desert or drinks such as soda, tea, waters, etc. and donate them, your child can drop them off at the front office. Be sure to attach your name to the donation, so the PTA can properly thank you for your contribution!
The Rincon PTA is always looking for new members. If you’d like to attend the next meeting, you can do so in person or on zoom. They’d love to see you there!
December 2nd, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 513 783 3721
Passcode: rangers
Rincon Site Council Meeting
December 2nd, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. on Zoom
If you have questions or concerns about our site or would like to get involved in decision making on the Rincon campus, join our site council!
If you would like to attend, please use the ZOOM link below:
Media Opt-Out List for Yearbook
Please keep your eye out for a Yearbook specific opt-out form. We want to make sure that every student who wants to be included in the yearbook, is included. The yearbook opt-out forms can be returned to the attendance office by the deadline of December 19th, to make sure that your child is not included in the yearbook if you do not want him/her in it.
College and Career Updates
Click HERE to View College & Career Readiness Program news and events
Attention Seniors!
THE 25/26 FAFSA IS NOW OPEN! No need to wait till December! Submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid ASAP to secure all the funding you qualify for to pay for your next steps after high school.
THE Arizona FAFSA Challenge is ON at Rincon !
Seniors, show us you Created your FSA ID account before Dec. 18 and get into a drawing for one of Two $50 cash prizes!
Then, Show us you've Submitted your FAFSA before Jan. 31st to be entered into a drawing for one of Four $50 cash prizes!
It all starts at the FAFSA website: www.studentaid.gov!
Please Help FUND Rincon's College and Career Readiness Program with a Tax Credit Donation!
Thank You!
~ Mrs. J. Vasquez, College & Career Readiness Program Coordinator - Rincon High School