Hennepin County 4-H Newsletter
January 15th Edition

Happy New Year!
Prepare for a new year of fun and discovery with 4-H!
Read on for more ways to get involved
Enrollment Underway!
It’s the start of a new 4-H program year! Become a 4-H member or re-enroll if you are a current member to open a host of resources and opportunities.
Coming Soon: Voting on Hennepin County 4-H topics
In the coming weeks there will be a voting opportunity for enrolled members and screened volunteers. This will take place in an "EVENT" via 4-H online. We will be voting on such topics as: County Fair Judging, our Banking Institution, and Federation meeting dates. Your feedback is important, so stay turned for the event info!
Coming Soon: Generic Premium Book
Every year at the end of Showcase season, the Minnesota State Fair welcomes 4-H members to exhibit and present their winning projects across a variety of areas and interests. The Generic Premium Book is a guiding resource we use to determine the types of exhibits and presentations allowed at the fair and their requirements. This book also gives you an opportunity to plan projects for the new showcase season. Please review the potential project areas with your 4-H members and see what sparks interest in your youth! If you are in need of support in a project area, please reach out so we can connect you!
We expect the book to be released in February, so stay tuned!
Save the Dates
- Saturday March 22nd 8am- 1pm: Metro Art Force at UROC (Art Project Day in Collaboration with Ramsey County)
- June 10th - June 15th: Hennepin County Fair (including set up and tear down)
- June 23rd - June 27th: Overnight Camp at Camp Courage, Maple Lake MN
- July 7th - July 11th: Campus Immersion Days
- July 21st - July 25th: Urban Explorers Day Camp
- August 2nd: County Horse Show
- August 21st - Sept 1st: Minnesota State Fair
Awards and Applications Underway
Now Hiring Summer Intern for 2025 - Applications close January 15th
Do you know an undergrad college student looking for work experience in the youth development field? We have 4-H summer intern positions available throughout the state of Minnesota for summer, 2025. These positions are designed to provide meaningful professional youth development work experience for the student intern working alongside an Extension educator.
Positions will begin in mid-May to early June and range from 8-13 weeks.
Visit the Extension careers page to learn more about the summer intern positions and apply: z.umn.edu/4hsummerintern
Application window closes January 15th
Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition Program - Nominations due January 21st
Northern Lights is a statewide volunteer recognition opportunity designed to celebrate volunteer impact in key priority areas. All eligible Northern Lights nominees will also be considered for the National 4-H Salute to Excellence award.
In 2025, we encourage nominations of volunteers who:
- Welcome our youngest 4-H members and families through designing and delivering Cloverbud and/or public programming.
- Create learning environments for older youth (aged 12-18) that improve their self-concept, personal agency, resilience and community connectivity.
- Champion diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility, creating spaces of belonging and empowerment for Minnesota youth of all identities.
Nominate a volunteer or group of volunteers who bring light to their local program and community!
Click to read more about the Northern Lights Program and access the nomination form: z.umn.edu/NLVRP2025 (estimated 15 minutes to complete)
Nominations are due January 21st, 2025.
AMC 4-H Community Leadership Awards - Applications close January 24th
Have a special community project your club or group completed in 2024? If YES, consider applying for the Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) 4-H Community Leadership Awards!
Every year, the Extension Committee of the Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) selects two 4-H club projects to receive $500 in recognition for their contributions and service to their communities.
The project must:
- Engage multiple members of the 4-H club or group and not just a few individuals or families
- Must respond to a real community need
- Must have made an impact during the 2024 calendar year
- Must involve youth in significant leadership roles, including project selection
There are several elements that must accompany the application, so do not hesitate!
Visit the website and reach out with any questions: z.umn.edu/AMCAwards2024
Applications close Friday January 24th 2025
HCYLF Small Grants Applications Open Now
The Hennepin County Youth Leadership Foundation (HCYLF) is now accepting Small Grant Applications for 2025! We would like to know how we can help you and your club! Do you have a project idea that you would like to implement but need funds to support it? Do you have a community service project that needs financial support to get off the ground? Are you planning to attend Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) this year and need funding support?
The Foundation would like to partner with you and your club to support education and leadership opportunities to enrich your 4-H experience.
Small Grant Applications for 2025 are due no later than 3 weeks before the event, so plan ahead! Access the Application at: z.umn.edu/HCYLFSmallGrant2025
Change Lives, Teach Ag Conference - Apply by February 5th
Attention 4-H’ers in grades 9-12 with an interest in a potential career in education! Join us at the Change Lives, Teach Ag Conference on Friday, March 14. This event aims to introduce young individuals to careers in agricultural education. Participants will engage in interactive learning experiences and have the opportunity to connect with faculty and students from three higher education institutions. There is no cost to participate in the conference, excluding transportation to the event. Don't miss this chance to explore exciting possibilities in agricultural education!
Application deadline: February 5th
Learn more and apply on the website: extension.umn.edu/event/change-lives-teach-ag-conference
Helping Hands Award - Applications close February 14th
Do you have an idea you’re passionate about and can’t find funding? The Helping Hands Award is for 4-H youth who want to turn their ideas into projects!
This award funds project ideas that are led by 4-H youth in partnership with supportive adults, local businesses, and non-profit organizations. Projects can focus on STEM, Agriscience, Healthy Living, Outdoor Adventures, Equity, and Leadership. Awards have ranged from $300 to $2000. Start thinking about your ideas and consider applying!
Here’s a project by the We Dig Bugs Entomology Club in Carver County that was selected in 2023: z.umn.edu/HHWeDigBugs2023
Applications open now, closing on February 14th 2025. View details and requirements at the website: z.umn.edu/HHAwardApply
Attention Seniors: HCYL Foundation Scholarship - Applications close April 1st
- Currently participating in your youth organization for 5+ years within Hennepin County
- Current High School graduating senior (2025) or one year beyond (2024 graduate)
- Active in leadership roles or performing in front of a group
- Helping 5-12 year old members in your club/organization
- Must not have previously received the HCYL Foundation Scholarship
- Must plan to enroll or currently enrolled in post-secondary education
Access the Application here: z.umn.edu/HCYLFScholarship2025
Application instructions are included on form.
Applications close Tuesday April 1st, 2025.
Attention Teens: 4-H Camp Counselor Applications open now!
Make friends, grow in leadership, and have fun at summer camp as a 4-H camp counselor!
4-H camp is one of the most exciting events of the summer, and a highlight of the year for many 4-H’ers! We are currently seeking youth who are in grades 9 & up to be 4-H Camp Counselors at our camp this June in Maple Lake, MN!
Being a camp counselor is a great opportunity to mentor other youth, improve your leadership skills, pump up your resume, make new friends from your county and beyond, become a ninja warrior at mosquito killing, make memories, AND HAVE FUN!!
How to Apply
Fill out the application.
Plan to gather together for 45 minutes with other applicants for a group interview on Tuesday evening, March 25 at the Ramsey County Extension Office in Maplewood or Friday evening, March 28 at the Hennepin County Extension Office in Eden Prairie.
Save the dates for counselor training (found in application). Our first training will be on May 3 from noon- 5pm at Hennepin County Extension Office in Eden Prairie.
4-H Camp 2025 will be on June 23-27 at Camp Courage near Maple Lake, MN
For more information and to start an application, visit the Google Form at: https://z.umn.edu/4HCounselorApp2025
Applications are due by Saturday, March 15th 2025
College-Bound 4-H Members and Alumni
Extension development and Minnesota 4-H offer several scholarships for 4-H youth who are pursuing post-secondary studies at accredited colleges and universities! View information and apply for scholarships, grants, and awards available to college-bound 4-H members and alumni at:
Project- Focused Opportunities
Join Junior Stitch Masters to Boost Your Sewing Skills
Join the Junior Stitch Masters 4-H club offered with Ramsey and Hennepin Counties! Boost your sewing skills and learn to master techniques, with each month focused on different sewing topics of your interest. This club is available for teens 7th grade and above who have basic sewing skills. The club will include fun field trips and attending a fashion show.
To learn more or join please reach out to Colleen K at Colleen@stitchmasters.org
Green Superheroes of Science - Program Locations Needed
4-H Youth Development in Hennepin County, through a Hennepin County Green Partners Grant, is seeking program locations to share the Green Superheroes of Science (GSOS) program! Lesson supplies and resources, including curriculums and delivery models, are provided via a GSOS kit and training materials. GSOS can be facilitated by partners/educators or by trained teen teachers (7th grade-12th grade).
To become a partner site to receive GSOS training, resources, and kit materials, please contact Amie Mondl, Extension educator, at rober199@umn.edu, or Anne Stevenson, Extension educator, at steve020@umn.edu.
4-H Project Bowls in 2025 - Registration Dates and Virtual Opportunities
Project Bowl is a long-standing program in Minnesota 4-H and is the second most attended event of the year. In Project Bowl, teams of 3-6 youth members build skills working and thinking together while testing their knowledge in these 4-H areas: dairy, dog, general livestock, horse, llama-alpaca, plant science, poultry and rabbit.
Back again this year in the dairy and general livestock species is a third age division – read more about it in the project bowl rules and references at the Project Bowl Website: extension.umn.edu/4-h-showcase-events/regional-and-state-project-bowls
New for 2025: Virtual Bowling 101 for K-4th grades
Bowling 101 is a non-competitive opportunity for younger, inexperienced members to try Project Bowl. This event will be held virtually with 4-H'ers joining a Zoom meeting and using the Kahoot! app to participate. There will be two sessions offered:
Grades K-2: Monday, Jan. 13 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Grades 3+: Thursday, Jan. 16 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Recommended for grades 3-5, but open to all youth interested in learning about Project Bowl who have not participated before.
Learn more about this virtual opportunity at z.umn.edu/2025VirtualBowlDetails
Coaches: Regional Project Bowl Registration forms due January 27th
Completed official registration form must be submitted to the local Extension office no later than January 27th. Access the registration form here: z.umn.edu/2025RPBRegForm
General Livestock SkillaThon at the Regional Project Bowl: Register by January 27th
The Minnesota 4-H General Livestock SkillaThon is an interactive 4-H animal science learning experience, held at 4-H Project Bowl competitions. Youth compete in hands-on, real-world scenarios. This interactive approach builds confidence and skills in our youth participants, preparing them for future project experiences and roles in agriculture and animal science. Regional contests will be held March 1 in Sauk Rapids and March 15 in Redwood Falls.
For more details and to apply visit the website at: z.umn.edu/2025SkillathonDetails
Crop Scouting Challenge Dates and Prep
Take on the challenge and form a 4-H/FFA crop scouting team! Teams can be made up of youth in grades 6+ from one or multiple counties. Contact your extension educator and support staff if you want help finding a team. If you don't have a team but still want to participate, we have coaches ready to coach youth across Minnesota who don't have anyone else participating in their county (this includes both the plant science project bowl and crop scouting).
If you're not sure what crop scouting is, or if you want to gather a team, we encourage you to participate in virtual 4-H plant science trivia nights, and the 4-H plant science project bowl on April 12th.
Register by January 15th to receive a supply kit in the mail.
Learn more about 4-H trivia nights for plant science virtual teams at extension.umn.edu/event/virtual-4-h-plant-science-trivia-nights
4-H/FFA crop scouting registration opens on May 1 and the state event will take place on Monday, July 28 at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus.
Learn more and sign up for crop scouting at extension.umn.edu/4-h-showcase-events/4-hffa-crop-scouting
4-H Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) Dates and Prep
4-H WHEP is a hands-on environmental education program dedicated to teaching wildlife and fisheries habitat management to youth. It provides participants in grades 3 through one-year post-high school (grade 13) an opportunity to test their wildlife knowledge in a friendly competition in teams of 3-4 similarly aged individuals led by a local 4-H volunteer coach.
The state competition will be on April 27th. The winning senior WHEP team (14-19 years old) will then attend the annual National WHEP Contest in late summer.
For complete information including registration and competition details, visit the website at: z.umn.edu/WHEP2025Info
Camp and Travel Opportunities
Travel to DC with Minnesota 4-H in 2025 - Apply by January 15th
Youth in grades 9+ can now apply for a DC-area youth leadership experience! Minnesota 4-H will attend Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) from June 21 - 27. For six days, teens from around the nation will gather to have meaningful discussions and learn the skills they need to lead their local communities and become change agents to build a brighter future.
Applications close for youth participants and adult chaperones January 15th.
Learn more and apply at the website: extension.umn.edu/4-h-leadership-events/citizenship-washington-focus
2025 Summer Overnight Camp - More info Coming Soon
Set yourself a reminder to Save the Date for our 2025 Overnight 4-H Camp! 4-H Camp 2025 will be on June 23-27th at Camp Courage near Maple Lake, MN. The experience is sure to include exciting activities, experiments, and exploration, so stay tuned for more information - we will provide more details and registration in February! Plus, counselor applications are open now!
Virtual Opportunities
Let's Talk Disability Virtual Series - Registration open NOW
Let’s Talk About Disability is a five-session series designed to provide a safe place for youth in grades 6-12 to have important conversations about disability. This series demonstrates to youth with disabilities that they are valued and welcomed by 4-H and gives all youth the tools to be supportive and effective allies. It also serves to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and ideas related to disability inclusion and access in the 4-H program.
Online sessions will be held via Zoom from 6:30-8:00 PM on:
- Thursday, February 27th
- Thursday, March 6th
- Thursday, March 13th
- Thursday, March 20th
- Thursday, March 27th
Register in 4HOnline by Wednesday February 26th. Please visit z.umn.edu/Letstalkaboutdisability for more information.
Winter Science Sprouts Curriculum
This winter, 4-H is happy to bring back a fun virtual exploration series called "Science Sprouts: Growing Plants in Unique Ways". Over the course of three 30-minute virtual sessions, youth grades 3-5 will explore surprising, creative ways to grow plants - no backyard required. With easy-to-find supplies (most from your kitchen or craft drawer), these experiments will inspire your child to think outside the flowerpot. Virtual sessions will take place from 5:30 - 6:00 pm on the following dates:
- Monday, January 27th
- Monday, February 24th
- Monday, March 24th
This is a free program, with optional material costs. Registration is ongoing via 4HOnline.
Register by January 15th to receive a kit to help your young scientist grow alongside the series!
For more information, visit the website: z.umn.edu/WinterSSprouts2024
Virtual 4-H Plant Science Trivia Nights
Do you love plants and want to have some fun? Get ready to test your plant knowledge and learn fascinating new facts in our virtual 4-H plant science trivia nights – an exciting series filled with monthly interactive games and plant-themed challenges on different platforms.
Trivia nights will be held from 7:30 to 8 p.m. every second Thursday from Jan. 9 through April 10. There is no cost to attend these sessions.
Registration will be ongoing, but spots are limited. To receive the zoom link to participate in a trivia night, registration must be successfully completed by noon the day of the trivia session. For more information and to register, visit the website: extension.umn.edu/event/virtual-4-h-plant-science-trivia-nights
Intro to Filmmaking Virtual Series - Register by January 22nd
This fun online intro to filmmaking will teach you how to get the best angles for your film, focus on storyboarding, mobile filmmaking with a cell phone, and basics of editing. It will also introduce you to other youth filmmakers across the state. This workshop is designed for filmmaking beginners in grades 3 and up. If you want to learn how to make and edit videos, this program is for you!
Sessions will be held online from 5 to 6 p.m. on:
- Monday, January 27th
- Monday, February 3rd
- Monday, February 10th
This is a free program available to youth grades 3 and up. Register using 4HOnline.
Registration closes Wednesday, January 22nd 2024.
For more details and links, please visit the website: z.umn.edu/Intro2Film2025
Statewide Livestock PDC Kickoff Webinar Coming January 23rd
Are you part of a livestock or animal science Project Development Committee (PDC) in your county? Do you want to learn and gather ideas from others from across the state? Join us for a livestock PDC kickoff webinar to get your county animal science committees off to a great start!
Members of the state 4-H animal science team will cover the basics of a PDC, its purpose, policies and rules, finances and ideas for educational experiences. We will discuss all 4-H livestock project areas.
Statewide Livestock PDC Kickoff Webinar
Date: Thursday January 23rd, 2025
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Via Zoom; Advanced registration required.
For more information and to register for a Zoom invitation, visit the website: z.umn.edu/LPDCKickoffWeb2025
4-H Poultry Pathway Virtual Series - Register by January 27th
The 4-H Poultry Pathway is a 4-part virtual educational program designed to help poultry enthusiasts in grades 5+ improve their skills and prepare for poultry shows. This series offers valuable insights for poultry care and exhibition at every stage of the competition process.
Sessions will take place on the first Monday of each month (Feb. 3 - May 5) from 7 to 8 p.m.
This program is free. Register in 4-H Online by January 27th.
Learn more and register at z.umn.edu/4-HPoultryPathway
4-H Animal Discovery: Llama-Alpaca and General Livestock - Register by January 31st
Youth in grades 3+ are invited to join 4-H Animal Discovery, an exploratory learning series highlighting the llama-alpaca and general livestock (beef, sheep and swine) animal species. In this 5-session virtual series, youth can expect fun, interactive lessons, at-home challenges and group reflection supported by 4-H members, volunteers and staff.
This virtual series will kick off on Feb. 10 and will continue every other week on Mondays from 7 to 8 p.m. through March 31. Registration closes January 31st.
Learn more and register at the website: extension.umn.edu/event/4-h-animal-discovery-llama-alpaca-and-general-livestock
Horseless Horse Round Up Virtual Series - Register by February 1st
Interested in learning more about horses? Back by popular demand, we’re excited to offer this online series for horse enthusiasts in grades 3+ to learn more about horses. Join us each week in a virtual setting to learn about new topics like horse basics, horse care, nutrition, health, and more! Hands-on activities will be provided for youth to further explore each topic at home. The program offers a Level 1 series for any participants, with a Level 2 series available for participants continuing their learning from last year!
Sessions will run Feb. 11 - March 18.
Registration open January 6th - February 1st.
Learn more and register at z.umn.edu/HLHRoundUp
Cake Decorating Workshop Series coming in February
Do you like the art of cake decorating? Extension educators from surrounding counties will be hosting a cake decorating series set to start in February. This series will include interactive Zoom workshops held on weekday evenings, as well as an in-person event on a Saturday. The four interactive Zoom workshops will teach different cake-decorating skills, and the in-person event will involve a cake challenge in each individual county.
If you're interested in joining us for this cake-decorating venture, please get in touch with Ann Olson from Benton County at olso7616@umn.edu.
Self- Guided Opportunities
MSHS Garden-in-a-Box Applications close Jan 27th
A signature Horticultural Society community outreach program, Garden-in-a-Box (GIAB) distributes more than 800 gardening kits annually. Participating organizations across Minnesota receive free plants, seeds, soil, raised beds and education. With support from generous donors and sponsors, GIAB gives thousands of all ages the opportunity to learn how to garden and grow fresh food.
If your group has an outdoor spot that meets the following criteria, consider applying for a GIAB kit!
Requirements: northerngardener.org/what-we-do/giab-participant-criteria/
- Must receive minimum 5-7 hours sunlight
- Must have easy access to water. Overhead or sprinkler watering is not recommended.
- Have landlord approval to place 3' x 3' garden container(s) on the property
- Box is not suitable for balconies or wooden decks.
Apply at northerngardener.typeform.com/to/W4YVD9PN
For additional questions about this process, contact Program Coordinator Anna Marhefke at giab@northerngardener.org or (651)643-3601
Winter Sowing for Native Seeds - Event coming February 11th
At this event, participants will winter sow native plants for their own growing spaces. We will be creating mini-greenhouses for the seeds to overwinter outside and germinate in the spring when the temperatures warm up enough. Please bring three to five gallon-size plastic jugs or other recyclable containers at least 4″ deep and we will transform them into mini-greenhouses. All other supplies will be provided.
The event will be set up with stations to move through as you build your mini-greenhouse. We will have staggered start times of 5:00, 5:30, and 6:00 PM to spread out attendees across the stations. Please sign up for your start time of choice during registration.
Winter Sowing for Native Seeds
Date: Tuesday, February 11th 2025
Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Where: Northeast Minneapolis Tool Library
1620 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis MN 55413
Cost: Free, but some materials are required.
Advanced registration is appreciated.
Learn more about the event and its supporting network at the Sustainable Farming Association website: z.umn.edu/WinterSowingFeb2025
Backyard Chickens for Beginners - Register by March 3rd
Ready to start your own chicken flock? Join University of Minnesota Extension Educators for this informative class that will offer practical guidance on preparing the coop and run, selecting and sourcing breeds, caring for baby chicks, ongoing care and more. This class is in-person and requires advanced registration.
Backyard Chickens for Beginners
Date: Thursday, March 6th 2025
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Minnetonka Community Education Center
4854 Vine Hill Road, Excelsior MN 55331
Cost: 25$/ household
Learn more and register by March 3rd on the Minnetonka Community Ed website: z.umn.edu/backyardchickens
Outdoor Adventures and More!
4-H Choose your Outdoor Adventure
Learn more about 4-H outdoor education on your own time using self-guided lesson plans. Each area (Into the Outdoors, Birding, ATV Safety, and Exploring the Forest) contains self-guided exploration lessons you can do outside. Open to all, but geared towards youth grades 5-9.
Access anytime on the website: extension.umn.edu/4-h-outdoor-education/4-h-choose-your-outdoor-adventure
Steppin' Outdoors Activity Guides
Steppin’ Outdoors is a year-long series of activity guides designed to lead youth and their families in outdoor exploration. Each season of the year has three corresponding activities that encourage skill development, creativity, citizen science and more! Geared towards youth grades K -6.
Access anytime on the website: extension.umn.edu/yd-curriculum/steppin-outdoors-activity-guides
Sign up for the Get Outdoors 4-H Challenge! Starting in February, each month you will receive a challenge with activities and information to get outdoors. There will be prizes along the journey for those who complete challenges and benchmarks. Youth in grades K-13 and adults are welcome to participate.
For more information and a link to register, visit the website: extension.umn.edu/4-h-outdoor-education/get-outdoors-4-h-challenge
4-H Plastic Sculpture Challenge
In the Plastic Sculpture Challenge, you will build awareness and knowledge on both the positive and negative impacts of single-use plastics and find ways to recycle or repurpose plastic. Use plastics you find to create an art sculpture on a theme or message you’d like to use. Show your art piece at your county fair, a community showcase, and the Minnesota State Fair!
Access the activities and join the challenge at any time, at the website: z.umn.edu/PlasticSculpt2024
4-H State Ambassadors' Service Project: Mental Health and Food Insecurity
For the months of January and February, the Minnesota 4-H State Ambassadors are engaging in the statewide service theme of mental health through food insecurity. They encourage youth to put their hands to larger service by organizing a food collection drive with local food banks or shelters. Use their step-by-step plan to make a tangible impact in your community and raise awareness about food insecurity's impact on mental health. Learn more at the website: z.umn.edu/4HTackleFoodInsecurity
Youth Development Curriculum Library: Find Fresh Ideas!
Explore our growing youth development curriculum library for new and fresh ideas being added every month! Some examples of what you'll find in the library:
- Themed 4-H club agendas, which can be used or adapted in any youth program setting. Each includes arrival and welcome activities, and educational lesson, and recreation and refreshment ideas tied to a theme.
- 30-minute Seasonal Science is a series of nine activities that help youth in grades K-5 explore innovation through scientific experimentation and do-it-yourself crafting categorized by season.
- Independent Learning Guides that support Youth 4-H Project Areas
- Individual lessons and curricula on a variety of topics, such as gardening and agriculture, social and emotional skills, healthy living, college readiness, and STEM.
4-H at Home with CLOVER
Ignite your child's spark with CLOVER, 4-H's online learning platform that helps kids become more confident, resilient, and independent. With 300+ interactive online activities available, CLOVER offers a wide range of activities and courses across Agriculture, STEM, Healthy Living, and Civic Engagement. Learn more and join for free on the website: 4-h.org/clover/about/
Other 4-H Happenings
Check out the Clover Newsletter and Central Region Catalog for additional 4-H opportunities.
Ashley Purry, Extension Educator, (612) 596-2134, purry002@umn.edu
Askia Luminae, Executive Office and Administrative Specialist, (612) 596-2123, aluminae@umn.eduBridget Doyle, Principal Office and Administrative Specialist, (612)596-2128, Doyle389@umn.edu
Website: https://local.extension.umn.edu/local/hennepin/4-h
Events: https://extension.umn.edu/local/hennepin/events
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hennepin4H