Caregiver Update
Watch us SOAR!
Dear Caregivers,
We started our week with our family meetings where everyone talked about kind words and kind acts. Students had a chance to write or draw messages of kindness on pumpkins, and we built a positive pumpkin patch in the lobby! It was so great to see how everyone dressed up in different ways for our KCR Spirit Week.
We just finished the week with a whole school assembly. We all sang the song, "A Place to Belong" by Dennis Mathew. I will include the video down below in case kids want to share the song with you at home. This is our Clough school song this year! After the song, I did a read aloud of the book All Are Welcome and we talked about the core value of acceptance. Several students read this important message out loud: "What makes you different is what makes you beautiful." We also talked about our super power of being a Global Citizen and how many of the skills related to acceptance are also the skills that are needed to be a Global Citizen. I will share the Global Citizen statements below for you to talk about as a family.
The students were excited to see our Choose To Be Nice banner that has now been signed by almost every student. As soon as the last few friends sign it, we will hang it in our main lobby as a reminder of the promise that we all took: I promise to choose to be nice and spread kindness wherever and whenever possible.
Thank you to all of the parents/guardians who signed up to help us next week during Cardboard Creation Day. The students are getting excited about designing all different things with cardboard.
I want to remind parents/guardians if you are changing dismissal plans for your child, please contact us prior to 2:30. Ideally, you are able to let us know well before that time. We also understand that sometimes emergencies come up, but if you are emailing the teachers after 2:30, they don't always get those emails in time for dismissal. Thank you for your help with this.
Liz Garden
Clough Principal
P.S. If you are looking for a fun pumpkin activity to do with your family this weekend, check out the message below about Literacy O'Lanterns!
Literacy O'Lanterns!
This is a fun activity that you can do at home. It's completely optional. I plan on painting a few at my house and bringing them in. All you need to do is get a small or medium sized pumpkin. Talk with your child about a book or book character they love. Use the book to help them draw the character on the pumpkin. Get some sharpie markers and paint and have fun creating! Your child can bring their literacy o'lantern in next week, and we will display them in the library! Check out the pictures below for some inspiration.
Core Value Focus This Month - Acceptance
During KCR time, students have been focused on learning about what ACCEPTANCE means. They have talked about how acceptance means appreciating and recognizing people for who they are. Some of the books that students have been reading about this topic are Spookly, The Square Pumpkin and Oddbird. We will also talk more about this important core value this Friday during our whole school assembly. Check out some of these activities that families could do at home.
Local Swimming Event
Have questions about the real estate market? Want to take your little ones for a swim? Come enjoy a fun-filled afternoon in the pool, hosted by your local realtors and lender! Whether you're buying your first home, considering selling, or looking to refinance, our experts will be on hand to answer all your questions! You’ll also have a chance to learn more about what Goldfish Swim School can offer your family!
This event is FREE, but there are limited spots -- pre-registration is required. Please scan the QR code or visit the link to register: https://forms.gle/tyULuvC2WYTQKLNQA
Please join us for a Spooky Family Day and Spooky Run 5K this coming Sunday morning. This year we are expanding the traditional Spooky Run & Junior Goblin Run to include a family day with face painting, pumpkin painting, music and more!
Happy Halloween!
MUEF (Mendon-Upton Education Foundation)
Click the Turkey Trot image to be taken to the website
Update from the Nurse
We are seeing a lot of respiratory illnesses recently and wanted to remind everyone of the DPH and CDC’s recommendation for preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses.
If your student has any coughing, sneezing, fever or runny/stuffy nose please keep them at home until symptoms are improving. Some students are being diagnosed with pneumonia by XRay even though their lungs sound clear.
Remember good handwashing, cleaning high touch areas frequently, covering your cough and sneeze with your inner elbow and staying away from others until you are feeling better will help prevent the spread.
Please check this website for more important information: Respiratory Illness Precautions
Please let me know if your child tests positive for any respiratory illness.
Stay healthy
Tara Bellefontaine MHS, BSN, RN
Important Dates to Remember
Oct. 25 - School-wide monthly assembly @ 2:30
Oct. 26 - Mendon's Trunk or Treat 12:00-1:30 Veteran's Park, Spooky Walk Fundraiser
Oct. 27 - MUEF Spooky Run, 10-12:00 @ Nipmuc, Junior Goblin Run @ 9:30am
Oct. 31 - Cardboard Creation Day!
Nov. 5 - No school, Full PD Day for teachers
Nov. 11 - Veteran's Day, No School
Dec. 5 - Picture Retake Day
Connect with Us!
Email: lgarden@mursd.org
Website: https://www.mursd.org/o/henry-p-clough-elementary
Location: 10 North Avenue, Mendon, MA, USA
Phone: 508-634-1580
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HPClough-Elementary-School-102887309160164
Twitter: @HPClough