Falcon Flyer
Week of 11/18-11/22/24
Principal's Messaage
Dear Falcon Families,
It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Beats & Treats Concert and the PTA-Sponsored Family Movie Night this week!
As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to share how grateful I am to be the principal of Otay Elementary. It gives me immense joy to see our community come together and support one another for the success of our falcons. Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving break!
Your partner in education,
Together we soar!
***REMINDER: 4th-6th grade families, please complete and return the printed consent form for the CHKS survey and/or Hanover surveys or the digital form (English or Spanish). You only need to complete one of the forms. The surveys are anonymous and provide valuable insights to help us improve our school climate. Here’s a brief overview of the surveys:
CHKS: Gathers information on student developmental supports, school connectedness, barriers to learning, and behaviors like physical activity, nutrition, and substance use. It also assesses school safety.
Hanover Climate Survey: Collects data on the academic environment, inclusiveness, school conditions, social interactions, and student experiences, including safety and bullying.
Attendance Matters
Congratulations to Ms. Matlock's 5th grade class for having the highest average for their grade level!
Schoolwide our average improved the last three weeks, from 91% to 92.37% to 92.41! Regular attendance is the foundation for academic success. Together we soar!
The Learning Pit
Continue to ask your child daily: Did you get into the Learning Pit? At Otay, we encourage students to use a growth mindset to face challenges, have a go at something new, try with a willingness to be confused or make mistakes along the way, and to persist in problem solving.
This Week's Events
Monday, November 18
Tuesday, November 19
Wednesday, November 20
Thursday, November 21
Friday, November 22
Falcon Store is open during recess
Show school spirit- wear Falcon gear or colors
SOAR Assemblies
8:00-8:30 am 1st-6th
8:30-8:45 am TK/Kindergarten
Minimum Day Dismissal
TK 1:00 pm
K-6th 1:15 pm
Upcoming Events
Thanksgiving Week Break-NO SCHOOL
Important Information & Resources
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lugo via email Yessenia.lugo@cvesd.org or call her (619) 425-4311 ext 300
Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Torres, Otay School Counselor
Friendly Reminders
Together we soar! #Partnership
- For safety reasons, students must wear flat, close-toed shoes
- Every minute of instruction counts. If your child forgets snack, lunch, or water, do not worry. Second Chance and lunch will be provided. They also have access to water fountains. We kindly ask that you refrain from dropping off any items. Let’s work together to help our falcons build responsibility.
- Please note that if your child is not picked up on time at dismissal, you'll need to sign them out from the office.