Jefferson Jewels

Week of February 3, 2025
Hello Jefferson Leadership Academy (JLA) families and caregivers,
This week is the beginning of February, which is Black History Month. On Thursday, the JLA student council will host the Black History Month Assembly for all students and teachers. Students will attend the assemblies using the following schedule: Period 1- 8th grade, Period 2- 7th grade, and Period 3- 6th grade.
The High School Choice Application window will open for our 8th-grade families on Friday, February 7th. Please ensure you are able to log into ParentVue to complete the application. All 8th-grade students must complete an application.
This semester, we have two student teachers joining JLA. Ms. Roman will teach Mrs. Van Dyck, and Ms. Mixer will teach with Mr. Ferren. If you see them on campus, please welcome them to JLA.
We are also celebrating Counselor Appreciation Week for our Counselor, Ms. Mally. Please encourage your child to show their appreciation for her support this week with a note or kind words.
Here are a few events as you prepare for this week at JLA:
- Girls' soccer meeting: Monday @ lunch (all grades)
- Girls' Basketball Game vs. Franklin @ JLA: Monday 3:45-4:45
- Shelter in Place Drill: Wednesday 6th period
- Girls' Basketball Game vs. Stephens @JLA: Wednesday 4:30-5:30
- Black History Month Assemblies: Thursday Period 1- 8th grade, Period 2- 7th grade, Period 3-6th grade.
- College Shirt Day: Friday
- High School -School of Choice Application Opens: Friday
Thank you for getting your child to school on time and supporting their success at JLA.
In partnership,
Dr. Renée Shipman
Principal, Jefferson Leadership Academy
Week At-Glance
February Cafe Menu
JLA Bell Schedule
After School Student Support
After School Clubs
Hello, Class of 2029!
8th-grade families,
It's almost time to submit your student's High School Choice Application. The application will go live on February 7th. Please ensure you're able to access the ParentVue portal for the application. If you need support with the application, please contact Ms. Mally at MBadawi@lbschools.net or visit the School Of Choice website for more information.
Standing In Solidarity: Empowering Our Immigrant Students and Families
Standing In Solidarity webpage provides essential resources, guidance and tools to help navigate the educational journey and ensure every student feels supported, included and prepared to thrive.
Please visit www.lbschools.net/solidarity regularly for timely updates, important announcements and new resources as they become available. At Long Beach Unified, we stand in solidarity with our immigrant students and families. We are one community united in our commitment to providing an inclusive and equitable education for every student.
Looking for more ways to connect?
For school information
Visit and favorite/bookmark the Jefferson Leadership Academy Website https://jefferson.lbschools.net/
Visit our Instagram page
@lbjefferson_jags or https://www.instagram.com/lbjefferson_jags and request to follow us.
Dr. Renée Shipman
Jefferson Leadership Academy
750 Euclid Avenue, Long Beach, Ca.90804
Email: RShipman@lbschools.net
Pronouns: she/her/hers