The Paw Print
Linwood Elementary School
Principal's Message
We are already halfway through the first quarter and everyone has been working hard. Attendance is crucial to academic success.
Absences are considered Excused for
- Personal illness - A doctor’s note will be required for any absence after three
consecutive days or five total days in a semester. After 10 excused days of absence, a
doctor’s note is required and future absences will be counted as unexcused days
unless a doctor’s note or legal document is submitted for approval to the Principal.
2. Illness or death in the family
3. Necessary appointments that cannot be made outside the school day and are verified.
4. Emergencies requiring a student’s service or presence at home a
5. Obligatory religious observances of the student’s own faith.
6. Family vacations and personal matters should be arranged in advance with the school
administrator (with class assignments arranged in advance and due upon return or as
agreed to by the building administrator and teacher)
7. Participation in a school approved student activity,
8. Military families – Students of active duty personnel shall have additional excused
absences at the discretion of the District for visitations relative to leave or deployment.
Late Arrival/Early Dismissal:
Any student arriving after 8:00 or leaving before 3:00 must check in or out of the office.
1. According to countywide policy, students who receive 5 unexcused late
arrivals/early dismissals will be counted as 1 unexcused day.
2. Students arriving late, but before 10:15 a.m. will be counted as a late arrival.
3. Students leaving early in the afternoon but after 2:15 pm will be counted as an early
4. Students missing 11⁄2 hours to 31⁄2 hours will be counted absent 1⁄2 day.
5. Students missing over 31⁄2 hours will be counted absent one day.
Kathy McBride
Principal's Message
Linwood Elementary School PTC
Bulldog Pride!
Students work hard to earn Paw Print Tickets by displaying positive behavior, for being responsible, and respectful. At the end of the month the class with the most Bulldog tickets earns a class prize and an individual winner is drawn.
Congratulations to Neeley Lamb for earning the individual prize for August!
Congrats to Mrs. Riffel's 4th grade class for earning the class prize for August
Counselor's Corner
Fun in the Classroom!
Get Busy!
Reminder: Please call the Office by 2:00pm to let Ms. Allison know of any Dismissal Changes.
Kathy McBride, Principal
Email: kmcbride@usd458.org
Website: https://les.usd458.org/
Location: 14840 178th Street, Bonner Springs, KS, USA
Phone: 913-724-2323
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LinwoodElementarySchool